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Anyone care to rationalize this story?

A pair or parents let their 11 year old child die because they believed that prayer would help her more than medicine. The child suffered from diabetes and was easily treatable. Even when she fell into a coma her parents refused to go to a hospital...they e-mailed their Pentecostal chruch and were advised to keep praying!

Anyone care to defend these people?

The press release from the church is even more jaw-dropping:

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes... the Lord's answer to a prayer is MEDICINE!

    I am a Christian, but that is just sad.

    There is such a thing as taking scriptures out of context and twisting them. I believe that is what happened there. The Lord gave us doctors and medicine for a reason! To help us. :)

    If my parents didn't believe in doctors or medicine, I would have spent the first ten years of my life sick in bed because of allergies! It was difficult enough that we didn't know I had allergies until the first grade. We thought I was just sick all the time, and tried to fight the symptoms with cold medicine. But once we figured out it was allergies... that medicine [plus a humidifier in my room at night] made all the difference. We thanked God that we finally figured out what it was!!

  • 5 years ago

    I kind of believe that this came from someone in the Algarve because of the knowledge about the lixo bins. But on the Sky News website a month after the little girl went missing? Maybe it is true, but unless some of the people who heard the children crying for hours on end come forward and agree to be named, the tidbit is not going to have legs. My first thought when I read it is it may have come from a supporter of Robert Murat, who has been treated atrociously by the British press and is trying to turn the tables. I have read the posting on the link and some of the responses. A couple of people say, "If she was crying all night, then her abduction would not have gone undetected". My response to that is, "rubbish". In fact, it makes it easier to abduct a child that age when they are distressed and crying for the parents. The abductor would say, "I will take you to them". Children that age are so trusting. I had such an encounter last Saturday, where a woman had left her child standing by the door of a DIY store. I asked her where her Mummy was, she said she didn't know, and when I took her by the hand (I obviously didn't abduct her, but it would have been so easy!) she was immediately pacified, and in fact became happy and playful. I find it entirely credible that Maddie was lured out of the apartment by an adult who promised to take her to her parents. A child that age does not know the difference between a kind-hearted stranger and a would-be abductor. They will sit quietly in the car for hours because they believe the promises of reunification. And before somebody accuses me of imparting advice to would-be abductors of children, I say "double rubbish". 1. Those who would do harm already know it, and 2. the intent is to warn parents not to leave their toddlers alone for extended periods, if at all. And 3. - it's a word of advice to those who are kind-hearted strangers to help little children actually find their parents instead of pretending the sight or sound of a distressed child is none of our business. Because the next person might be a pretender.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry i dont think anyone could logically condone the suffering of a child like that in this day and world.

    Anyone with a bit of common sense has a primal animalistic urge to protect and save their offsprings life not hope for the best when they know that there is a more effective alternative. I'd expect this from people from centuries ago, but in an era like this in the western hemisphere, where theres a more medication that it requires there to be.

    What people dont realise is god may have saved all you humans once before millenia ago, but nothing more after that id say. You humans were given a brain, and even stole the knowledge and so were evicted from your paradise. And now with all this knowledge, common sense and logic, and yet you expect more from this entity you all call god, allah, jehovah etc. Very ungreatful little human spawn, saved from damnation and yet you jump back in that fire in hell of your own accord. And with this you knowingly expect more from this entity, do you really?!

    You can never say the entity didnt save my daughter, more like you were given every chance and opportunity to save her life, yet you chose to just sit there and watch her die.

    Faith is about not just believing in something like the entity but also the belief in that you are given the power to make change and make things happen, be it good or bad. That miracle that you all so badly seek, can only be found in one place and that is only within yourself. This entity has saved you all once before as all you humans state, but now it is up to yourself to save yourself and everyone around you.

    And finally if you all dont stop the fighting amongst yourselves i can pretty surely say your all be still fighting in the other world in hell, so make all the wrongs, right again for you only have limited time on this world.

