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Kassie D
Well I'm married to the greatest guy ever we have a 2 year old son and we just had another boy on March 11, 2011. Things are looking great in our lives and I thank God for everything he has given me! I pretty much like getting on here and killing time while I'm at work! That's about it! If you want to know anything else just ask! =)
What do you think of the name Benjamin Shane?
This is my second child and we just found out yesterday that it's going to be a boy! We already have one son named Robert Trey. And we are thinking on naming this little guy Benjamin Shane. So what do you think?
6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoI'm really having a hard time trying to find a name for my 2nd child?
I am due March 20th, (three days after my b-day)! And I go Wed. the 27th to find out what we are having (God willing the baby cooperates) My first child is named after my dad and and he's the third Robert so his middle name is Trey! But I have NO CLUE what to name this child.
13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think is best for your child to chew on while teething?
My son just turned 6 months old and his first tooth on the bottom is coming in. It has already cut through and I was wondering if other than giving him tylenol or numbing gel or teething tablets and teething rings...what other things have you let your child chew on the help sooth their gums? He has teething rings and I put them in the fridge but they don't always last that long. The other day I had a frozen breakfast burrito in the freezer (with a plastic wrap on it) and i gave that to him and he chewed on it for the longest time. Helped keep him quit for a while! LOL! =)
14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow bad is the Glucose screening test?
My doctor informed me that at my next doctors appointment we are going to have to do a glucose screening test. Just wondering if all pregnant women have to do it or is it just because diabetes runs in my family? And how gross is the drink that they make you drink? I have bad gag reflex and I'm afraid I might not keep it down.
16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWondering what the chances are we find out what we are having tomorrow?
I am 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I have an u/s tomorrow. I have had one already at 15 weeks 5 days and they couldn't tell what I was having. So I was just wondering being farther along, if there is a greater chance that we will be able to find out what the sex of the baby is? I really don't care as long as the baby is healthy but I just would like to know so that we can get started getting the baby's room together!! =) Also the reason that I am having another is because I had MRSA (staff infection) before I knew that I was pregnant and had taken a lot of strong antibiotics and pain killers and also had 5 x-rays done but we used the protective cover because I hadn't had a period in two months but wasn't for sure I was pregnant because I have irregular periods. Thanks in advance for all your information!!
13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat do you think about my situation?
I'll try to make this story short...I've been with my man for over 3 years. We got engaged last Dec. and now have found out that I am 4 1/2 months prego!!! We are both WAY excited and happy about it because neither thought that we could have children!! So it's been a blessing!! We have our own home that we are buying. Everything has been looking Great for us! Well he doesn't have a license and he has a little anger problem. He's never nor would he ever hit me! But he just doesn't understand my feelings especailly now that I am pregnant. (he tells me that I shouldn't be this hormonal so early in my pregnancy! LIKE HE FREAKING KNOWS!) I am usually not that big of an emotional person but I am pretty needy! and it's worse now!! So anyways he's been hanging out with his friends a lot lately on his days off and not been spending that much time with me. Well we had a long drawn out conversation about it over the weekend and I told him how I felt about it and he said okay he would work on it. Well yesterday when I got off work and got home he wasn't there. And I hadn't heard from him all day long while I was at work. So I expected a note at least letting me know where he was going! But Nothing! I sit there getting more and more upset as the night went on and finally went to bed around 11pm. Around 12:30 I heard this banging on my window and it scared the crap out of me! My man has a key so I wouldn't have thought it was him so I was really scared cause we live out in the country and I don't know anyone around us. Anyways I finally get up and look out the window and notice it was my fiance and there was no truck. He got pulled over yesterday and because he doesn't have a license the truck was impounded. I am just upset with him because guess where he was going?!?! TO his stupid friends house!!!! We talked a lot last night about it but I am still just so freaking upset with him! He needs to grow up! Do you think I am being a b*tch about this or think I am in the right to tell him to straighten up!?
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDo you think I'll get through this?
I'll try to make this story short...I've been with my man for over 3 years. We got engaged last Dec. and now have found out that I am 4 1/2 months prego!!! We are both WAY excited and happy about it because neither thought that we could have children!! So it's been a blessing!! We have our own home that we are buying. Everything has been looking Great for us! Well he doesn't have a license and he has a little anger problem. He's never nor would he ever hit me! But he just doesn't understand my feelings especailly now that I am pregnant. (he tells me that I shouldn't be this hormonal so early in my pregnancy! LIKE HE FREAKING KNOWS!) I am usually not that big of an emotional person but I am pretty needy! and it's worse now!! So anyways he's been hanging out with his friends a lot lately on his days off and not been spending that much time with me. Well we had a long drawn out conversation about it over the weekend and I told him how I felt about it and he said okay he would work on it. Well yesterday when I got off work and got home he wasn't there. And I hadn't heard from him all day long while I was at work. So I expected a note at least letting me know where he was going! But Nothing! I sit there getting more and more upset as the night went on and finally went to bed around 11pm. Around 12:30 I heard this banging on my window and it scared the crap out of me! My man has a key so I wouldn't have thought it was him so I was really scared cause we live out in the country and I don't know anyone around us. Anyways I finally get up and look out the window and notice it was my fiance and there was no truck. He got pulled over yesterday and because he doesn't have a license the truck was impounded. I am just upset with him because guess where he was going?!?! TO his stupid friends house!!!! We talked a lot last night about it but I am still just so freaking upset with him! He needs to grow up! Do you think I am being a b*tch about this or think I am in the right to tell him to straighten up!?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhat do you think?
My boyfriend and I have been together for two 1/2 years, In june it will be 3 years. Anyways I know that he loves me and wants to be with me forever but he still hasn't purposed to me and I am getting tired of seeing all of my friends, even my little sister getting married before I do. I want to be with him and he with me so what's the big deal and why won't he just purpose. So I told him I wanted an engagement ring for Christmas and he laughed and said what if I didn't get it would I be mad, Well no but I really really want it!!!!!!! Do you think he's gonna purpose??
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow many of you still dress up for Halloween?
I was just wondering cause I still do...
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do you think is the best recipe for popcorn balls??
I have a few but I was just wondering if you had a special recipe that you just love to make!!
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoEven though my kittens are both male, should I still get them neutered?
I was talking this over with my honey and he doesn't think that we should neuter them because they aren't the ones that would be having the babies, but still I think we should because not only the pet population and how bad it is already out of control but also don't male cats spray their scent or whatever and they would do that in the house too?? Just need some back up! LOL!
19 AnswersCats1 decade agoI know I should go to the doctor, but do you really think I could be pregnant?
I can't remember if I had my period in Aug. but I know for sure that I didn't have one in September. I took a pregnancy test on 27th of Sept. but it was negative. Do you think I should try another one or just go to the doctor. I don't have a family doctor cause we just moved here to town and I haven't found one that I like. I haven't really had any morning sickness or soreness of my breasts. And I heard that pregnant women don't get achne and I have a few on my face. Do you think I could be pregnant?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat do I feed my kitty's?
I just adopted two kittens that the mother quit feeding and I don't think they are even six weeks old yet. I tried the supplement Kitten food but they don't seem to like it. So I put them on wet food. But their stool was really runny and they had some REALLY stinky farts. So I called the vet and she told me to try dry Kitty Chow but they really don't seem to like that either. Do you think I should just take them in to the vet or just keep trying different foods till I find the right one?
9 AnswersCats1 decade ago