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Pandora asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Why are these men in such denial ?

I asked a question here:

It contained two pieces of evidence:

1. Men on the menarebetterthanwomen site blaming women (one wanting them to die) for the way men are portrayed in a few shows.

2. Links to information on each of the shows; setting out the names of producers, writers, directors and distributors that are overwhelmingly male.

That is, evidence that men are creating and propagating images of masculinity of which men disapprove.

Not one man has yet, in response, acknowledged that women (feminism as well) are being wrongly blamed for media portrayals of masculinity. Not one male has turned up yet with the guts to say something like, "Gee didn't realize that but, damn, I'm gonna write a letter of complaint to those fellas who are making money by screwing us over."

How can men be in such denial? Why not take the men responsible to task (afterall, they're making money off it) ?


In denial? That men on the menarebetterthanwomen site are saying that women should be killed wholesale as punishment for the way that men are shown in the media.

That is why it matters.

None of you men has enough spine to front up to facts, or enough resolve to do something positive about it.

Update 2:

Douchey I'm saying that men who blame women for those shows (as that site shows; some men believe women should even be killed for the way men are portrayed in the media) are blaming the wrong people. I am saying if men disapprove - criticize the men who are doing it instead of blaming women. As much as you want to twist and twirl it; the evidence speaks for itself.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    EDIT: I love the answers you're getting saying that website is just a 'joke'. This is gold. Next time we hear about how it's one of the few places men can pour out the grief and pain they feel about mrandry on the web, we should remind them it's just a 'joke' site' that only very disturbed individuals would take seriously. Classic stuff.

    Maybe it's about time some of them realised the dark humour in early feminist writings. But that might be a bit deep for guys who thinks abusing women is funny.


    The image of women which is presented by the same male scriptwriters, producers and directors is also an unrealistic one, as evidenced by shows such as Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives ... the list goes on.

    Few of these shows are written by women, yet they are said to 'represent' women.

    At least men can take comfort in knowing the 'representation' they are receiving is from someone who actually knows what it feels like to wake up as a man.

    It's interesting you haven't had a lot of response and that there isn't more outrage.

    I guess it doesn't fit their agendas.

    Cheers :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    It appears that your idea of complaint and who should complain has been answered here. Most men don't watch the programs and those that do I guess have little else to do. Most men are confident enough in their position so such trivial matters mean little to them. Besides, the persons writting and producing the shows, whether it is men or women, have an agenda attended to by an audience. If the audience is women why not make it appeal to women and if belittling men is the best topic of the day why not allow that to be the topic so that those enjoying such programing will spend money to support them. In other words the audience that is paying for the programing is creating the theme. So who is to blame???

  • 1 decade ago

    I may wrong about this but most of those shows are being watched by who? I do no watch them. I maybe watch 2 hours of TV a week. I do not know the target audience of these shows or know the stats but feel that mostly women watch these shows. In our house the women watch TV and me the only male I am doing other things I enjoy. Possibly watch the TV show and see the target audience for the commercials. Its just an idea but you might see that men usually do not look and find these shows for entertainment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, let's consider the source.

    The 'menarebetterthanwomen' website is obviously a joke. It's not meant to be taken seriously, and anyone who WOULD take it seriously is very disturbed. Sourcing this website is analagous to sourcing the Daily Show for a current events paper.

    Since your entire rant (yes, I called it a 'rant' , as you seem to have some very emotional views on this issue) is based on the information gleaned from a spoof website, it really didn't seem as if your question needed an answer. You seem to have your mind made up.

    Food for thought: I don't like religion. I think it divides people, and causes pain and suffering. However, I don't advocate outlawing religion, or taking religious shows off of the air. Freedom of speech is just that. To say that we need to censor certain themes or apologize for a certain viewpoint is absurd. Are some viewpoints twisted? Yes. Are some viewpoints dangerous? Yes.'s even more dangerous to allow a third party the power to choose what we watch. If you don't like it...don't watch it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK, I don't quite get your point. Are you saying men are being belittled by writers and producers of TV shows and they should stand up for themselves? I don't watch any shows on TV anymore because they are all stupid. Some one must be watching the show because they don't have it on and loose money. I'm still trying to figure out Brett Michaels,and Flav that I pass by channel surfing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hon, there's no arguing with them. They've been thoroughly indoctrinated, they have no capacity to 'see' through the web of lies. Its a lost cause.

    They revel in their (perceived) victim status.

