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Would you get ticked off if someone else corrected your child?

I can't stand the kids who run around or scream in a restaurant, or a store. Those who yell at their parents or are ugly to them and the parent does nothing.

If my child needs to be corrected it won't be the adult that ticks me off. I have been teaching them since they were babies how to act and how to address adults. I rarely have trouble with them now. They do get rowdy sometimes but all it takes is the "look".

I have to admit I am a parent who believes in the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child". I am wholeheartedly one of those villagers.


I mean when a child is just being bad. Hitting, kicking, throwing rocks, breaking windows, stealing and so on.

Update 2:

Pepy311 - It was your place to correct that child. "Spitting is not nice and you shouldn't be doing it." It spat on you so it affects you and that is just the scenario I was talking about.

Update 3:

Okay, to all the parents who are teaching their children the right way to behave Thank You. I am talking about the children whose parents just don't seem to care. The ones who just let them do what they want. Like the ones who let their four year olds run around the neighborhood without watching them.

Alot of this comes from the fact that we are military and live in another country, we can't blend in to our surroundings. So a child's behavior is very important.

16 Answers

  • ...
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm fine with (and appreciate) anyone's correcting my kids -- as long as it's done calmly and politely.

    I'm not fine with anybody's screaming or swearing at my kids, spanking or hitting them, or scaring them.

    Although I have to say that I wish people wouldn't always feel the need to correct for very minor things. I've had people tell my oldest (who when she was a preschooler was selectively mute and couldn't talk in public even if bleeding or something) that she was being rude for not answering, or not answering loudly enough, when an adult she didn't know asked her questions. While I'm sure they thought they were being helpful, the criticism made her anxiety even worse and actually set back her progress in talking by weeks. I'm sure people with other kids with hidden disabilities also get frustrated when well-meaning strangers criticize their kids for things that are really beyond their control. So while I would tell a kid who was not mine to please stop hitting or doing something unsafe, I'd leave the rest of the disciplining to a parent, and I'd never phrase my criticism in a mean way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to admit I would not be happy with a stranger correcting my child. I teach her manners and how she should behave, she is only two and so of course there are times when there is still some inappropriate behaviour but I prefer to deal with this myself - sometimes by just ignoring it.

    I live in a unit and there is this family here who has 3 sons.. they let the two eldest ones run amok outside alone!! It annoyes me so much. I'm on the ground floor and they run past my windows all the time screaming and carrying on. I am forever having to go out and tell them to be quiet as this happens at the time my daughter has a nap.

    They also let themselves into my place. If my back door was open they would walk right in. I would tell them they needed to leave and in future would need to ask permission before coming in. This never made a difference so I ended up putting a safety latch on the back gate so now they can't get in.

    When I first moved in and my daughter would leave her toys outside on our 'patio' which is gated the middle boy would let himself in and take them, he stole her ball, he pulls other peoples washing off the line.

    Their parents don't seem phased by this at all!!! I can't believe anyone would allow their children to behave in such a way. I give them what for every chance I get and when I have to tell them a second time I ask them to go home.

    They don't come up the back so much anymore - I think they're scared of me lol.

  • Mom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I guess it depends on the scenario. If my child did something bad directly to another adult or their child - then I wouldn't mind if they corrected my child. I'd be mortified and of course would follow up with discipline, but I wouldn't be upset with the adult for correcting my child.

    If on the other hand, my child was just misbehaving in public - well frankly I hate it when onlookers butt in and say something.

    I will address my kids in those cases (which are rare, since I do address bad behavior!). One of my children has some developmental delays, so I am particularly sensitive when adults correct him, as they don't understand his situation.

    But overall I believe in the "it takes a village to raise a child".

  • 1 decade ago

    Many parents are going to get offended if they see you correcting their kid. I am not saying that giving some correction is wrong NO MANY OF THESE KIDS NEED SOME MORE Correction. I was at a playground with my friend just talking on the swings and a 6 year old comes up and spits at us. YES SPITS. I wanted so badly to yell at him or discipline him but I felt it is not my place. The parent was no where to be seen too. Or I would have told his parents what he had done.

    I wish more people would teach their kids respect and how to behave well with others. Just the magic words please and thank you are becoming rare words out of children's mouths. It makes me sad.

    I tough snowboarding for little kids 7-15 and I would correct them. If they ask me to help them with out saying please I would ignore them.

    I agree.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have never had this happen, despite raising three children. And I don't think my children were magical angels or anything.

    I think it would depend a lot on the circumstances. If my children were doing something that was actually dangerous, I'd definitely not get ticked off. If the other people were nitpicking or complaining about harmless fun, then it might. I think I'd try to be tactful even if I did think they were in the wrong.

    I would never correct anyone else's child unless the child were actually in at least some danger. One big issue is that you can't know the situation another person's child is in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends on the situation I guess. Because as a mother I raise my child a certain way and maybe someone else dosn't believe in what I do. Now don't get me wrong if they correct my child on something he really shouldn't be doing, like hitting someone touching their things so on then please say something to my son then to me. Tho normally I am right there and my son is very respectable. But as for other situations, my son was yelled at when we were at the park on day, I am pregnant and the child told my son I looked fat, he was like no my mommy is pregnant with my little brother. The kid then asked my son what pregnant was the child is about the same age as mine my son is 6. My son replies that his brother is growing in my tummy, I am listening the mother then stands up and goes to my son and tells him to stop telling lies to her child children are brougth by storks. and My son says no mama only in books..Then I stepped up and she stormed off.

    I hate it when people correct kids in a poor situation, Lieing to kids is worng. Each situation has to be handled differently. I wish you still could use a village to raise a child but more then a few of the villagers have become the village idiot. A child Does have to learn from experiences and interactions but now adays you have to be careful.

  • 5 years ago

    I study the question as much as the link, then appeared on the link, then study the the remainder of the question. So i spotted it precise away, earlier even examining the the remainder of your question first. i think of it rather is notably obvious! Now which you're saying something, i think of that's what hollow does too! besides, i assume i will see why they do it. I advise some people think of white little ones are cuter, or mixed little ones, or black little rather is merely what that particular guy or woman is interested in. My appropriate chum is black, and is so in love with white little ones, she's continually commenting on how lovable they are, etc. My sister is white, she's drawn in the direction of mixed little ones. So i assume to make it "straightforward" they decide for one from each and each race to maintain issues even and not get referred to as "racist." Which i does not think of it grew to become into racist, yet you recognize how this international is, they continually could come across a criticism for somethng or somebody could sue the teach, etc. in my opinion, i could %. Gabrielle via fact the winner, she's eye-catching!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ticked off? No.

    I've taught my kids that there will always be people who feel it is their place to butt in. They are best ignored.

    When other kids behave in the manner you describe, I keep in mind that there are many reasons for such behavior, including several disorders. Embarrassing parents in public by correcting their kids lacks compassion. That's why I don't do it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, if it is like in a resturant you don't correct them. If they are fist fighting with another child VERY bad then you can try to stop it. But if the children fighting are simblings you do nothing

  • Bones
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have corrected kids in front of their mother. Just yesterday, a 10 year old boy was walking to the car with his mother carrying several bags in her hands and told his mother to hurry up and open the car door its hot. Of course, I had to tell that boy something. I told him he needed to get the bags from his mother so she could get the car open and apologize for being rude to her. Turns out she is a single mom and now we have a date for friday.

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