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Republicans which of the Democratic candidates do you think would do a better job as President?

I like McCain so please don't answer blindly with neither and say McCain or nothing. I have met and respect Senator McCain and I am considering voting for him. If it were Hillary or Obama, however, who do you think would actually do a better job?

As Philip B says respectful answers please.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Based on past performance, meaning when bill clinton was in office, I'd say hillary by far. Remember this is coming from a conservative republican. As outrageous and as much as I disagreed with Bill Clinton, he was smart enough to leave a good thing alone. he inherited a slumping but recovering economy, then he had the dot com boom. He left business to mind it's own business for the most part. The tech bubble didn't burst until he started tampering with it at the end and sued Microsoft trying to break them up. Bad move, but he did ok up until then.

    Obama on the other hand is talking about sweeping change, virtually all of it unfriendly to big business. Hillary is giving some of the same rhetoric, but she's simply lying in my opinion. The truth is the Clintons are more middle of the road than Obama is. I actually don't see that much difference between Hillary and McCain, who is a liberal democrat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a pretty fair answer since I'm not a Republican or a Democrat I'm an Independent. Not that I don't like Obama he's never done anyone wrong that I know of. But the reason I think Hillary would be the better one for the job is because she would be the first female president.

    She would feel since she's the first female, she has to make good changes for the people. She has to show that a woman can do the job and do it well (for the people ) because she is the open door for future female presidents. she can't make bad choices that will be on her shoulders for possible future female presidents if she messed that up I believe that door will be closed forever to woman and she knows that. So I believe she would make some good changes because of that. Think about it , if you were the first female president wouldn't that be of some importance?

    If it wasn't for that fact , I really couldn't say who would be best for the job it would be pretty much even.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama. At least there is a chance for a fresh perspective and possibly some hope. Clinton is so extremely divisive. Maybe Obama's way of leadership can give Americans the opportunity to take back responsibility for moving our country forward by working together rather than being stuck blaming the politics of either side. We need a change! wether or not it would be an change based on actual substance of policy or just a placebo effect. We need it to break the negative state we are in and give us an opportunity to do better.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, I couldn't vote for either of them, just based on their political platforms. But if by some fluke of nature those two were the only choice, I would vote for Obama. Not because he would do a better job, be a stronger leader or any of that. It's because if I had to listen to 4 years of that screeching Harpy Hillary's voice I would rip my ears off and eat them.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Not Mitt Romney. In Massachusetts, Romney claimed to be tough on immigration, however he waited until he was on the way out the door before he allowed state police the ability to enforce immigration laws, knowing that the new governor would overturn it. Mitt did not need bipartisan support to give the state police the ability to enforce laws and therefore his political move angered many of his supporters who fell for his tough immigration stance. With regards to abortion, Romney claimed to be pro choice when he was running for Massachusetts and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that he was or is - yet he's running on a pro life platform, less than a year later. Romney is also not being truthful about the mandatory health care bill that he stuck us with. Many uninsured have decided to pay the IRS penalty or the new health care insurance tax, I guess it depends on how you look at it. He did nothing to create jobs. I used to like the guy, but now I think he's the biggest phony I have ever laid eyes on.

  • Dick H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hillary but that isn't saying much. McCain would do the least amount of damage to this country. I don't like McCain but would vote for him if he had any possibility of winning Maryland. Since he doesn't, I am voting for Bob Barr or Ron Paul if he is running as a protest vote. I don't want McCain too win to big so he thinks he has a mandate or something like it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe both would be bad for our country but between the two I would have to say Hillary just because of the fact that

    there are too many questions about where Obama's ties

    really lead to.

  • Tom S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Lets see,I am a republican...but I have to vote for one of the Democratic candidates.How about I abstain.That way I can sleep at night with the comfort of knowing I didn't put a socialist in office.

  • 1 decade ago

    i do believe hillary would. She tries to be more in the middle than obama. She has to prove a point that women can do as good of a job as a man. She has also been around politics way more so she might have more pull in congress.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to say neither....osama is not a unifier, he will divide the country....

    MCCAIN is the only choice of the 3

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