    Ignorance is bliss as their hate-filled claptrap underscores.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just as I answered before. Men like them are incapable of admitting they are to blame for anything. It's all the big bad woman's fault.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only one in denial is you.

    Incredible how women can have their head so far up their ***. Trained only to live in the glass house that is the feminist world. Play the victim only when it's convenient and dare not bother to see nor investigate the outside world for what it actually is and not what mommy told you it was. Contented by the chants of sexism and chauvinism by evil, vindictive, man-hating feminists.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a preamble because I think it matters to some degree, to understand my personaI bias, I am a male. And though I consider myself an individualist, I behave in a somewhat "nobly chauvanistic" fashion. This is just how my hormones function, and how I was raised, it would take behaviour modification to change it, but I am uninterested in changing it, because I like me. I believe a woman should be respected and treated with greater privelages than a man. That should she rise from the dinner table I am not to be seated, that she should not be expected or pressured to carry heavy loads, or even earn wealth. I would prefer to take those responsibilities on myself, as long as she, or they are happy then the situation is a good one. I realize this creates a sort of 'low-expectation' sexism, where in a world with nothing but men like me, women would be held down by the 'burden' of not having to do anything. It could be argued that I am actually the major victim of this, but I digress.

    To adress your question, I don't know that it is that they are in denial exactly.

    Well, first because many men secretly long for power over women even though they speak about equality, and giving power and so forth. But they are unwilling to be 'the bad guy' to gain this goal. So they make counter attacks in favor of chauvanistic movements, and denounce feministic movements because of this urge, on whatever grounds they can find. I myself know I have this instinct, I want to be the proverbial king of my castle, call it alpha male syndrome if you will. And it's not just against women, it's against everyone. But arguably feminism poses the greatest danger to upset any rights to power. In some ways I would argue a lot of this has everything to do with ego, and gender issues are just a means to an end.

    Then you have guys like me who say "everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as they don't try to force others to 'see it your way' ". Even though I have the above predispositions I often manage to ignore them, but I have trouble being non-neutral in many instances, and they are going to debase anyone it is the people "on the offensive". This could sometimes be seen as "I favour whoever manages to carry themselves with the greater tact". Which is in some ways is just trying to cop out of the argument. People in this category are going to tell "feminists" that they are wrong when they talk about how this or that is bad, and tell others they are wrong when they attack feminists. Of course it seems kind of silly to make enemies on both sides. These are the status-quo mongers, and there is no shortage of them.

    Some feel they have to "choose a side", and logically speaking for most men it's going to make sense to them to side against feminism since it tends to their advantage. It could be easily argued that many women "choose a side" and move toward feminism for this reason as well, they too want power over their domain.

    Some people just like to argue, and it's an easy fight to pick.

    A lot of these anti-feminist, chauvanistic movements do not disrupt the way a given individual man runs his life. Because they generalize favouritism for men, and the right to behave how they please. In addition to that, as long as such fringe movements exist, it makes them look better by contrast. This was arguably one of the reasons for success of the Jerry Springer show, it showed people with terrible lives, which made people feel better about theres. They don't want the bad examples to go away it reinforces their sense of superioity.

    Personal grudge, many men have been hurt by women, and while they themselves may feel "above vengeance" it will give them a predisposition toward allowing someone else to take that vengeance out for them. Sometimes this is a matter of "there exists out there these champions of feminism that talk down about men. So we need our champions that talk down about women. ". Arguably sexist jokes go back and forth in this area.

    I argue that a lot of these men know full well what's going on, but they choose to let it happen because they are lazy, or they want it to go on. They might condemn it, but debatably they want it to be there. I phrase these as possibilities, and not as a generalization of my gender.

    No is not a joke, it might be quite true that the creator is a controversy addict that gets his kicks (and his wealth) through latching on to one of the major areas of controversy in our modern day. So he may be a jerk, an egomaniac, a charlatan, and a rather successful capatalist, but it is not a hoax. It seems apropriate that the first video on the website is from a hosting on Dr. Phil, as sensationalism is the mandate of Dr. Phil, however the stories are generally true.

    I read a book called "Men's liberation guide to women. " It was actually quite funny, the quotes and representation about how men are being dragged down, addicted to drugs, and destroyed by women. The evidence ranged from the coincidental, to the inductively reasoned, to just being downright idiotic. I was actually hoping to share it with a reading group in order to create distaste for anti-femminist movements. It might be of interest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're taking that way too seriously.

    This is just a damn forum, what did you expect? They taking the time to visit the links you provided and act in consequence? LMAO

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