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why does the same spam keep coming into my email?

I keep deleting a spam message that says it is regarding "Allan's kin". I have spammed this message multiple times, but it keeps coming into my email, why? Also, if you think you have been phished, you have changed your password, but you get 7-10 spam messages, does that mean I'm not setting up my email right, or what?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you click on the below link this site explains everything you need to know about spam, but most importantly gives excellent advice on how to achieve a spam free inbox :

  • 1 decade ago

    To Block

    1. Sing-in yahoo mail

    2. Click options (right - top corner)

    3. Goto "Blocked addresses", and add their email id to the list

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    bad yahoo filters. best to have other types too. google gmail is much better

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