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I have a situation and I need advice?

My friend just gave birth to her 2nd child, which is great, but one time I called her and she was yelling at her first born and called him a brat and I was shocked and I didn't call her for awhile and I called her once and she confessed to me that she was frustrated at her son's behavior (her 1st born) . I told her to be calm with him and he is always called into the principal's office always and the reason why is because of behavior. She yells and screams at him even before her 2nd born was born and conceived. I got turned off and she is always calling me everyday to go out and I want to go out, it's just that I've got a lot of things that I have to get done during the day and evening and I just feel numb about what she said to her first born and turned off at the same time. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dont worry about it. Everyone says things when they are angry that they later regret. And besides, it is not your business to fix this problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    All mothers scream at their children from time to time especially if those kids are a handfull. Dont judge her its not your place, rather try and support her as being a mother can sometimes be very stressfull. Besides why does it bother you what she does, if she was abusing the kid it would be a different story but as long as it stays with yelling its fine. I've called my son a little monster more than once. what else could she say??? hey you f.....g naughty little s..t, you better start behaving now??? as long as she's not using foul language and hurting him physically she's not so bad. Besides sometimes kids can be brats and its good that thy know which behaviour is classified as good and which is classified as "brat" behaviour. i personally dont like the word brat that much either thats why i call my kids liitle monsters when they are naughty. And sometimes my son comes up to me and says sorry for being such a litlle monster sometimes. I think your friend needs you, thats why she's calling you all the time. Did it ever occur to you that you might be her only real friend she thinks wont judge her????

  • 1 decade ago

    it sounds like you have no kid's, because being a mother and exspecially to one's that have behavioral problems are stressed out everyday and frustated and tired. believe me I have four kids,10 and 8 and 5 and 4 and they all have add/adhd/odd and their behavoiral is totally out of control, I am always at school for something and yes I can tell my kids to go do something a million times and the last I will scream at them and yes I have told them that they are brats, it is better to call them brats then something else. Believe me being a mother is not a easy job, it is a hard job. do not ruin your friendship with her, she needs you and she proably only wants you to go out with her because she is stressed and wants to get a little of freedom for awhile with her friend. I do the same all the time. If mothers do not take a little break from all of it some times then we wouldn't be able to be the mother that our children need us to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's none of your business how she raises her child - and that includes how she chooses to talk to him. (If she's beating him, that's a totally different story.) If the way she talked to her first born totally conflicts with your value system, then you should cut off the friendship now. Perhaps it was a one-time thing where she lost her cool. Parenting is tough and really works your last nerve. It's easy to judge until you're in the situation.

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  • KSR
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is clearly obvious that you don't have any children. If she is your friend you should tell her in a nice way how you feel. Be very careful of what words you use and don't you dare seem like you're judging her. You don't know what she is going through unless you have a similar situation. You also can try to help her out when you have free time. If she is your friend, treat her the way you want her to treat you if you were in her situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have kids?? Well before I had kids, i got so mad when people called their kids brats, well now i know first hand that its better than calling them something worse cuz believe me... you want to. You cant' ignore your friend just by the way she parents, its not your choice. If all she is doing is calling her kid a brat, you don't have a problem!

  • PKUmom
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    do you have children?

    to be honest, I've called my son a brat in the heat of the moment...and sometimes kids with behavioural problems need a firm voice...I can tell my son to brush his teeth 4 times within a 20 minute span and then I just get a annoyed and yell it across the house!

    Do I love my kids any less? nope, I would do anything for them

  • It sounds like she has her hands full. Its non of your business how she disciplines him unless its abusive. Every mom calls her kids brats at one time or another. And it sounds like he is being a brat. She is probably sleep deprived and exhausted. Give her a break. Go out with her, have fun and don't discuss parenting with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    pls. don't loose ur friend. it happens in family and she needs ur help to get away from the irritation she gets from her children sometimes.

    she is mother and love her children . u don't have to worry but if u really got off then say to her in a friendly way like this

    " u were yelling at ur son but don't u think this can make him stubborn if u does this often"

    this will make her think and u will do ur duty as a good friend

  • Matt P
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If there were more parents like your friend, our country wouldn't be such a mess right now. I'm not condoning abuse, but what you stated is FAR from abuse. Children need decipline, structure, and tuff love.

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