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Would somebody please explain what was so great about President Bill Clinton???

He became president when the economy was on an upswing, because of policies that were already in place.

He was president during the largest tax increase in history.

His military policy severely hurt our capabilities.

He treated terrorism as a law and order problem, instead of a national security problem.

He and his democrat allies are responsible for the intelligence problems in this country.

He left this office on an econmic downturn.

I lived through Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 , Clinton, and Bush 2. and in my opinion Reagan was the best out of the bunch.


Laura, I would contend we didn't have peace Al Queda had declared war on us and was attacking.

Also being articulate, doesn't necessarily make you a good president.

Update 2:


Define terrorism - the act of instilling terror into people via words or acts.

Military - The military was severely cut during his Presidency - Nobody said Attack.

The Democrats put in place several rules that didn't allow the intelligence agencies to talk to each other.

Economic cycle - Not control but influence by policy - and I can back up what I say. President G. W. Bush's policies aren't perfect but they do influnce.

And I didn't say Reagan was great - He was a communicator - But I don't believe he is a moron....

Update 3:

Charles S.

Really by all accounts, President Carter was worse

Comparable to wages gas prices were higher, mortgage interest rates were through the roof, and more people are going to college than ever before.

And to top it all off Unemployment is still way down from historical norms. During Carters presidency 6% was considered full employment and we now sit a 5 during Reagans term it was down to about 4 %

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What was great about Bill Clinton ??

    Here ya go.

    He was the first President to ever attack,invade or bomb six countries on four separate continents without Congressional or UN approval.

    He increased the Trade deficit 1,304% while he was President.

    He increased the number of uninsured americans to the highest percentage ever recorded, 16.3%.

    He has more administration member convicted, than any administration in american history. 33 convictions, 38 indictments.

    Wasn't he a great President ?

  • 1 decade ago

    The largest tax increase in history was necessary to pay back the highest (until now) national debt in the history of the country. Republicans controlled the White House for the 12 years preceding his presidency, creating this massive debt.

    The current president (a Republican) did more damage to the military the first 2 years of his presidency than Clinton did in 8 years.

    Clinton attempted to catch Osama bin Laden many times, but was blocked by Congress (controlled by the Republicans).

    I'm not sure where you're hearing about Clinton creating intelligence problems in this country. Bush (a Republican) was the one who manipulated intelligence to start an illegal war, not Clinton.

    The economy was on a downturn when Clinton left office. However, the government was operating with a surplus, which would allow them to quell that downturn without any significant problems to the people. The current (Republican) administration took that surplus & turned it into the largest national debt in history. We are now facing a recession (in the literal sense of the word) after 8 years of Republican control.

    I'm not old enough to remember how Reagan was as a president, so I can't comment on the last statement.

  • xiphos
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Stop with the facts. Our leftist friends may have their heads explode. I too lived thru Carter, Regan, Bush I, Clinton and damned if I know but Reagan was the best. Oh well. Just let it go. Clinton has been out for eight years now and all I can say is thankfully he is gone. Was Bush II any better? In some ways yes, others no. Let go. We can't live in the past. Look to people like Jindal to bring us through this time.

    EDIT: Clinton wasn't that bad. He wasn't that good either. I never thought he was a world leader, he just kept the seat warm for the next guy. His wife will never be president. What are they thinking?!?

  • Dr. WD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Reagan sucked! He, like other Republicans, thought that the way to stimulate the economy was to borrow money from the Chinese to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. And then the guy raised taxes more than any other president in history -- in constant terms. This kind of economic policy is catching up on us and now we're in real trouble. Jimmy Carter had big plans he was implementing to create a comprehensive energy plan for the US. Carter even had solar panels put on the White House roof! Reagan gutted Carter's energy plans and even removed the solar panels from the White House roof! Furthermore, Reagan was the first president to start selling off America's infrastructure. He even appointed his own infrastructure selling "czar" to do so.

    Clinton balanced the budget and presided over a booming economy. He understood, like most Democrats, that the way to stimulate the economy is to create jobs and income, not borrow more money to pay for tax cuts for the rich while spending like a drunken sailor. Clinton presided over a massive study that evaluated the major threats to our country in the coming years, to be presented to the incoming president. What did that study conclude? That the biggest threat to America was OSAMA BIN LADEN. The Bush administration ignored the report. Condoleeza Rice even admitted to Senator Gary Hart the week before 911 that SHE HAD NOT EVEN READ THE REPORT!

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bill never got the Chance to show how good he could be because Republicans controlled Congress the last 6 years of his two terms.

    Since you asked a question, what was so great about Bush, Sr. that Clinton shouldn't have won.

  • 1 decade ago

    Peace? No. We were attacked repeatedly, but never fought back. Prosperity happened after the conservatives (not Republicans) took over Congress, since that is who makes the laws, not the President. Clinton got credit for what the conservative congress was doing.

  • 1 decade ago

    The greatest accomplishment of Clinton was to balance the budget. Whether or not you believe that the economy grew because of policies already in place (and I highly doubt it -ask Bill Gates if Reagan's tax cuts are what spurred the growth of information technology behind the 1990s productivity boom) you cannot deny that Clinton was able to raise taxes and cut spending early in his administration and, despite that, the economy grew tremendously and he gave the country its first surplus in a long time.

    Whether or not you give him credit for the economy, this was a major feat. Unfortunately, Bush has managed to derail this and set us back a few decades.

  • 1 decade ago

    The economy was better during the Clinton Administration, we had less Americans dying from Terrorism, and we weren't at war.

    You give a lot of reasons to not give Clinton credit, but for every president, there are reasons not to give credit for their successes, or not to blame them for their failures.

  • 1 decade ago

    The deficit was cut and we had a surplus. Reagan spent too much on the Military. He wanted 600 navy ships. He bought Battle ships out and one year later, decommisioned them.Billions of dollars wasted. Star wars program wasted. Reagan built up many of todays dictators in South America.

    Clinton had the world thinking America was a great country and a great nation. We spend too much on the military. The republicans claim low taxes, but in the end, we owe the world trillions of dollars. China owns most of our deficit!

  • Pablo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He balanced the physical Budget of our government and did manage to slow Bureaucracy. He made efforts to protect our retirements that we paid into. He put his money where his mouth was and I don't mean just cigars. He was smooth and unlike Reagan he did not ruin the national forest system or make the people hope money would flow from the rich. He made some smart decisions. He failed at killing Bin Laden but he did blow up stuff and the world did not hate us for it. I do not give him great points but after BUSH he was a genius.

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