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Is any evidence on earth not apparently placed here by the Devil?

Someone asked an excellent question just now about if there were to be evidence about the marriage of Jesus to Magdalene and at least one answerer claimed that it would be Satan's work planting the evidence there.

Does that mean that any other evidence about Jesus' very existence would be rejected on the same grounds?

This is the problem I have with religionists in general.

Anyone care to shed some light on it?


T-man, how do you discern between the devil's work and what you agree with?

It's just not a simple enough system.

Update 2:

Paulette, your answer is one of the most rational answers from a Christian on this question.

You make a valid and accurate point about the life of Christ too.

Are you referencing the line about seeing through a glass darkly with your line about seeing more clearly through the dark?

Update 3:

Problem, did you actually READ the question?

The question was about Christian selectiveness about evidence, not about Mary Magdalen, that was an exemplar.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have watched the documentaries about this. It would not effect my faith in the lest.

    Back then the men were expected to be take a wife, to not take a wife was frowned upon. ( He came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it)

    What if Jesus did? He, after all was a man on earth, expected to conform to the world he lived in.

    In my Bible study I have not come across anything that Jesus was not to have a wife... this is mans idea, not the Bible.

    We are to see through the dark more clearly... as time goes by we are understanding the Bible better. The religion doesn't like to have the light on their misconceived ideas. Things are getting clarified, old stuff corrected.

    Evil is deceiving, create doubt... be this doubt about anything, everything, truth or not.

    That's why we have Acts 17:11

  • 1 decade ago

    For most religions, fear is a base. Fear of Hell, punishment, abandonment. When people have fear in their hearts and minds, their hearts and minds stay closed. They feel they must defend their religion, even to the point of denying facts.

    Right now, fear has lead many Christians to say fossils were placed here on Earth by the Devil. Fossils! It sounds silly to us, but fear is a powerful motivator for denial.

    I don't know if Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. But if we ever did come up with actual evidence, it's almost certain that yes, many Christians would claim it's "of the devil". Just like fossils, evolution, modern science, homosexuality, all other religions, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's easy to make a crazy claim that can't be proven to prove another crazy claim that can't be proven.

    Maybe you can't disprove that person's claim, but there is zero reason to believe it in the first place and tons of reasons to be very suspicious.

    You can use their reasoning back, such as God must have let the Devil do it and God wouldn't lie, so maybe Jesus did marry her.

    EDIT: There is no evidence that Jesus ever existed. There is a lot of evidence that brings doubt, such as archeological data showing that Nazareth and Bethelem were not inhabited until years later.

  • 1 decade ago

    who's to say that there wasn't gossip 2,000 years ago? people would be accused of demon possesion and witchcraft all the time. would it not make sense that someone could be enfluenced by the devil to try to discredit jesus? 2,000 years from now, if some archaeologist picked up a copy of the world news and sees that bigfoot had a vampire baby, should they believe that? this far ahead of jesus' time, people can't rely on 2,000 year old gossip columns to try to discredit christianity. personally i believe that the devil is the ultimate deciever, so how could it not be in his power? and why wouldn't he try that approach? it's very convincing isn't it?

    i'd like anyone who says that the bible has hundreds of contradictions to list a few. a few years ago journalist lee strobel decided to make a book called the case against christ. he went out looking for ways to disprove god's existence. at the time he was an atheist. after he did months and months of research he found that everything added up eventualy, and changed the titile to the case for christ. so, people who say that the bible contradicys itself should probably follow suit and research the topic thouroughly. because if there is a devil, he wouldn't give up that easily

    while calliope does seem to have a point, while the bible says that god created the world in 7 days, 1 day in god's time is later defined as 10,000 years, and hebrew numerology points out that numbers such as 10,000 in fact mean an uncountable number. so, in fact, we have no idea how long it took god to create the earth, or his actual method on creating life. all we do know is that he did it in seven distinct stages.

    also christianity does not use fear as a base. christ came to earth to save us. what's to fear in that? it all looks positive to me. the only fear should be in the people who aren't saved. if you are a true christian, emphasis on the true, what is there to lose? your life is based on moral standards, you have a huge support group, your not afraid of death, and your never alone.

    on the questioner's comment: in the court of law guilty people do end up on the streets from tim e to time, right? so , it would seem that seeing the truth is not a simple process. that's why people who want to be a lawyer or judge have to learn so much. and also, there are lawyers out there who skew the truth flipping it inside out and over itself to where no one knows what it is. this is the same principle that the devil is based on.

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  • 1 decade ago

    How about the WMD in Iraq?

    Jesus returned in 1988. He worked one miracle, claimed to be the son of god, and was locked up on a psychiatric unit, medicated out of his mind, and has been there ever since.

    The Saviour needs a savior!

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone can find evidence of any theory they want. An open minded person doesn't jump to conclusions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is good for faith, but over the years has turned into nothing more than desired manipulative practices to coerce human behavior. Love your God, forget what the bible thumping idiots have to say. It means nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is NO evidence for a marriage, from the devil or anyone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yeah, the devil/satan gets the blame or credit for all kinds of shlt they can't otherwise explain. He's their handy out, the scapegoat for their ignorance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Doesn't matter what's left here or by who. If you see a pile of dog doo, you walk around it or step over it. Doesn't matter who put it there!

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