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How many times do I have forgive someone?

The Bible teaches us that we should forgive not 7 times not 70 times but 7x70 times. That's 490, but what if you HAVE forgiven someone that many times and more and just don't feel strong enough to forgive them anymore? I am in such a situation now, I know I should forgive this person and move on with my life but forgiveness is hard after this last transgression.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Just for you to know the truth

    There have to be a purpose for life otherwise we will miss the path so we want to be just better everyday



    What is God? ,

    What’s makes God as god? ,

    What is God’s Power? ,

    For all sort of these questions, I have very limited understanding so Let me give you the point. Well, just try to know, what’s makes God as god, the Power, isn’t it? So what the power can do? Ah? Well, It can give the ability to organise all things and It can give the ability to separate everything and most importantly, the ability to control everything. Isn’t it? Isn’t it Good? Ah? So, what I try to say here is, from my hard study and effort with the help from god, I realized that the ability to control everything, the Power of God is gradually increased in the full amount to use so, The Power of God is always the omnipotent and existed among everything so the God now is always the same omnipotent, who is organised us So how could that be possible to be perfect in perfection always, Ah…? And The Power of God, the ability is the reward for us to control everything in a proper manner, like the true God of goodness.


    We have to lift it up little by little towards Perfection. So

    If you are humble, please... Pray to know the truth from true God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with great faith and do what is right for you and sometimes, things can be right in your point of view but wrong in Public point of view so

    Basically, just pray about it for the Good Answer and try to do the God's will first always


    I have true testimony of true God

    Please, just try to understand the fundamental...

    If you think, why so much trouble and pain in this world…? Then there is only one reason, without pain, No pleasure and without pleasure, no pain. So without them, we cannot enjoy this life so always we need them in our development towards the perfection of God. So-so, you use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure use you. And

    It is Wonderful… wonderful nature for us by the true… God. And

    we all make mistakes so it is hard to look for star in daylight. So just in faith… it is possible. Like that the faith in true God. And If you think, even expert can be wrong then you have to make the fine research in all most everything so It is hard and some time, it is impossible to achieve so Why we need inappropriate action to find the owner of higher power? SO,

    So, just try to understand, because of Lack of faith in true God, we do not have the great gift of understanding of things so just

    understand this please.

    We cannot get anything from nothing so changing something into this perfect state, we need something or someone so all things are spiritually first, to govern everything by God. So, closely, Have a look at this world of wonders of yours and then you know the truth, when you listen to your real voice and then Having a strong desire to do the best every day then stick with the best to do your best. And most importantly, try to be grateful for what you have now and try to know where you come from to have the great gift of understanding and then, have the faith to become the best winner in your life. And this is the best meaning of happy life.


    The Low of mercy cannot rob the Low of justice so God provided the way to our salvation to overcome our sin so Jesus Christ sacrifice is much needed to return to live with God, because God is perfect in perfection so Jesus Christ is our savior to pay our punishment of our sin so-so Because of the perfect love of god for you. So God gave Jesus Christ for us ~ FOR US ~


    It is the time to make the great decision.

    Good luck.

    <<<<The power is focus with the great mindset >>>>

    If you are interested, I gladly encourage you to visit the web side for your spiritual support. & If you find this useful, please help others by sending this Good news. Thanks for the opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so sorry that you have been hurt over and over by someone you so very much wanted to trust. You have quoted the Bible correctly, but what you don't understand is, Jesus' teaching on forgiveness meant that there is no end to the times you must forgive. You must always, always, forgive. Let me share a little bit on forgiveness for you, maybe it will help.

    Christian forgiveness is not pasing off a hurt with an "Oh, it doesn't matter." Christian forgiveness recognizes that relationships of every kind can be spoiled by wrongdoing and that such hurts do matter. Christian forgiveness faces the challenge of restoring broken relationships, even though there is a high cost both to one who forgives, and to one who is forgiven.

    As you know, forgiveness is linked with love and freedom. It's through forgiveness that God promises us the 'freedom' to become new and different persons. Take the time, please, to read Matthew 6:14-15__ and I'll share Mathew 11:25 with you, "'And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sin." As you study these verses, you'll find that you/we are also weak and in need of forgiveness (from God). When we became aware of our need of God's forgiveness on a daily basis, we are humbled, and this attitude releases us from the tendency to judge others or become so angry with them. As bad as it seems, we understand their flaws and weaknesses. The more we understand, the more we are able to forgive.

