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Fun questions!?!?

Okay, so today is kinda sucky...I almost feel like I've been dumped by my boyfriend or realized that Santa and the Easter Bunny don't exsist. So here are some questions to cheer me up.

1. If you could have any vehicle you wanted..what would it be?

2. Most hockey players are given nicknames "Sid the Kid", "Mule"...what would your nickname be?..Why?

3. You're walking down the street and you pass a coffee shop, sitting on the patio sipping a mochachino is Gary Bettman. What do you do? Say something to him? Run?

4. Were would you rather be...Nosebleed section trapped with Puckbunnies suffering from B.O. or at your rival teams biker bar?

5. I love that new Hieniken Commercial "It's Love"...what is your favorite commerical thats running now?

6. If your favorite team were to go fade from exsistance..who would be your new favortie team?

7. Favorite Color?

8. Shoe Size?


1. VW Bug

2. my old gym teacher called me Smiley

3. Buy him another one and slip some ex-lax in it.

4. At the bar..they'd love me..hehe

5. new Hieniken Commercial "It's Love"

6. Atlanta Thrashers..someone has to be there fan.

7. Purple - color of royalty

8. 9.5 or 10

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Bugatti Veyron 16.4 *cough* *raise hand*...Um, I'll take to most expensive and fastest car in the world, please.

    2) I suppose it would be Homes...

    3) I would ask if I could join him. Then I would buy him a cup of Joe, and ask him silly questions, "By allowing Chara to beat you up, you would obtain the power of reading minds....would you let Chara knock your teeth in?"

    4) Nosebleed. The B.O. would ward off the PB...not only that, I don't swing that way...if you catch my drift.

    5) Are you kidding me! The one note song....I kid you not, Listen to it again. I bet you'd like this new song I made...I just hit my snare over and over, and then I say something deep and repetitive like, "Only you can make you smile, Only you can make you smile, Only you can make you smile"...Is it in your head yet? Hot Diggidy, it is going to be huge. LOL. I am just messing around...when the heck is going to be 5 o' clock. I need a beer like you wouldn't believe. What a day!

    6) The Habs

    7) Blue

    8) 6

  • 1 decade ago

    1.) Mercedes SLR McLaren

    2.) Not sure. My last name is only 3 letters, so you can't really add "y", "ie", or "ers" to it. I'll go with whatever my teammates pick, I guess.

    3.) I'll tell him that he caused the lockout, that he's a horrible person, no one likes him, then tell the coffee shop owner that he's harassing me so that he gets kicked out, and then leave. Hehe. Because I would think the coffee people would trust an innocent-looking 17 year old Asian girl over a short stumpy half balding middle aged creepy dude.

    4.) Puckbunny section. I would get beat up if I was at a biker bar, especially because the bar would be full of drunk Ranger fans! I'd just give the bunnies some carrots to munch on to quiet them down.

    5.) I don't have a favorite commercial, but the one I HATE is the Edge Shave gel commercials with those whores that go "Aloe! Moisturizers!" I HATE IT. I CAN'T STAND IT. I also hate the Buxton organizer commercial that tries to sell that hideous bag.

    6.) San Jose Sharks. They're my favorite western team. Or the Red Wings because they're so damn good every season.

    7.) Red, black, and silver.

    8.) I don't know my women's shoe size. I buy guys sneakers and I'm a 5.5 in mens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. If you could have any vehicle you wanted..what would it be?

    I drive a hyundai named Willi the smooth criminal, and shes never let me down before

    2. Most hockey players are given nicknames "Sid the Kid", "Mule"...what would your nickname be?..Why?

    Cheetara, makes the same point as Freckles, but more badass.

    3. You're walking down the street and you pass a coffee shop, sitting on the patio sipping a mochachino is Gary Bettman. What do you do? Say something to him? Run?

    I'd politely say hi, and ask him to do some serious thinking in the off season

    4. Were would you rather be...Nosebleed section trapped with Puckbunnies suffering from B.O. or at your rival teams biker bar?

    Biker bar. Both groups might smell like BO, but the bunnies probably have crotch rot, too.

    5. I love that new Hieniken Commercial "It's Love"...what is your favorite commerical thats running now?

    OOOOOH! This kid is playing baseball by himself, and before evry swing he goes, "im the best hitter in the world", then he swings and misses. He strikes himself out, sighs. "strike 3...", gets this horribly sad face, then starts smiling and goes, "Im the best pitcher in the world!"

    So friggin cute.

