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Why are there so many Global warming skeptics here in yahoo answers?

The debate has already eneded between countries that global warming is caused mostly by man-made activites but still most of the yahoo answer users are skeptic about this. duh>?!

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first I think it's important to establish that they're not really skeptics. A skeptical person keeps his mind open, and when something is proven (like that the Sun is not responsible for the current global warming), he accepts it. These people are not skeptical - they're in denial, and thus are deniers.

    Deniers actually make up a pretty small fraction of the population. They just make up a large percentage of people in the YA Environment section because they're conspiracy theorists, and thus feel very strongly about their position. A person who accepts man-made global warming has no reason to come here. They're in the majority. But when you're in the minority and think there's a massive conspiracy going on, you make a lot of noise about it.

    YA is a good place for these people to congregate because you can post your opinion here and you don't have to know what you're talking about. You can even pretend to be a doctor, as several deniers do. And because there are so many of them here, YA gives the deniers a little corner of the world where they can feel like there are a lot of people who think like them, and so maybe they're right.

    It's a little unfortunate that anyone can say anything they want on YA, even if it's a total lie. This flaw is what allows deniers to congregate here and misinform people, trying to fool them into joining the global warming denial movement.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh heaven forbid someone should be skeptical about environmentalists claims that the world will end. They did the same thing during the '70's . Did it happen? What makes them right this time?

    The debate is not over. I always find it curious that the true believers never want debate to go on. Why is that? GW has become a religion for far too many people. Repent or die, right? Believe or be labeled a denier (coincidentially by the same buch of people who don't like to be labeled but have no problem labeling others. Hypocritical, if you ask me.)

  • 1 decade ago

    The most evasive maneuvers about global warming are done by the main steam media. What I mean is that its easy for the media to distort peoples views on almost everything. Its regulated, so you never see what people really think when watching TV or reading the newspaper.

    The difference here, as opposed to what you have told are strikingly different, because your seeing evidence of how people think that stretches across the gambit of the media. Your getting answers from people who are scientists, from people who have read up on global warming, listen to AM media, and have had a chance to converse with others to make up their own minds, or change their minds on global warming.

    Here you get raw and unfiltered view points that would never make it on either TV or be written in most magazines and newspapers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It amazes me how many people like you actually believe in "global warming."

    Most scientists no longer believe that humans cause climate changes that's why they now say they are postponing global warming for another 10 years.

    It's been getting cooler since 1998 and so they predict it may start to get warmer in another 10 years.

    The debate was never over in the science arena, but the politicians and media made up their minds very early even though it was all just an unproven theory.

    If you genuinely want to learn about it there are hundreds of books on the subject, but it sounds like you've made up your mind without educating yourself. That's unfortunate.

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  • booM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    OK, I'm not supposed to say anything about this, but there is this huge conspiracy going on to get the deniers to speak up on line so their home addresses can be tracked down...and someone in Hollywood with an apocalyptic vision is writing a global warming screenplay right now with a plot that revolves around just that concept.

    What happens is global warming results in the weather upheavals, droughts in some areas, flooding in others...all the things that are predicted in varying degrees of severity. The surviving governments, in order to preserve what remains of the human race, publishes a list of the denier's names and home addresses, and mobs of angry people descend like hordes of locusts on the skeptics, banishing them to the least habitable parts of the globe.

    Then Charlton Heston appears before them wearing a long gray beard and dressed in flowing robes, bearing two stone tablets that are inscribed by a fiery finger as the banished tribes watch...

    ...I can't really reveal any more, because this is a real blockbuster, and it is expected that viewers will bolt from theaters and cinemaplexes all over the globe, skeptics to cower in their basements while believers track them down, burn their SUVs and stuff, and reality TV crews tape.

    Aside from the boffo boxoffice and cross merchandising franchise, the advertising revenues from the TV shows-which is the real goal-will be enough to encase the entire earth in a plastic bubble and air condition it.

    Hope I haven't said too much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've got one word why there are so many 'skeptics'. Because this global warming is nothing but BULLSHEET! Choke on that you tree-huggin' RDDB.

    Check out the new issue of Nature Magazine. They have one in a litany of articles debunking ALGORES myth of global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as there are fanatics, there will be skeptics. The thing to remember is that there is only one kind of fanatic and there are two kind of skeptics. The two kind of skeptics are: (1) Those who fanatics accuse, for not believing as they do; and (2) Those who prefer to make their own investigations and draw their own conclusions based on fact obtained from different sources. Now; are you a fanatic of global warning or a true skeptic still looking for answers? I will like that my great-great-great grandchildren enjoy clean air and water with plentiful fauna and flora. I am doing my part by recycling, reducing and reusing. I also try to protect the environment any way I can. The globe is going to warm and cool as God's sees fit!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The country needs to begin having an "honest" conversation about the "costs and consequences" of ethanol regulations.

    While most people are focusing on rising gas prices, world food prices are also soaring -- and those soaring prices are having a "devastating" effect on people.

    Many people are now going hungry; and while there are a lot of reasons for the rising cost of food, ethanol mandates are a part of that and it is something that the Greenies need to think seriously about changing.

    Reports suggests that bio-fuel production contributes to about one-third of the rising cost of food. As farmers switch crops in order to grow more corn for bio-fuel, that has a negative impact on the price of wheat and other grains. And the excess corn production does not enter the food market.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think "Love of Truth" has hit the nail on the head the highest contributor in this group, has a tally of best answers that has gone up hundreds in just the last few weeks, the only way to get these sort of results is multiple id.s his total is over 1400 best answers in 11 months of membership, thats 4.5 best answers each and every day?

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people don't realize that global warming doesn't necessarily mean higher temps.It's more about extremes, drought, temperature fluctations. Hot dry summers, and extremely cold dry winters. Without water (not rain and storm induced by cloudseeding and possibly haarp).

    As the poles are mellting, the salinity level needed to keep the thermohaling circuitry in motion. drops, and the oceans go to sleep, and percipitation that needs to go inlands are not formed, resulting in inland drought. It'll all turn into desert. Every day land is turning into desert.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There has been sicentific evidence that the sun is getting hotter and some believe this may be the main contributory factory to global temperature rise rather than greenhouse gases.

    Currently this has been refuted check out the article... but the study is in its infancy so don't be so sure there is not some justification to it. The greenhouse gas theory is a fairly sound theory and in all honesty makes more sense.. The sun will have been getting hotter for some time.. but its hard to believe that this global warming has happened so suddenly (in comparison to the age of the sun) without it being related to a corresponding change in circumstance..

    That change is clearly matches our industrialisation era... I am sorry to say that unless we enter into an era of global environmentalism we could be headed for serious consequnces. It is inevitable that the population of the world will need to be culled either by war... natural disaster / unihabitable conditions.

    The planet will recover in time and in probability our species will survive but just with far fewer numbers. I say use all the fossil fuels up.. Make sure there is non left when the post-apocalyptic nations rebuild they will have be forced to use alternate methods.. Last thing they need is access to fossil fuels.

    Source(s): lol 4 thumbs down... I got a 1st Class Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering and a post graduate certificate of Education in Chemistry and Physics ... But hey what would I know.
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