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I think I had a vision-coyote involved?

The other night when I took my dog out between storms she was acting odd and when I looked to see what she was barking at I saw a very large animal-that looked to me like a coyote. It was storming and there was a flash of lightening and I reached down to shorten up my dogs lead and looked up again and the animal was gone. Now the way my yard is layed out-it could not have just vanished (no places to run and hide that fast). This animal came out from the area wher eI buried my cat of 18 years last month and darted to the large oak tree my son's swing hangs from. In fact-it was standing by and looking at his swing. We live in a rural area and there are coyotes on the far side of the county (25-30 miles from me) and no one seems to have heard of coyotes or fox in town. I am just starting to wonder if I actually saw this coyote or was it a vision of some type. I am a big believer in visions and spirits.


Large I guess-40 pounds maybe. Very long legs. I am very dog savy and this was not a dog.

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