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Who determined that Torture was a just punishment for sin?

If God created all law, then was eternal torture his choice? If so, isn't that incredibly immoral?


Its not like non believers volunteer for God's eternal justice, they simply don't believe in it. God is the one who chooses to keep them alive for an eternity in agony, that is beyond human control. Right...

Update 2:

★ Jenae ★ - Both, My blessed nature enables me to produce most blessed dairy products around, thats why I will inherit the earth.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm pretty sure it was my first wife.

  • 1 decade ago

    Torture isn't the word. God isn't sadistic. Hell was created for Satan and the demons who followed him. We get caught up because we (humans) are convinced by the lies that there

    a: Is no God

    b: God is a loving cream puff wo will allow anyone to do just any old thing and be okay

    c: God is an angry , impossible to please diety who relishes the grovelling and pitiful cries of his helpless subjects.

    Those are some of the misconceptions of those who are misinformed abouy the nature of God and His relationship with us.

    We have a choice where Satan and his followers have already made theirs. Because we are living in a physical body, we have a major disadvantage when it comes to percieving the spiritual realm. God created our minds as a communication link between the phisical and spiritual.

    This means that both God and evil spirits are able to speak to us in our thoughts. 1 Kings 19:11-12 shows us that God speaks to us in a still, small voice in our minds (a.k.a. the heart). Jesus says in John 10: 27,"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,and they follow Me."

    Heb 4:12

    The Word of God is living and active,

    it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit..,

    it judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    The reason these scriptures are important is because God reveals us the truth about who Jesus is. You can tear it on the radio, see it on t.v or even read it for yourself if you are so inclined.

    All through the bibld God shows us that the problem is not us,it is the sin that is in us. We all have it. This sin seperates us from God because we are "guilty by association at birth. As we get older we begin to choose those sinful things we like that God hates. Then we are guilty in deed.

    God has told us that the penalty for sin is death but it's not necessarily the death of our bodies (although that is a consequence), it is the eternal seperation from God, the creator and giver of all life.

    The bible says Hell is hot and there is no relief of anykind what so ever. But think about it...does it really matter? Do you want to go? Why do people think that if it's not fire Hell will be any better when you're out of the presence of the Giver of every good and perfect gift?"

    Hell is not a place of discipline for corrective action and repentance. It is a place of punishment. It is that way because Satan knew he was going to rebel against the Lord who is the ruler and judge of all creatures.

    God is the standard for what is moral. What ever God does is right because He is the definer of right and wrong. It is a good thing then that He loves us to no end and would even give his life for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am perplexed. I mean, you, an atheist, whom does not believe in God, Heaven, the devil, hell or sin; where does this question come from ? Don't you fear what the other atheistic boys and girls are going to say about you? You are judging God-- the person whom you know not as being Immoral? Now I am flabbergasted. Just saying. :C

    see you on the flip side.

    I guess most forgot free will (yea that's right) the choice is given freely to accept or to reject. To fall upon ones own understanding leads many astray but at the end of time the judgment will be passed according to ones deeds--sins.

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    I just looked it up. God did not decide torture was a just punishment for sin. Eternal torture happens as a result of marriage. Which sometimes can be immoral. That's from the world's number one source of truth---Wikipedia.

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  • 1 decade ago

    In all of His mercy, He chooses to rescue only those who apply to Him the 'proper' labels and choose to believe all of the 'right' stories. It's scary to think that this is the example that most Christians have of what it means to be infinitely merciful, forgiving, and wise.

    Oddly, it's what He has chosen for His own children as punishment ,yet I wouldn't wish the same fate even for a DOG that bit me, much less my own children simply because they only failed make sense of the opinions that some people have personally made about me. To me, that wouldn't even seem rational, much less forgiving.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL Leelee - "Get over it." Get over the fact that the creator of everything is into being on the right end of a quartering rack?

    Humans *do* have a concept of justice and injustice. According to this concept, God is not just. If he has his own concept, he should have instilled us with it.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    The only place I ever hear of eternal torture is in THIS PLACE because NO WHERE in scripture does God say HE will inflict eternal torture on anyone........ if you think otherwise please do give me a verse because I know of NONE!

    Eternal torment maybe - but THAT we will inflict upon ourselves as we are totally aware of our own guilt & sin and choices - NOT because of anything God does to us, or fails to do!

  • 1 decade ago

    Exactly!! That's why I don't believe the hell doctrine as it's taught by mainstream Christianity. Hell, Biblically, is a one-time event; not a place that exists eternally. Check out my belief in further detail at

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably the Egyptian leaders or persons in power of earlier civilizations. It's an effective threat to keep society in line.

    "The invisible Guy in the sky with the eye will inflict never ending pain on you if you don't think, feel, and behave according to His laws." -Some old dead man

  • 1 decade ago

    Richard Donovan!

  • 1 decade ago

    Who says that sin is not worthy of punishment??

    Hint: The devil (Genesis 3:4), but it's a lie!!!

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