    Forgiveness is like a coin; it has two sides. Think about it for a minute. The ome side of forgiveness is 'accepting' it, the other side is 'extending' it. The problem____ is, the 'unforgiving' lack that humility of spirit, that permits them to receive it. What I am saying, my friend, is, the forgiven (you and me), freed of pride and self-righteousness, will learn to forgive.

    How many times do you have to forgive? Look to the cross, dear child of God, how many times does He have to forgive you/me? The answer is 70X7X70 = Completely! God bless.

    Source(s): Pastor
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that forgiveness means condoning, and I don't think it means to continually put yourself in the position to be hurt over and over again. If a man is beating his wife, the best thing for her to do is get away from him to someplace safe, and then pray about forgiveness there. If someone hurt you by stealing your money, you can forgive him and still keep your pocketbook firmly in hand while he's around. Forgiveness also doesn't mean that you have to keep a personal relationship going. It's okay to shake the dust off your feet and move on. Also, true forgiveness comes only after true repentance. If someone keeps doing the same thing over and over again, I can't believe that they're truly repentant. Because that means turning away from that particular action, not doing it anymore. People fall, but there should also be a limit to how enabling we are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus said 70 x 7 to make the point that their is no limit to the number of times we forgive someone.

    But don't confuse it with staying in an abusive or harmful relationship. We can forgive without continuing to take the abuse God does not want us to take, and we can also forgive without the forgiveness of the offender. We can also forgive but not necessarily forget also. We don't want to keep getting hurt.

    Read 1 Cor. chapter 7, and a book called "Forgiving the Unforgivable".

    Source(s): "When you forgive you set a prisoner free... yourself" Don't become bitter and wounded because of not forgiving.
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  • Green
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Forgives can be a difficult thing to accomplish. What in essence I find forgiveness to be is to acknowledge that in some way or another the person responsible for the harm has in someway been affect by other stimuli which had directly intervened with their state of mind. That they are not directly responsible for their actions, and to realize that they are flawed.

    Keep in mind, if such negative activities continue to occur, it in no way makes you responsible to this person. You can leave, and at the same time forgive them for not being able to change. Part of forgiveness is not expecting that person to change, but it does not require you to persistently try to change them, such ideology in many instances is simply impossible.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, Jesus said that we should forgive them that many times, "IF" they ask for forgiveness. But I highly recommend that you forgive anyone that offends you. If you don't, you will remain a slave unto the offender.

    Forgiveness is your choice. You can say out loud or write it down that you forgive them and not even mean it, but the feelings will come later. When I forgave my ex wife, who did not deserve it and continued to be a thorn in my side, a heavy weight lifted off of me and I became filled with joy.

    I refuse to be in bondage to anyone. I also refuse to lose my salvation over anything that is temporal. This life and pain is short, but eternity lasts forever.

    It also helps when a person realizes that they do not wrestle with flesh and blood. It is a Spiritual thing and it is not the person who is doing this to you, it is a demonic force that wants to hurt and destoy you.

  • macie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It could also mean 70x70 The point is not to keep count at all, but to always be willing to forgive. examine yourself and see if you are not the problem. When we forgive it doesn't mean we have to hang out with the person. If it a continuing problem get away from it. Have you talked to that person to see what the problem is. Thats the first thing you should do.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Libras are the sign for the "scales". So, when I think of a Libra, I think of "balance". So, I'd think they'd forgive easily. However, there is always that 1 time that any zodiac sign will get that "holding a grudge" feeling phase within their life time. If this is the case, this would mean that one of the weights on the scales is leaning over, causing the more "forgiving" scale to lift up, b/c it's somewhat weaken. Also, depending your moon sign, rising/ascendant sign, chinese zodiac (and element), and even numerology, this could be affecting how you feel as far as forgiving goes.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Forgiveness doen't equal being a doormat. Nor does forgivness even mean that you include them in your life. It means you forgive what they have done, and the way it affects you, and you forgive yourself for it also.

    Repeating the same senerio over and over, lets you know the persons charachter, values, and morals. If it is harming you emotionally or physically, or both than its time for you to move on.

    I hope you find peace and healing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You only have to forgive ONCE but mean it and then forget about it especially by forgetting the reason behind it. Every time you bring it up again you are reactiviting your suffering or your anger.

    Do not hold grudges but, if this person sends out bad, negative vibes, just stay away from him/her.

    Life's too short to surround yourself with people who emit negative energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Forgiving is more for your benefit than theirs.

    Some people are pin heads even when they are forgiven.

    But, if you forgive, you don't have to carry that garbage around.

    Some like to carry it though.

    Love does not keep account, on either side !

    If there is abuse, leave the Dink !

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