    I mean fighting as in that the most common war is of between christians, muslims, and jews. So you all say you fight in the name of this entity and i still am yet to see evidence of this, that you all speak of. You all originate from the same place, then why fight?! Your bible, quran and tora all speak of the beginning and the end and almost entirely match up with each other. The bulk of these so called religious books have been corrupted and warped by all you humans because you seek power over all other beings on the planet. This petty dominance you seek is useless for it only lasts here on this world and here alone. You all may want to stop this rivalry because if you have learned anything from your religious teachings it is that you all are the offspring of Adam & Eve. But all ive seen from you humans so far is that you have taken the ways of Cain and would rather kill your own brother, than admit to the truth, am i not right here?!

    So what is the truth you hide so greatly that you'd kill your own brother to protect it or is it that you've all got the thirst for blood and must kill or you cannot exist?!

    Are we close?!

    So you may hide little humans but we can see you, and if your determined not to change then we'll see you in Hell!

  • leo d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    how can people be so blind look into the past we are monsters pretending to know what is rite then judging others,what about the native Americans that died so progress could sweep this nation ,I'm just about done with you wake up your not the good guys to suffer a persons faith against some arrogant thought of what is right or wrong ,Satan rules this world go ahead and get in line behind him with your bank accounts and clean homes these things aren't important ,those people didn't want to loose there child ,they had no choice and they are the good guys and you will not understand.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is abuse pure and simple. The parents should be made an example of. I see no problem with praying for the ill, but send them to the doctor while you're praying.

    I am also most apposed to forcing ones off brand (or any other) religion upon children. Children should be allowed to be children and should be allowed to chose religion (or not) for themselves.

    The parents of these children cannot be punished severely enough, and the cult that supports them should be investigated and lose their questionable tax status.

  • 1 decade ago

    No defense for these people. I don't understand why they couldn't be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When it comes to a child, the child should be protected by the law over religion, until the child reaches the age of maturity. Would the law condone sex with a child, if it were dictated by their religion? No way!!!

    Why should the law accept the argument that a parent's religion forbids them from giving medical care to their kids. Enough already. Way too many kids have died in the name of the parents' religion and ignorance. Time that we make examples out of these people.

    Have fun

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends which way you look at the situation. There are stories out their when doctors give patience 3 months to live and the patient lives for 50 years. Other cases doctors have guaranteed couples that it is impossible for them to have children and surprise surprise, they have kids. I believe the government are totally against any religion which accepts one god and as the government control the media and everything, they would try their upmost best to criticise people who use faith for healing. Don't get me wrong, medicine can cure you but I believe people should have a choice and government should stay out of it, instead they criticise.

  • Ladydi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, God gave doctors knowledge to heal us. However, he also gave knowledge to those people that abort babies. Its called a choice...he gives us many choices. The parents did not give that child diabetes. If they chose to pray instead of using doctors, that is their child. Let them be.

    I on the other hand, would have chosen to use the doctors. But I'm selfish like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is not their intention that their child will die. Obviously no parent would want their children to die(even the hen would feed their chicks in order to survive). In fact they tried everything to save her as much as what they thought is right and what their faith is.

    The sad thing is the child didn't survive that there is a possible way to save here. This is just a lesson to everybody that we should do our part as well together with our faith to God. As your minister says..."But we know that the best one to trust in for healing is Jesus Christ. The foundation for receiving this benefit from Him is repentance and faith in His promises. {1Peter 2:24} who his own self bare our sins in his body upon the tree, that we, having died unto sins, might live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed".

    He emphasizes that the best one to trust is Jesus. So he didn't say that we can't trust anybody other than Jesus. So I think that we should also trust the Doctors,in this case, cause we know that their fields were into medicine at it's proven for years. That is I think that we should work for it to completely attain our faith to Jesus. I am not against anybody here.

    By the way I am a Roman Catholic and obviously a Christian.:D

  • 1 decade ago

    the line between right in wrong is always the same when you are a religious person or not ,the dark ages of medicine and our ability to learn that if we have this faith ,we know that our god would not only give us the smarts to heal but to understand that the book even said they ate from the tree of knowledge not the tree of stupid so why these people did what they did was not of the tree of knowlege. people of smart faith know that god gave man tools to heal and hearts to pray.

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