    6. If your favorite team were to go fade from exsistance..who would be your new favortie team?

    New Jersey

    7. Favorite Color?

    black, pink, white and blue...which includes turquoise, everything i own is teal in soem form or another

    8. Shoe Size?

    9.5 mama

  • 1 decade ago

    1. 1984 Ferrari 512BBi (in red)

    2. Spudley (only because that is what it was in University)

    3. I've met Gary a couple of times and I like him. He's a great guy. He knows more about the game than most people outside the NHL give him credit for (those in the league are well aware of his knowledge level) and he's a great conversationalist.

    4. Nosebleeds. BIker bars tend to be full of B.O. as well, so I'm going for the eye candy!

    5. I don't watch commercials. Me and a couple of colleagues just did an internet quiz on marketing recognition - I didn't do well

    6. Ottawa Senators

    7. Red

    8. 9.5 Mens

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. A tank. I've wrecked all 3 of my family's cars in the past month. I need something that will do the damage, and not damage me.

    But since I had a spotless record for 4 years before those unfortunate incidents...I'll go with a Land Rover. I don't know why but since I was 10 I've always wanted one.

    2. I always get called Hoss...never knew why...just did.

    3. Walk up and tell him that I just heard a rumor that Sidney Crosby was retiring from hockey forever...just to see his reaction...then laugh, say "just kidding!" and run.

    4. Rival teams biker bar. I'm a girl, I'm pretty good looking, I think I can survive. And get a few beers.

    5. The hockey fans one with the dad at the nursery..."Loser, loser, loser, BEST BABY IN THE WORLD!!!"

    6. Probably since I'm from the South I would have been a NASCAR fan. Gag...thank you Wings for saving my life.

    7. Blue and purple

    8. 9ish.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Sub Forester (or wait a few years until the hybrid sport vehicle is perfected...I lug around way too much stuff for a Prius)

    2. Some of my current teammates call me Korn and my co-workers call me Bucket (CornBucket or Miss Bucket...I don't know, but it's stuck).

    3. I ask him, "why hockey? why the NHL? Why not the NFL?"

    4. Nosebleeds with the bunnies...I've watched hockey games in Philly as a fan of the visiting team..I can handle anything.

    5. Love the Free Credit Report.Com commercials.

    "F-R-E-E that spells report dot come Ba-by" Can't explain it.

    6. Define fad from existance....I'd simpily keep following if they moved to a new city or lead a lonely existance as an exclusive bandwagon fan, following whichever team had to best record from season to season.

    7. Green! (forest and olive)

    8. W niner.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Since my driveway looks like a Mazda dealers lot maybe an RX 8. Fully loaded. Candy apple red. Zoom Zoom

    2. Goal Suck. I was a Holmer long before it was fashionable.

    3. Ask him if he's seen my old buddy Jim Balsillie around any where?

    4. I always liked the back row in the theatre maybe it'll work in a rink.

    5. I don't know what there selling but there's one with a lawn tractor outfitted with a barbecue and a flat screen TV and it's playing the HNIC theme song. I think it's selling lawn fertilizer.

    6. The Edinburgh Capitals Have you seen their jersey's?

    7. Blue

    8. 11 B I've got big feet but then I'm 6'-1" and weigh 225 # so that kind of fits.

  • TDK
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. Bugatti Veyron or Mercedez 722 Special Edition.

    2. Asian Sensation - cuz i'm asian!

    3. Call the cops.

    4. With the puckbunnies.

    5. Axe Bullet commercial. Love the song, love the girls. I'm a guy, what do u expect?

    6. Probably the Montreal Canadians. Love Kostitsyn (Andrei) and love the young kid they have in their system named Ryan McDonagh.

    7. Navy Blue

    8. The ones that clowns wear.

  • 1) Classic camaro or 1950's T bird convertible

    2)My sisters fiancee calls me Pavel (after Bure)

    3)Buy him two more just to watch him have a caffeine buzz and see what he will do

    4)actually been at both. I would start to throw the PBs over the rail after a while.

    5)None. But I did like the i am the Stanley cup ones and the NHL fans are not like any other fans ones

    6)I would still like the Wings as they are my second team

    7)Blue. (my eyes are green, like a cats eye)

    8)71/2 to 8 depending on the shoe

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. 2007 Nissan Armada. Actually, I always wanted to drive a BMP-2.

    2. Icky Viky. First name is Viktor.

    3. I'd ask for a picture actually, and an autograph.

    4. Nose bleed.

    5. Truly don't know. Probably that Heineken one too

    6. If the Wings and Jackets disapeared, I'd be a fan fo the Caps and Thrashers.

    7. Red and Black.

    8. 11 mens.

    Nissan Armada


    Source(s): Red Wings and Blue Jackets Fan.
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