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ADHD in a 3 year old?

I have a 3 year old who has been what I considered an "active" toddler. In recent months she has been getting worse than ever. Constantly doing SOMEthing! She doesn't go to sleep until after midnight and she'll be up before 5am getting into things while we're sleeping. I'm worried about her because she has gotten into some things (like fingernail polish) and she has also recently been "running away" when we aren't looking. I'm running out of ideas with her. I've tried a calming bedtime routine. I've tried helping her "vent" her creativity into activities like fingerpainting and puzzles...but she just doesn't want to stay in one place for more than a couple of minutes. I have 2 other children and neither of them are anywhere NEAR as difficult to keep track of as my 3 year old. Can 3 year olds have ADHD or a type of hyperactive disorder? I really don't want to medicate her, but I'm running out of ideas for controlling my little "wild child". Help!


I don't want to medicate her means I don't want to take her to the doctor and ask about ADHD because they seem so quick to go ahead with medications and I'm just curious what other moms opinions are.

PS I am perfectly aware that I can't compare my children...I have very different children, but I don't think her behavior is a result of our parenting style because our other children don't act out as if there are no consequences. We have worked VERY hard with our 3 year old...don't think I haven't tried walking to the park...we live next door to a park. We walk almost every evening... that's my point...I feel like I've tried it all and no avail.

9 Answers

  • Rory S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    mommyismyname -

    I totally get it! I understand your concern, and asking for other people's thoughts and experience is a great way to figure out just what you can do.

    As a former therapist (with a doctorate in clinical psychology), I can tell you that approach is everything. If you go into a Dr.'s office and say, "I think my kid has ADHD" - then you could end up with that outcome and have your child prescribed medication.

    Here's what I suggest instead:

    Write down a list of your concerns. I am serious here. Write down behaviors and whatever else you see that is concerning.

    Sit down with a doctor - preferably starting with her pediatrician. My sense is that "something" is going on. But it doesn't necessarily mean it is ADHD.

    ADHD-like symptoms can appear for a number of different reasons (diet, medical condition, psychological disorder).

    When you meet with your pediatrician, you have the right to say - "I don't want medication as a first option."

    I would request a full medical work up to check her health. I would then get a second opinion, as well as be evaluated by an incredibly competent psychiatrist or psychologist who specifically knows 3 year old behavior inside and out. It's just not enough to go see "any therapist."

    Don't panic, and don't let anyone force you into doing things for or to your child that you don't feel comfortable with. You are your child's Mother - and that counts for a lot.

    My suggestion - if you don't like an answer, get another opinion. BUT, if you keep hearing the same thing over and over again (from competent, trained professionals) it just might be true.

    Hope this helps,

    Dr. Rory Stern

    Source(s): ADHD Coach
  • 1 decade ago

    try changing what she eats. There are foods that have natural sugar in them.

    I myself do not think a 3 year old can have ADHD but then I dont think many kids have it anyway..

    You have called her an 'active' child. Could this be code word for brat that don't want to listen..

    Could a nice pop on the butt a few times controll her a little better.

    Maybe she is getting up after you guys go to bed mostly cause she knows she can..

    You might try making sure her room is cleaned of all things that will cause her or the house harm. Then put a baby gate up. Nail it to the wall and have hinges on it. (yes they make them). So she can not leave her room at night..

    You also said you have two other children.. is this 3 years old the youngest..? that might be a cause of things..being the youngest and getting away with things..

    I would also worried about the 'running away' .. Make sure ALL doors in the house are were she CAN NOT open them..

  • JMK
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have you tried a gymnastics or ballet class. Maybe a sport or head start type school also.

    Some kids are very laid back and are fine with simple puzzles but I was never one of them. I constantly needed more. We lived in the country so I was outside from morning to evening constantly running and climbing. Then would have a day where I could sit and do Hooked on Phonics. But I was constantly being challenged, anything very basic bored me to death.

    A great example was while my mother was napping. I was 4 and decided that I wanted into the spare bedroom so I found a screw driver and removed the nob, and the insides and plowed my way in. I was a challenge so I went for it.

    Maybe just try getting her into an activity that is more challenging, and will use up some physical and mental energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    They can have adhd but it is hard to tell at that age because some kids ar ejust active like that. My sister who is now 15 has adhd. As a child we had no clue, then she was diagnosed threw the school. We tried drugs and found it changed her personality and so we did, food changes and helped her learn to control it.

    Sounds like yours is just an active 3 yr old. My son was the same way, he has been tested for adhd as well and nothing he is just active. Try activities that make them move more, like dancing. Look up food that help online and check her diet.

    Good luck and stay strong.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi. It might indeed be that she has hyperactivity. How is she with concentrating?

    If she does, all you can really do is to go on doing what you are doing. It will not calm her down or change her, but will help to meet her needs.

    I kept trying things in the hope that my son's behaviour would improve, but had to realise that he would not substantially change. We had to adapt, and gradually, over time,he learned his own coping strategies.

    Can you find a local or online support group?

    best wishes, kate

    Source(s): own experience
  • 1 decade ago

    'I really don't want to medicate her' seems like you have already diagnosed her yourself all 3 year olds can be hyper doesn't mean they have adhd, she sounds like she is getting into mischief like most kids her age do, you cannot compare your other children to her she is a different person, what about taking for a long walk or maybe to the park to help her relax and tire herself

  • 1 decade ago

    its only a possibility but there is a preservative in some breads, pasta's, noodles and rice called preservative 828 !! this had been proven to cause hyper activity in children that are sensitive to it ! my son was ! i started checking labels vigilantly and cut it from his diet his behaviour improved tenfold ! i then reintroduced it and watched his behavour go back to hyper ! give it a go it may be that simple ! good luck !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    she probably has it. I would wait until preschool to see if she can sit in a seat before medicine. She could just be a wild child that doesn't LIKE to sit. But ADHD is when she CANT sit. Don't put her on medicine until you are sure she can't sit still.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wear pretective gear especially round groin around. if u annoy him adhd children will go hulk like.

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