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Why was this question removed by Y! Answers?

This question was removed almost immediately after it was posted because it violated 'Community Guidelines'.

Why does a question about numerology violate a community guideline? Or is Yahoo being forced to censure such things so that nobody will think we're caught up in some kind of 'conspiracy'?

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Isnt this super scary. this is so interesting really?


1)New York City has 11 letters

2)Afghanistan has 11 letters.

3)Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin

Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.

4)George W Bush has 11 letters.

1)New York is the 11th state.

2)The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.

3)Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11

4)Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers.

6+5 = 11

5)The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 = 11

6)The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number

911. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind:

1)The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was

254. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2 + 5 + 4

= 11.

3)The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 33/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.

4)The tragedy of Madrid happened911days after the Twintowe


I generally agree with most of you. But I should also point out that it wasn't me who posted the original question. I was merely in the middle of answering it when I was informed that it had been removed because it "violated community standards" in some (unspecified) manner.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably the same reason one would get kicked off a commercial airline for wearing a T-shirt with disparaging remarks about Bush.

    They probably didn't take kindly to your question pointing out Bush, Afghanistan, and Ramsin Yuseb have 11 letters.

    Damn the censorboards.

  • Think
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is kind of hokey.

    I mean (1) you focus only on the events of 911 from the stand point of NY city--there were 2 other planes (Washington DC and a field in PA). Washington DC has 12 letters. Pennsylvania has 12 letters--so are you presupposing that those two "failed" attempts are failures because they did not equal 11??? If so, try to make that claim to family members of those who died in those two acts. (2) Osama Bin Laden is the mastermind of the plot; his name has 13 letters, if numerology really worked, Osama's name would have 11 letters, too!

    Numerology is a gimick to make coincidental acts seem more causally linked than they really are. Causation is difficult to determine. I mean, shark attacks go up when ice cream sales go up. Does that mean, eating ice cream causes sharks to attack? NO!! They are correlated not causally linked. There is NO causation in the numbers; it is simply a tragedy that has so many elements, that one can find patterns within the data set. Let it go and learn something useful.

  • liford
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Impersonation is a contravention of TOS regulations, so if somebody does so with any degree of repeat offenses, then the respond is confident. i'm thoroughly amused by violators who fuss approximately being suggested and suspended. while you're unfairly focused by the trolls, then difficulty an charm. that is been my journey in the main recent months that YA has a great deal more advantageous their charm technique. i've got had a number of reinstated. yet provide up whining once you're deleted; in the journey that your charm doesnt artwork, you deserved the violation and the suspension. After a on an identical time as, all of us understand and study the regulations. So abide by them, and close up approximately it already.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Probably some people may take it as fact and act upon it in some way...too many people out there waiting to make something BIG out of coincidence.

    Look at the Nostradamus cult following!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    This is not a question or an answer. Read the guidelines, honey

    This: "I love you" is not allowed, either. It's chatting. So that you know... lol


  • 1 decade ago

    Someone took offense to the trivializing of the subject matter, so they reported it, though they must be really really sensitive, because this doesn't seem offensive to me, just odd.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Utopian Friend

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not a question. You are sharing something that does have a coolness factor but isn't asking anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Superstition is the art of finding what you want to be true as reality.

    Source(s): I ain't superstitious
  • 1 decade ago

    It's also because numerology is stupid, and the "Open Question" is false.

    Here's some help... "It's BULLSH*T" also has 11 letters.

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