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Is Smoking Cigarettes Healthier Than Fascism?

If you have never smoked and couldn't give a damn if it gets banned then consider the fact that cell phones are emerging as the new kid on the bloc as far as cancer's best friend goes. If the government can regulate our personal habits and behavior, what's next?

Does the same government that is raining down depleted uranium in all corners of the world, playing Dr. Frankenstein with our food and drugging us into oblivion with psychotropic poison pills, really care about our physical well-being?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's healthier than Communism.....that's for sure. More enjoyable also.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is.... Considering you bring up a valued point. Look at drinking coffee or alcohol studies. They seem to give the results on what the government wants to hear then the truth. Look at George Burns smoked all his life I believe 85+ and lived to be over 100. Hmmmm seems like smoking did not hurt him. Second hand smoke is another topic where more is coming out of a car then a person who smokes two packs a day.

    Government doesn't care about it and figuring new ways of killing us off to keep Social Security from running out...

    BTW love the name .....

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Smoking is costing money (medical, lost productivity, blah blah..). .. and it also has a good anti-smoking lobby. All the other stuff u talk about turns a profit and most people don't care about it enough to make it an issue to decide their voting choices. It's called democracy. Fascism is different. Democracy they have to make you believe you want to do something, whereas in a fascist state no-one gives a crap what you want, you just gotta do it or you get your head kicked in.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government has always been able to regulate time, place and manner with regard to its citizens and the exercise of their rights. What makes you think that a government that can send you to war, tax your income and your property, take your life in the electric chair or strip you of your children, can't restrict your smoking habits? Oh, and it's NOT fascism. The fact is that we have no ABSOLUTE rights... they are all subject to some boundaries.

    For example, you have the right to practice the religion of your choice. You don't have the right to practice polygymy even if your religion calls for it. The government can make laws against it. You have the right to the full use and enjoyment of your home. You don't have the right to burn it down if it endangers MY house. The government can make laws against it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is an excellent point and your right on brother. They give us drugs that were suppose to be tested then find out down the road that they cause cancer, deformity in babies, sterility and senility. But the big drug companies were in such a big hurry to get them out that they didn't test them well. Oh well you can sue because your already dead. But the fat cats don't care because they have insurance and a good medical plan. Feed it to the poor and lets see what happens is their motto.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hmmm, you present an interesting scenario; we all know how irritating second hand cell can be. here's an idea, little booths on the street you can enter to scream into your cell. charge people a quarter to use them.

  • 1 decade ago

    well if smoking gets banned which I wouldn't be surprised then I'm renouncing my citizenship and moving to the Netherland's..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anything as far as I am concerned is healthier than Liberalsim which = socialism which= fascism and communism...

    No Obummer for me..Nor bubba's wife thanks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you could also say the same about weed... and I don't even smoke it...

    if you have one legal... make it all legal... that's fine with me and I don't smoke anything...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anything is.

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