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Does your neighborhood have any of the following?

Neighbors who leave their dog out ALL night to bark incessantly.

Stray cats who eat out of your trash and scatter trash all over your yard.

Theives who break into your (locked) car and steal your spare change.

If you answer no to all of these, where do you live? (So I can move there)

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes to the barking dogs.

    Yes to the marauding cats.

    We have a punk in the neighborhood as well.

    Sorry, you don't wanna move HERE! We are thinking of moving anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The house next door is a dog farm. They have who-knows-how-many dogs all cooped up in their yard. As a matter of fact, there are so many dogs there that they had to move out of the house and now they live in a camper in the woman's parent's back yard. When I go out into my yard I have to hold my breath, because it reeks of dog mess out there. They only show up at their house when they need to feed the dogs, which always makes me wonder how they can afford that much dog food. And the house on the other side of them is a cat farm. The woman who lives there is crazy and obsessed with cats. They are everywhere. I can't look out any window of my house without seeing cats. Thankfully our house has never been targeted for a break in, but others in our neighborhood have. I'm guessing the only thing that protected our house was the stench coming from next door. Guess they didn't think it was worth walking through the cloud of dog stink to get into our house.

  • 1 decade ago

    None of those, thank goodness! I'm in Connecticut... :o)

    We have people here who walk their dogs on leashes and most of the time pick up after them. Neighbors who play their music semi-loud while they're having a barbecue, but turn it off when the sun sets. Kids who ask permission before running through your yard and ruining your garden. And I definitely don't want to leave out the people who walk by and never fail to smile and say good morning or good afternoon.

  • Rat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No dogs or cats, but we do have a problem with break-ins... there were about eight catalytic converters stolen from cars in the last couple of months. There are some graffiti problems too, and always a bunch of MIPs.

    I live in the UP... it is really nice up here.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The dog thing is a yes, the cat is no but one time I did have a stray cat come in through my doggie door and ate all the dog food! NO to the theives breaking into cars

    And I Live in A REALLY REALLY SMALL town in Oklahoma

  • 1 decade ago

    No, thank goodness. I have awesome neighbors with awesome dogs. No cats.

    We do have coyotes that howl all night, but they're just far enough away to sound really cool, not bothersome.

    I live on a mountaintop near Salt Lake City.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the second one (stray cats who eat out of the trash and scatter trash all over the yard)!

    I don't have the other ones!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No problems with dogs.

    Neighbourhood cats are all well fed and well behaved. We have foxes visiting our gardens sometimes, but our rubbish is in wheelie bins so they can't get at it. There is a bird's nest in the tree in my garden.

    There have been cars broken into and cars stolen in the past but not lately.

    South London, England

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uh yes


    And I don t think anybody round here would do that unless they were the druggies that hang round Asheville.

    I live in Alexander (which isnt even on a map), North Carolina.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, there are some cats about, but most of my neighbors feed them, so they dont get into the trash..none of those other things..ever.Missouri, but its pretty rural and way boring!

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