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what is a mixed drink where u can't taste the alcohol but has a kick 2 it?

My gf wants a mixed drink that has a good kick 2 it but doesn't like 2 taste the alcohol, any good 1s, nothin where u get dead drunk, just tipsy and happy

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    long island ice tea

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get coconut rum like Malibu or Parrot Bay, and mix it with any tropical fruit juice blend (you know, the kind that's any combination of orange, banana, mango, guava, strawberry, passion fruit, etc.). You can get it more than 50% rum before you even start to taste the alcohol.

    White Russian is also a pretty good drink with almost no alcohol taste (vodka, kahlua, and milk).

  • 1 decade ago

    I made up one when I was a bar assistant at the NCO club when I was in the Air Force. I called it the banana split.

    1/2 shot Amaretto

    1/2 shot Malubu

    1/2 shot cherry liquor

    1/2 shot chocolate or dark chocolate liquor

    1/2 shot banana liquor

    2 - 2 1/2 ounces milk or half and half over ice.

    Sweet, smooth and goes down fast so it has kick with 2 1/2 shots total in it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jungle Juice= 5/8 punch, 3/8 Gin(or vodka)

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  • 1 decade ago

    you can DEFINITELY taste the booze in a long island iced tea...beware of that can easily get dead drunk.

    If she likes simple, easy to drink cocktails, get some passion fruit Malibu, and Raspberry White Tea (lipton iced tea). You can add a heaping amount of the malibu without it tasting boozey. I adore this super tasty, you're drinking white tea, not it's not bad for your teeth and it won't give you heartburn.

    Source(s): years of enjoying nothing but tasty, non-boozey cocktails
  • 1 decade ago

    I recently tried TGIFridays pina coloda. Its premixed with the alcohol in it! It says to serve it over ice chilled but i put it in the blender with some ice. Blended it well and it tasted SO good. I would recommend at least trying it!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Baileys Irish Cream, or Amaretto.

  • slmw38
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    pink pussycat- 1.0 oz genadine, 6 onz pinapple, 1.5 onz vodka, stir in highball glass

    or hooch which is hawiian punch fruit cocktail and puregrain alcohol in a 5 gallon bucket

  • 1 decade ago

    bloody mary

    vodka is always a good drink!

    vodka w/ oj

    vodka w/ red bull

    vodka w/ mountain dew or 7up

    maybe a blush wine/champagne

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when im feeling like that i drink margarita(strawberry) or bloody mary

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