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"Spare the rod and spoil the child." How do you reconcile weak interpretations of this commandment?

This quote does not actually appear in the Bible, but it is derived from similar proverbs. I have heard many Christians interpret the term "rod" as "guidance" or "discipline". The actual biblical phrases, however, are very unambiguous.

Proverbs 23:13-14, KJV

"Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

It seems to me that the verse in question is quite explicit and needs no interpretation. I certainly don't advocate beating children with sticks, but I don't understand how people interpret, "Thou shalt beat him with the rod" as "Provide guidance".

Could anyone please explain these interpretations? Thanks in advance for your answers.


Steven: Did you actually read the Q? I quoted KJV, and it says nothing about "discpline".

Update 2:


7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the virse before and after the ones quoted what was expected by the parents or guardien prior to using corective measures. this tool. (rod) is used when the child is in jepordy of loosing his soul. (a last ditch effort so to speak)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Know the difference between a commandment and a proverb. Proverbs are wise sayings. Commandments are God's law.

    Thus, proverbs are open to a wide array of interpretation. Commandments are not this way (although human language can not claim to perfectly convey the mind of God).

    Some scholars say the word usually interpreted as "rod" can just as well be interpreted "club." But the point is that a child raised without discipline is likely to exhibit certain social difficulties may even cause death (KJV-Hell; Hebrew-Sheol, the grave).

    If I were to paraphrase the Proverb saying, "The Bible says 'Spare the rod and sometimes spoil the child.' " I would hear a chorus of complainers crying foul! "The Bible doesn't say 'SOMETIMES' — you're adding words!"

    To which I would reply, "It doesn't say 'ALWAYS' either."

    The point is that Hebrew is not that precise of a language (unlike English that has many, many different words and nuances for the same concept).

    Rod, in this case, seems a metaphor for strict discipline of a young child to ensure his appropriate behavior according to the custom of ancient Near East culture.

    I could have avoided all this discussion, however, just by examining the structure of this proverb. The first clause, "Withhold not correction from the child ..." is operative. The rest explains the application within its cultural context. This is not a weak interpretation, just an accurate one. Clearly, the Hebrew people did not beat their children to death, and the father figure is often described as tender and loving toward children.

    But the most important thing to know is that proverbs are not law, and should not be interpreted as law.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me tell you how I was told. My counselor in college was a Methodist. Very devout and sweet lady. She "lived" her religion she didn't hide behind it. She was very informed about other religions so she could effectively counsel them instead of thump her own beliefs. Very smart lady indeed.

    Her Pastor said it this way.

    A rod was the hooked cane that herders used to control the flocks direction and therefor keep them safe. The sheep didn't know any better and sometimes would stray away from the herd. The herder did not beat these animals with the stick. He used the hook to guide them back on the path to where the herd was and to safety.

    Too many people see it as a beating stick, like the "rule of thumb."

    I hope this has helped because it shaped my beliefs and values.

    Peace be with you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really don't think we need semantics and a topical guide to understand this meaning. It's cruelty has been used for centuries to excuse beatings of children.

    Boys schools in Britain often used the rod or the cane as disipline as did schools in the US and Canada. Also, the yard stick and the strap. We are just happy Bush wasn't a school master or the children would have suffered water boarding as well.

    On the other hand one must be careful with the rod.

    Ex 21:20 -

    And if a man shall smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he shall die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That phrase actually means it is okay to discipline your child. The Bible known to be translated the least is the King James version, you should read that because it comes with a topical guide and a bible dictionary.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Christians generally say that the bible doesn't require any interpretation....except when it does.

    Then, they interpret in any way that best suits the current situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it is so much a weak interpretation of the scripture as it is a TOTAL IGNORING of it.

    That is why there are so many weaker minded people who have no common sense because they've never had guidelines set down so they follow the good and right path and why they aren't very nice people and treat others with disrespect.

    That is never what God intended or what God said. He tells us that if we love a child, we will discipline them and teach them right from wrong. That doesn't mean to beat / abuse a child but it does mean that sometimes a parent has to strike the bottom (it's padded for a reason) so the child learns to fear and respect those in authority.

    Discipline is like anything else ~ many can and do go overboard and beat and abuse others and that is wrong but NO discpline is JUST as WRONG and our society today is showing how wrong it is with all the undisciplined young people out there who have no respect for others.

    Prov 13

    24 He who spares his rod hates his son,

    But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

    Prov 10

    13 Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding,

    But a rod is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding.

    Prov 22

    15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;

    The rod of correction will drive it far from him.

    Even adults have to be disciplined for things they do wrong because there are laws set down that we have to follow ~ unfortunately, many today don't think anything ever applies to them because mom and dad were always there, telling others how their child would never do anything wrong.

    I have no problem with a parent standing by their child BUT, it used to be they stood there for moral support as they taught them to take responsibility for their wrongs but they never excused what they did and weakened their minds, knowing mom and dad would always bail them out. They made them take their punishment like men and women are supposed to and taught them to be responsible adults, just like the Bible tells us to do.

    Like kids in school today. People have come up with this "brilliant" idea that it will hurt and scar a child by failing them and holding them back, how it will cause them emotional problems. Does anyone with any brains (ha !) and their so-called "education" ever stop to think how it hurts and scars the child when they go to the next grade, unprepared and how hard it is for them because they can't comprehend what they are doing? No wonder more and more kids are "graduating", totally unprepared to go to college or the work field ~ they can't read or write and comprehension is a big zero in so many cases.

    No one loved that child enough to hold them back and work with them and so many parents do not work with their own child with their homework and help them understand what they are doing ~ and they don't get them help from someone who can if they can't ~ and the kids rebel with violence and anger and take it out on everyone in their path.

    Get rid of the bleeding hearts people. If you love your child, you will discipline and do what will help them become emotionally strong, not what makes you feel good. Even if you don't believe in the Bible persay, you can't dispute the wisdom in the verses above and how they apply to our lives.

    Teach your child to have a backbone and get rid of the yellow streaks and teach them to be fair to themselves and especially to others. Kids are going out into the world totally unprepared to handle problems on their own and even as young adults, the kids turn to the parents to bail them out financially. The word 'no' is in the vocabulary for a reason and even it is a form of discipline, to your children and even to yourselves if needed.

    Discipline has to start when a child is young. You can't let them run rampant and do whatever they want and then expect to try and teach them anything when they get older. Quit teaching the kids to whine and cry because they got caught doing something wrong and want bailed out. Teach them to face up to what they have done, take responsibility for it, apologize for it and they will learn not to do things that will embarrass themselves.

    My mother disciplined me and I know now it hurt her as much as it did me and thankfully, it didn't have to be done often. I love her more because she loved me enough to teach me to do the right thing and not make excuses for my sometimes blantant disregard for authority.

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