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Atheists Blind Faith on theory of evolution?

On the theory of evolution

Ok, so many but not all Atheists accuse those who believe in religion to be fools for having blind faith that we were created as we are by GOD.

Many of them however have a blind faith in science, they believe what the scientists teach, just as we believe what our church leaders teach. how is this different? Not many Atheists have done the research for themselves, how do they know they are not handed a line of bunk ?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Atheists are just one group that proselytize on the theory of evolution. Yes many of them do this without having done the research for themselves. They do not know whether they are handed a line of bunk and yes they do accept by blind faith that what they are reading is true. The field of science/evolution is a constant changing phenomena. As new discoveries are made - things that were accepted as fact are discarded. That is one of the biggest reasons it is called a theory and should not be taken as gospel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are natural laws. If you do this and that, then one thing or another will happen. Science uses not only logic but tried and true testing in order to come closer to the truth. Science can, because of these natural laws make educated guesses.

    Now I do admit that evolution cannot be 100% proven but there is evidence, much evidence that leads us to believe that the logical conclusions are true.

    However with faith in a spiritual nature of any kind, there is no reasoning. It takes things like talking burning bushes, talking serpents, spiritual creatures co-habitating outside it's species, boats big enough to carry two of everything living, bodies disappearing and coming back to life, water turning into wine, a small amount of food feeding many, a realm outside our own where there is nothing but torture, man being constructed from dust and woman from the rib of a man and says that they have happened. These things don't happen today and outside one book, they have never happened. Surely science says that if these things could be true not only could they be replicated but at least they would be well documented by other accounts in a historical manner. But they aren't. This mighty boat hasn't even been found to authenticate one of the stories of the bible.

    It isn't like science hasn't spent a lot of time trying to prove that it was at least possible. So rather than having faith that it is true for no proof what so ever some choose to believe that it doesn't exist. But in truth you should be happy, at least science is trying to prove it for you.

    There are governments who thru blind faith that other goverments have wmds attack when there was no proof before and it's been proven since, that some ppl committed rape beyond a reasonable doubt spent decades in jail and it was proven later that they didn't do it and proven absolutely.

    You see there are things that science and investigation can prove and disprove, faith requires no proof whatsoever, only belief. Sometimes blindly believing without proof or indication can be tragically wrong. And some don't want to be wrong.

  • 7 years ago

    Evolution is not science. Science is about testing a theory in the present. How can you test something which supposedly occurred millenia ago? Billions of years ago? You can't. You'd need a time machine to do so.

    Observational science shows that evolution is not true. Over 100 young earth/universes evidences exist, and these show that evolution could not possibly have occurred ( But, besides that, science shows, for example, that mutations and natural selection cannot cause one organism to evolve into another. Speciation does occur, but speciation does not lead to, nor imply evolution.

    But because the Bible (and creationism) is unacceptable to atheists (and others), they have no choice but to believe in the only other acceptable alternative: evolution. Even though there are many holes in evolution, and though the necessity of God's existence (and the lack of any supporting evidence for evolution) can be found, atheists remain atheists, and atheists cling to what should be a dead evolution idea. Why? Because God's existence is unacceptable. This is also why atheists oftentimes turn to insulting others, mainly Christians. Since the truth is not on their side, and since it bothers them greatly that there is a God, one alternative is to insult theists, in hopes that the theists are silenced. Another alternative is to simply go into denial, which many atheists do. They refuse to look at the great hordes of evidence which shows that evolution is a lie, and that there must be a God. Denying something that you don't like makes life much more comfortable. And so, atheists, and many others, sadly cling to the lie of evolution, though true science contradicts it in so many ways.

    Many others...

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution has a huge body of evidence that supports it.

    Religious folk have a book that has many contradictions, errors, etc.

    Science has a process of peer review. An experiment, a conclusion, or even an observation, should be repeatable by others. Scientists show their work to others, and ask them to look for inconsistencies, holes in the logic, alternate ways of viewing the evidence.

    Religious folk say if you don't believe what they tell you, you will be tortured for eternity.

    Scientists have periodic conventions on a topic, where they present all the evidence, discuss it, discuss alternative explanations, theories, and try to come together on a common explanation.

    Religious folk have holy wars to convince the other side to try to come together on a common belief.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't speak for all atheists, but I have done the research myself and have no problem with evolution. The thing about science is that it is NOT based on blind faith. - you or anyone can check the claims of science.

    I suggest you read the book " the god delusion' by Richard Dawkins.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No one can really believe that "anything" taught by "anyone" is "really true". We each have to choose what we "want" to believe and what makes sense to us. I choose NOT to believe in the so-called god that all organized religions claim to exist because it is "totally" illogical to me. Science and its precepts are logical and make sense, and it's an on going learning process. No one knows all the answers, but the teachings of science make far more sense to me than a belief in some super-being that lives up there in the clouds and controls all things. The belief in a battle between some evil entity like the devil battling god for supremacy is truly laughable. To me, a belief in the teachings of the "biased" religious leaders through the centuries is like a cave man bowing to the moon out of fear. Religion was invented by man for one reason, and one reason only, to CONTROL other men. Remember one thing: more people have died on this planet due to religious beliefs than for all other reasons combined, and this includes diseases. I did not make this up, it's a fact. Think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the evidence is there for them to check at any time. And it's tangible evidence, not an ancient book of stories.

    Many people accept evolution because other people have done the work to prove it and they're taught it at school. It's an essential part of the syllabus for biology now, so they're expected to understand it and use it as fact. I'm not condoning that, but at the same time, the students are educated as to the exact reasons that evolution is accepted, with evidence.

    I'm glad that when I did Religious Education at school that they never tried to pass off one religion as a fact.

  • 5 years ago

    You are right. Evolution is all blind faith of the worst kind. And it is all about them trying to validate rejecting God. The bible is right when is says "The FOOL says in his heart there is no God" You have quite a lot on them on this thread. Atheist, here is a problem to prove wrong. See link below.( Caution - all your comrades so far have been whipped and ran away like Prof. Richard Dawkins did when he was challenged by Dr. William Craig)

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is a pretty sound theory based on a mass of credible evidence and you lot for all your rhetoric and misrepresentation of facts, aren't doing much to undermine it so I don't know where blind faith comes into it. Rigorous scientific methodology soon roots out the theories which are invalid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I would say that "faith" to you is something special, yeah? Something to hold sacred?

    I don't mind if you want to cheapen the definition of "faith" to include completely secular things, but you probably should. So yeah, I have "faith" that the sun will rise tomorrow. I have "faith" that my friends will not stab me in the back. I have "faith" that the theory of electromagnetism is correct so my computer keeps working. I have "faith" that some 150 years of interlocking scientific research, the global scientific consensus, and all the stuff I see in natural history museums is evidence that evolution happened.

    Source(s): Do you see the difference?
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