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What does the issue of Sovereignty have to do with God, Adam, Eve and Satan? What question was raised in Eden

that is being answered in the world today?


Why would you think people are not a part of the issue? Remember Job? "At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God? 10 Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. 11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.”

We know that it wasn't God who acted against Job...but what did keeping his integrity mean and tie into the question?

7 Answers

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the rebellion in Eden raised even great issues. Satan cast a dark shadow across God’s good name. In effect, he accused Jehovah of being a liar and a cruel dictator who deprived his creatures of freedom. By seemingly thwarting God’s purpose to fill the earth with righteous humans, Satan also labeled God a failure. Had Jehovah left these challenges unanswered, many of his intelligent creatures might well have lost a measure of confidence in his rulership.

    Satan also slandered Jehovah’s loyal servants, charging that they served Him only out of selfish motives and that if placed under pressure, none would remain faithful to God. (Job 1:9-11) These issues were of far greater importance than the human predicament. Jehovah rightly felt obliged to answer Satan’s slanderous charges.

    Jehovah permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, Because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe. And he gave his creatures the privilege of proving the Devil a liar, and of removing the slander not only from God’s name but also from their own. Satan, in his egotistic attitude, was ‘given up to a disapproved mental state.’ In his approach to Eve, he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning. (Ro 1:28) For he was charging God with unfair, unrighteous exercise of sovereignty and, at the same time, was evidently counting on God’s fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider Himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures.

    Though Christ’s faithfulness thoroughly proved God’s side of the issue, others are permitted to share in this. The effects of Christ’s integrity-keeping course, including his sacrificial death, are pointed out by the apostle: “Through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life.” (Ro 5:18) Christ has been made the Head of a congregational “body”, the members of which share in his death of integrity, and he is glad to have them share with him as joint heirs, as associate kings in his Kingdom rule.

    Faithful men of old, looking forward to God’s provision, maintained integrity, though imperfect in body. And the many others who eventually bend the knee in acknowledgment will likewise do so in heartfelt recognition of God’s righteous, worthy sovereignty.

    Source(s): Reasoning
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The very thing being questioned in the Garden was God's Sovereignty: His absolute right to rule His creation as He sees fit.

    Adam and Eve were given Dominion over the earth, and through Eve's disobedience (and, subsequently, Adam's, too), they lost that Dominion and all legality was handed to Satan.

    Christ came to make null and void Satan's legal/ spiritual right to be mankind's spiritual master, and return all Sovereignty back to God. This will happen whether Man agrees to, understands, accepts, or rejects all of this.

  • carole
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Almighty God's right to rule! A sovereignty issue.

    I feel blessed that someone like me would grasp this. I don't have a big bank account, nor do I have the riches the world entertains, I drive a humble car. I am considering a scooter now~smile~ Better mileage..

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a story!

    Basically of teaching right and wrong to children! To obey their parents, and not to take it upon themselves as children,to know what is right and wrong!

    To listen and learn while they are young, so they wont make the wrong decisions later and suffer the consequences.

    The parents are the teachers and looking out for the best interest of the children, and children should adhere ,to what the parents are telling them and not to listen to someone else!

    To me this is the basis of the Adam and eve story, and the devil is the person that is trying to persuade the children in doing something other than what the children are being taught!!!

    The issue is authority, and to respect it, listen when you are young!! This is the same issue over and over again that causes so many problems!!!

    Now that I put this out there it will give you something to consider, or not!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even before man was created, angels asked God, you are making man who will shed blood? But God knew best.

    Man was made intellegent with free will and choice. Man disobaying God's order in the Garden of Eden was an indication of this free will. But God forgive Adam and Eve when they turn to God asking for forgivness.

    What happend in the Garden was a preparation of what and how it is going to be on earth - that is man will disobay God, man will commit sin, will shed blood, but they also the promise of God's mercy and forgivness if they turned to Him.

    Source(s): Islam
  • 1 decade ago

    The serpent asked: did "God" say this(Genesis 2:17)

    The woman, being deceived, said yes, God said this.

    The woman was wrong, and thereby in the transgression.

    For Genesis 2:16 -vs- 17 are obviously contrary things:

    every tree vs not every tree, as contrary as grace vs law;

    and contrary things cannot co-exist in peace.

    God is the author of peace, not of confusion.

    Christ is our peace who abolished the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    plenty....if He wasnt Eden would be open and it closed down and they were banned from it..

    sinning is still happening...i dk what youre getting at

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