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wizbangs asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

10-year peace accord with Hamas?

I hear Jimmy Carter is brokering a 10-year peace treaty between Israel and Hamas? Why? What is the purpose of a peace accord with a termination date? Isn't this their way of stating "We hate you and we will attack you, but we're not ready yet. So, we'll sign a deal to give us a 10-year chance to catch up."

It seems rather strange to me that anyone would consider a peace deal with an expiration date.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't have the impression that it was an "expiration date" so much as a time-line of how long it would take to establish other milestones, and during that time, both sides would abide by the truce.

    Sort of like Georgia saying to Florida, "I'll give you ten years to get that bridge fixed. If it isn't done by then, I'll sue you under the Federal Transportation and Interstate Commerce Act to make you pay for my fixing it." Only with guns.

  • 1 decade ago

    to get this "10 year truce" Israel would also have to give up an area which would also make it highly vulnerable to constant attacks. When Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 the first thing the pals did was set up rocket launch sites.Israel left behind fully functioning greenhouses for the pals and housing. The overall real problem with the palestinians in Gaza is they've made Gaza the most densely populated place on Earth. With an average of 5 babies per couple they have decided to use their lack of self control to form the basis of their "suffering"

  • Max50
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yea what are the terms?

    Hamas has use peace accords to rearm.

    The more land Israel gave up their reward has been even more terrorist attacks.

    I trust Hamas to do the right thing as much as I trust my ex-wife to do the right thing (lets not go there OK?)

  • 1 decade ago

    Hamas has rejected the Egyptian-brokered deal for a Gaza truce.

    The Palestinian terrorist group’s reply was handed to Egyptian intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman Thurs. April 24. It was delivered by Hamas leaders Mahmoud a-Zahar and Siad Siyam, who flew in to Cairo with their orders after Hamas’ Damascus-based leaders conferred with Syrian and Iranian intelligence officers in the Syrian capital. They also ordered Hamas-Gaza to step up its attacks on Israel.

    The Hamas reply came in the form of consent to a truce wrapped round in blatantly unacceptable conditions: Egypt and Israel must open all Gaza Strip border crossings and remove the economic and physical blockade clamped down on the terrorist-ruled enclave; Israeli cease all its counter-terror operations in stages, first in Gaza and then on the West Bank.

    The first sign of the negative reply ahead was Hamas’ call Thursday morning to the Gazan masses to stage “angry protests” after Friday worship at the mosques by mobbing the Erez border crossing to Israel and the Rafah crossing into Sinai.

    Bracing for another round of Hamas-led violence, Egypt and Israel placed their forces went on high alert along their frontier and their borders with the Gaza Strip. The Israeli high command had been warned that Hamas was preparing to follow the protests up with another round of attacks on the Gazan-Israel border after earlier rounds in the last two weeks temporarily sealed the crossings. Wednesday, Israel reopened all the Gaza transit points for dozens of trucks to bring food, essential supplies and fuel to the Palestinian population.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hamas seeks the same thing with Israel that black liberation theology seeks with white America and there will be no peace on either front until they achieve their goals - in other words, there will never be peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry about an expiration date.....Hamas won't honor even the first year....Carter is an idiot!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    They can only last for ten years with the battery supplies?

    What happen after the batteries runs out ?

    Will they be still around in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

    Source(s): decoded from the missing x-files.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try to sell it to the Israelis.

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