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What are the cops really for (part 2)?

So, some obscure law in Louisiana prohibits barbers from cutting hair on Sundays, Mondays, and some holidays. It's still law, though, and one cop wrote a ticket to a barber. Even the police department didn't know about the law until they went searching for something to use. The DA refuses to prosecute and is even pushing to have the law repealed as an old strong-arm law of barbers' unions from the 1950's.


And elsewhere, a kid was issued a ticket for littering ($100) when a helium balloon slipped out of his hand and sailed away.

Update 2:

Swat, I'm glad you are not a cop. The question is, let me spell it out for you, WHAT ARE THE COPS REALLY FOR? Since they write tickets for barbering on a holiday, or littering the sky with a balloon, I have to wonder why my tax money is really going for?

Update 3:

Kevy, yes, the officer was INSTRUCTED to write the ticket, by his superior (Lt) in the police dept. And it was such a nefarious crime that the DA refuses to prosecute, as I mentioned.

Update 4:

Trooper, nice try, but really they DID have the option since the police were unaware of the law until they actively searched and found it. Why was it SO important to search for an obscure law to enforce?

Update 5:

Quasimodo, now I could call the police and tell them someone is parked on my street in violation of Section# Artlcle# Blah Blah and the police will never come. And if I raise a stink about them picking and choosing which laws to enforce, I'd be out of luck. So is it only a matter of WHO is raising the ruckus? Somebody influential?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here's the way it works...and I'll make it simple for you. You can bet that someone.....some civillian who has a hard on for the barber...calls up and makes a complaint that the guy is open for business on a Sunday in violation of the Blue Laws.

    You can also bet the last thing the cops want to do is to summons the barber because quite frankly....unless you're dealing dope cops could give a good goddamn if you cut hair at 2:30 in the morning, let alone on a Sunday. So...someone calls the station and the lieutenant is forced to order the summons being issued because the scumbag who made the complaint in the first place will make an issue of it. And we all know when cops don't enforce the matter how petty it is...they catch heat. Especially since the standard line is..."The law says no hair cutting on Sundays. So it true you didn't enforce that law? It is still a law..isn't it?" This is where the worm attorneys come in. Hence the only one who can refuse to prosecute is the Prosecutoer's Office itself. It's not up to the police to pick and choose just which laws on the books can be enforced. But you can bet if the cop didn't make the arrest the Prosecutoer's Office would jump on the bandwagon and slam the cops for not enforcing the laws of the state.

    There's always a double edged sword when it comes to the police. And if you manage to slide by the law issue...there's always the internal investigation to see if you violated department policy and you can take a hit there as well.

    Now this doesn't excuse the die hard pricks who hand out tickets like candy and don't use descretion...which you're usually allowed in most circumstances. But for something as petty as this? can blame your neighbors for selling you down the river...because I'm willing to bet it wasn't the cops who made this an issue.

  • Kevy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can safely say I have never cited a barber for cutting hair or a kid for letting a balloon go. And I bet I speak for 99.9999% of the other officers out there as well.

    "and an officer was INSTRUCTED to issue a summons"

    "District Attorney Joe Waitz Jr. won't be prosecuting the case. In fact, he's asking the parish council to repeal the law as unconstitutional."

  • 1 decade ago

    You are overlooking an important fact. Police officers do not make laws, they are hired to enforce laws the legislature approves. The same legislature that is voted into office.

    Although officer have a fair amount of discretion, it is not their job to pick and choose what to enforce.

    With that said, I agree with Kevy. I do not believe these actions reflect the vast majority of officers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some cops show lack of judgment when it comes to handing out tickets. And the cops that gave those tickets are abusing their authority.

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