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Has anyone ever...?

Done any sort of spell or ritual to induce astral travel? If you have, and it worked- would you be kind enough to share it with me? Thx:)

Oh, and for those who HAVE astral travelled- is it true that you can have sex in your astral body?

It all seems a little strange to me knowing that you can supposedly do these things ie(travel to the past/future, heal people, and have sex w/out a body...) but has anyone ever DONE them?

And I'm just curious (btw), but even if you ARE a cynic, feel free to hash *lolz** I really don't mind:)

9 Answers

  • John S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK! Astral travel or out of body traveling is not something you just do, it takes years of mental training to do it. First you have to learn how to meditate and reach a place of inner peace and learn how to shut out everything. Once you are ready to try it there are a few "tricks" that will help.

    First you have to believe it will work. One trick is to take a piece of rope 20 or 30 feet long, tie it around your waste. Tie the other end to something that is solid. This does nothing, but it gives you a sense of security that you won't float away. (everyone freaks out on that at first)

    Find a nice place to sit on the ground in a chair, remove your shoes and socks. Place your feet flat on the ground. This will help you gather energy from the earth.

    Now close your eyes and picture your body as a glass shape full of water, we are mostly water. Now see the water as brown dirty and let it slowly drain out of your feet, taking with it all your negative thoughts, any pains, discomfort, and fears. Let the water swirl around your whole body cleaning every thing out and then push it all out your feet into the earth.

    Now that you are cleaned out, picture fresh clean blue spring water slowly flowing back in through your feet. Slowly filling every part of your body with fresh powerful clean water from deep in the earth. Once your full, you have the power of the whole earth to work with you.

    Now slowly let that power lift your spirit up out of your body, just a few feet at first and relax a little, then move up far enough to see your body under you. Then move up as far as you want to. Remember that your safe because you are tied down and can't go to far. Now look around at all the roof tops and trees below you. Note anything on the roofs so you can confirm that it was real later and not just your imagination.

    Once you have mastered that the rest is just letting yourself go.

    You may want to go some where, I recommend that you go to the Akasha Library, the librarian will meet you when you arrive and take you to what you need. Once your floating just say take me to the Akasha library. It's a short trip, not far, ten to twenty seconds at most. Oh by the way the librarian is not one of us, so try not to freak out or stair at him like he's a freak. Be on your best behavior, the places and things out there are real old, really, really old, millions if not billions of years old. Try not to break anything please!

  • 1 decade ago

    First off there's no such thing as sex-astral-travel! You don't do rituals, throw spells, nor can you induce yourself in astral travel. This is an evil way...and don't work...

    For all your knowledge on this, I advice you not to touch this. Not even with hallucinogens, you would get in major trouble.

    Curiosity is leading you to try and go to some hells you'll produce yourself. I know how to do this for so many yrs, but I would never tell you how. You seem to think it's a free trip, it isn't. It could be very dangerous first: not knowing: without a teacher or a trainer. With my apologies, I doubt you have the maturity to even try this, I say this by the way you're asking the "how". Honestly, I don't recommand you do this in any way you may think of.

    Though, you mostly need to learn how your mind works. It's the beginning of it. Then, it takes a long, long time to get to some point way before you can travel.

    Take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only way I was able to astral-travel, one-time only, was with relaxation techniques. Time consuming and boring.

    I floated up away from my body, in the same room; enjoyed a sense of clarity and vitality as if I were 2 years old, then returned to my body. I arose from the bed feeling old and heavy, even though I'd only been 'away' for perhaps a minute. Too much trouble to repeat the effort. My pastor says it's a sin. I was about 30 at the time. For a first-timer, I had no sense of control or movement, it just did its own thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    This perhaps comes after a specific study/esoteric- /whitout offensing religion/, old traditions, some tentations-that the invisible powers are offering to beginners,for checking what level and colour are their astral body etc./ and is unic for everyone.

    I would give you advice not to be very involved in these things until a special age and life experience comes.

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  • divina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and it's not a good idea. First, spells and rituals are a way to force God's hand, and that's a no-no. Not that He is going to slam you for it, but it is a sin, and you will hear about it later. Much later. How about having a much better trip? Meet the Lord. He loves you, and he will forgive you all this metaphysical crap. Just say Hey Jesus, I am searching, sick of searching, want to find You. Can You take over and give me a better life than the one I made? In Jesus' Name, Amen Last time I astral-traveled, I got my hand royally slapped, metaphorically speaking, and I won't do that again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never tried that but I do know that shamans access the astral plane to observe past and future 'synchronicity', which are a property of the dreaming world. Such access is enhanced by hallucinogenic plants. They can see, through the visions, what and how a person got sick and possibly how to heal them. Using such access to have sex seems the ultimate in ignorance and foolhardy self-destruction.

    Source(s): The Dreaming Universe by Fred Allen Wolf
  • 1 decade ago

    I've heard that shamans were really good at this stuff. Try reading books about that stuff, there are no spells or magic, mainly meditation is the key. This is really safe to do. Do not use magic or spells, first off they most likely won't work, second it could be bad magic

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Have you ever, ever, ever in your long legged thoughts, seen a long legged tiger and his long legged tail.

  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A spirit told me in automatic writing one time that he/she thought it would be thilly for spirits to have sex. (that's how they wrote it. lol) Truth!

    Edit. ..BTW.. I don't recommend automatic writing to anyone. Instead..I warn people against it. It might seem like fun..but you can't trust it.

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