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Potty training question?

I have been potty training my 2 year old son for 2 and a half weeks now and he has been doing brilliantly, only a couple of accidents. Yesterday and today he has been making himself wee, but not on the potty. He has weed on the sofa, stairs and carpet. He only does it though if he doesn't have any pants on, it's like he wants to see himself wee because he bends to see it! I'm not sure whether to ignore it and hope he gets bored, or tell him off. If i tell him off though I'm worried that it may to set him back in potty training! Anyone else ever have this? or any suggestions on how to stop it?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just keep the reinforcement positive! If you catch him doing it, say "oh no buddy! not on the sofa/stairs/etc, go to the potty!" then pick him up and carry him into the potty. then you can say "wow, look at all your peepee going into the potty" you could say "splash" or something like that, so he thinks it's as neat as peeing all over your beautiful sofa. good luck! potty training is very trying..but it seems like he's well on his way. i think you're doing great. just remember, he may do great for months, and then revert back to peeing on the sofa again (happened to me). keeping things positive will have better results than "telling him off". never use any negative feedback during potty training. you can use a stern voice "no no pal, not on the couch, go into the potty" but dont yell saying "(insert choice swear word here)!!!!! why did you do that again?!?!" catch my drift? good luck!!

  • 5 years ago

    Can you think about having the tension of potty training totally above within just 3 days! It sounds like a dream or a gimmick, doesn't it? The idea that your child could get comfortable utilizing the potty in a handful of days – or even one afternoon – might appear unbelievable to mothers and fathers expecting potty training to be a lengthy and hard approach but with this system you will do it

    Start Potty Training, a 3 days approach sets about dispelling all myths surrounding this large phase in your child’s social advancement, looking for to expose the reality about potty training to mother and father.

    Start Potty Training is a effective resolution to transform and accelerate progress and you will be astonished at how efficient these techniques are in assisting nurture an independent minor one.

  • 5 years ago

    Does your little one complain about moist or dirty diapers? Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again? Then start the potty training and for a quickly achievement you require to use this approach so that you can potty train your youngster in only 3 days.

    This program is really valuable system, it outlines an array of verified techniques created to help your kid attain potty training achievement in record time!

    By ordering Start Potty Training, you and your child will appreciate the enjoyable side of educating and acquiring this important ability. As this kind of, potty training can even be entertaining employing this broad assortment of strategies that have been well honed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep his pants on, first of all, if that seems to create the fascination for him. Second, make using the POTTY more fun than weeing anywhere else. I got my son to use the potty (instead of running out to the back yard and watering the flowers) by keeping a bowl of Cheerios in the bathroom. We would toss some in the bowl and he would use his wee to make them "swim" around. MUCH more fun than outside!

    Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My son just turned 2 last week. We've been on the potty for about 3 months. Occasionally he would do the same thing, only he would put his hands in it and try to catch it. Just raise your voice and say his name and very sternly tell him NO! He only done it a few times, I think that kids just are curious about their body. After he figured out that pee comes out of that thing between his legs, he's been able to put the sensation and the act together, now my son knows when he needs to go. Good Luck! It's really not that hard to potty train, it is just hard to be consistant! It so easy to go back to diapers, they are so handy. KEEP IT UP!

  • Jodi L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He is just experimenting. I would definatly be very stern with him that we only wee wee in the potty because it makes a mess. Have you tried the cherrios trick? Put a cheerio in the potty and see if he can hit it. My son loves it and tries to potty all the time now. Also...maybe get a little prize jar with stickers and little trucks and stuff. Everytime he wee wee's in the potty he can get one....but only if it's in the potty. oh, and make him wear his pants.

    Source(s): Mother of 4 sons.
  • 1 decade ago

    When he does it, do not scold him. When it happens just say something along the lines of "Uh oh, looks like you had an accident, thats okay though, you will make it to the potty next time". To prevent it, try to make sure he always has shorts or pants on.

  • De T
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Keep his pants on and tell him he needs to wee wee on the potty.

  • 1 decade ago

    get a box of fruit loops they are colorful and tell him when he needs to pee you will pu them in the potty so he can target pratice and let him pee on them that is what we did with my nephew and he no longer wanted to pee on anything except the potty

  • 1 decade ago

    don't let him run around the house naked, that seems pretty odd

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