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Catholics, the Catechism teaches other religions have partial truth...?

so why do Catholics keep telling me my religion is entirely false and nothing but lies?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That doesn't require an answer, does it ?

    John Henry Newman has a great section on what the Catechism is talking about :

    "For instance, a gradual conversion from a false to a true religion, plainly, has much of the character of a continuous process, or a development, in the MIND itself, even when the two religions, which are the limits of its course, are antagonists. Now let it be observed, that such a change consists in addition and increase chiefly, not in destruction. "True religion is the summit and perfection of false religions; it combines in one whatever there is of good and true separately remaining in each. And in like manner the Catholic Creed is for the most part the combination of separate truths, which heretics have divided among themselves, and err in dividing. So that, in matter of fact, if a religious mind were educated in and sincerely attached to some form of heathenism or heresy, and then were brought under the light of truth, it would be drawn off from error into the truth, not by losing what it had, but by gaining what it had not, not by being unclothed, but by being 'clothed upon,' 'that mortality may be swallowed up of life.' That same principle of faith which attaches it at first to the wrong doctrine would attach it to the truth; and that portion of its original doctrine, which was to be cast off as absolutely false, would not be directly rejected, but indirectly, in the reception of the truth which is its opposite. TRUE CONVERSION IS EVER OF A POSITIVE, NOT A NEGATIVE CHARACTER."

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    <<Catholics, the Catechism teaches other religions have partial truth...?>>

    That's True. All Truth is God's Truth. Something isn't suddenly false because it is being spoken by a Protestant rather than a Catholic. Understand?

    <<so why do Catholics keep telling me my religion is entirely false and nothing but lies?>>

    It all depends. I don't know what your belief system is. Perhaps the Catholics you've encountered lack compassion. Then again, maybe they're right (though it sounds like they could use some sensitivity training). Again, I don't know a thing about your belief system.

  • 1 decade ago

    certain people are telling you this, they are not representative of the roman catholic faith.

    what the catechism teaches is true, there are many non catholics that claim catholicism is entirely false and all lies are they representative of all non catholics?

    i dont think these people are bad intentioned they just want you to be part of the church that jesus established. i pray for that to but i am not going to put you down, i hope you have a great relationship and faith walk with god, wahtever denomination helps you to do that then more power to ya..

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know what your religion is or what you believe. The Catechism is simply stating the truth that the fullness of of the Faith can only be found in the Church. It was She that it was given to, She that teaches it, and She that has protected it for 2,000 years.

    Protestants are our separated brethren. They are Christians, having some of Christ's light, but not all of it.

    God bless.

    Source(s): I am Catholic.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Please cite me the verse that states that each little thing is reported interior the Bible. you will not come across a verse through fact it is not real. whilst the actual assumption of Mary is probably not reported immediately interior the Bible, there is likewise not something that contradicts it interior the Bible. The Church follows sola verbum Dei--which means the interest of God on my own, it is geared up in 2 areas: Oral and Written custom. Time and time lower back, the Bible states that not each little thing is interior the Bible (John 20:30; 21:25), that we are to stay with each little thing (2 Thess. 2:15)--no rely if or not it is written or given by observe of mouth--that the Apostles taught. additionally, there is Scripture that helps actual assumption for we see it with Enoch (Gen. 5:24, Heb. 11:5) and we see it with Elijah (2 Kings 2:11-12; a million Mac 2:fifty 8). Many believe that Psalm 132:8 is related to Jesus and Mary, for Mary is the Arc and the psalm states for the Lord to stand up and visit His resting place (which could be Heaven) and with the Arc (it is Mary--we are in a position to work out this in Revelation the place St. John states he sees the Arc and then describes Mary). additionally, Revelation 12 could be Scripture for Mary's assumption. St. John speaks relating to the SOULS of the martyrs and the Saints that he sees in Heaven, yet then he describes Mary in actual style.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they know that they do not have the truth...they don't keep the commandments nor do they follow what the bible teaches.....but I say this only for the ones that know the truth of the bible but do not follow it....there are a lot a great people in the catholic faith and have not read the bible or had not had the opportunity to read the bible.

    Although a lot of the protestant faith follow what the catholics do too (example: go to church on sunday instead of sabbath or saturday)

    may God bless you.

  • That is why you have the Catechism, and not some one that doesn't know nothing about religion, and doctrines, they just follow Blindly, a church and sometimes for conveniences.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Then obviously they did not know the catechism...or your religion does not fall under the "other"

  • 1 decade ago

    The Catholic cult also has partial truth, and mostly error. having some error is kind of like being a little pregnant. It disqualifies you as the Bride of YAHOSHUA, however much error you have.

  • 1 decade ago

    doesn't your religion tell you that the catholic church is false and nothing but lies? thats how religions work

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