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Favorite Answers14%
  • WHY is Narcissism termed; a malignant love of self??? Are narcissists considered; sociopaths?

    If so, what precisely is a "SOCIOPATH/PSYCHOPATH?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I attempt to answer questions, however, when i press submit, they disappear. What is wrong?

    the oops - yahoo is unavailable continuously comes on - and nowhere again, do i find my answer validated.

    i do not answer with any disrespect to community guidelines - so i presume the problem remains a total mystery to me.

    what could be done to get through?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • IF-someone offered you a billion dollars-used to be1 million-but consider inflation-what 3 things?

    Would you never do?

    my three would be:

    * never to allow captivity or domestication of my person.

    (please be patient - i'm thinking - i'm thinking)...let's see;

    * keep the bulk of the money for myself only...


    * stop my heart from loving whomever-my heart desires to love! for my heart is (its' own mistress...i'd

    never DARE to interfere...for the heart knows best!

    that's pretty much all!

    thank you - i hope you folks join me in this truth-soul searching exercise...for fun's Sake!!!

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • much valued highly-incomparable antiquary has been pilfered from Egypt-why has Egypt allowed such GREAT theft?

    while wondering through London's British museum - i noticed that much incredible-irreplaceable antiquary - having belonged to the great pharaohs of 6000-6500 years ago, was on display.

    the person who had accompanied me, told me - that the British had simply taken this priceless loot.

    if this is true - what was Egypt doing while this disrespectful looting was taking place???

    does anyone know the true history to this???

    thank you.

    3 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • would someone be kind enough to tell me what "BTW" stands for?

    someone, whom i don't know-though very clearly a sharpest-of-all-possible-cold-scalpel Intellectual,

    addressed an email beginning with such; that abbreviation - and thanked me for something-to which i relate NOT!

    however, cat-curious as i am, i am eager to discover the meaning to a word belonging to the new virtual vernacular?

    i'd truly appreciate an answer to this mystery - to which i've remained - a complete stranger.

    thank you!

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Any one who has seen the film "Lincoln" - what have you rated it, from 1 to 10?

    I've been invited to see it..soon as my flu exits me.

    As a gift for Christmas, I received "Lincoln" - the book and the next, which deals with his Genius at politics."

    However, both books equate nearly 1600 pages of very dry, complicated history.

    I'll read these eventually, i'm certain - but if the film is noteworthy - it may be enjoyed seein itg on the big screen - once of course, my flu is gone.

    and i you'd care, please offer your pros and cons about the film.

    thank you!

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • does anyone know what kind of lamp it is which gives off, as replacement, the light of the sun?

    i live in Wisconsin, and the sunlight here, when it actually shows up, which is seldom an occurrence in the winter - is very, very pale.

    the days, are dreary and gray - and bring on a sadness which even a sturdy type of spirit cannot avoid being affected by.

    someone told me there is a light which from a man-made lamp, may, not replace, necessarily the sun's natural light - but may imitate it, quite effectively.

    if anyone knows what i should go look for, i'd appreciate the help.

    this is only January - 3 more months of this near-darkness is becoming intolerable.

    i thank you, if anyone is kind enough to offer information!

    2 AnswersOther - Environment8 years ago
  • what would you say, may be the consequences(good or no)from self-imposed isolation-preference for solitude?

    i am asking this question-for my own sake.

    i have lived as an isolationist for a considerable number of years, by now. i do not know if there was a particular reason, or reasons for having had made this decision...all i can say, is; i wanted to dedicate most of my time to art; my vocation.

    i do not miss what is outside-for there, within that realm, is much brutality, much betrayal, much rudeness and crude disrespectful behaviour.

    however-there is also beauty, and the opportunity to have as company, some very good and caring people.

    though i have intensified and taken into more a rapid process-far as the different disciplines of my work's demands - i now wish to take part in the world again. though i am a bit :"rusty" at doing this-i am not afraid-knowing and consoled by acknowledging as true: "all beginnings are difficult."

    however-i do have a nagging worry-that 8 years of nearly complete solitude-may have harmed me in some way-unbeknown to me-and that the consequences of my isolation will appear in such a frightening way...that i'll rush back to isolation again...except, this time for good!

    therefore-this question to the forum: what would you say are may be the consequences of the isolation and solitude-i've made the decision to impose upon myself?

    thank you very much!

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • do you believe we have "souls"?

    debating whether we do or not - with a friend last night - he laughed at me for believing that yes, we have souls.

    however, he explained that the "soul" was only another function of the brain.

    that function being - that the brain-the mind creates what we may consider to be soul - for the purpose only of appeasing ourselves, by having us believe we are, what we would prefer to be.

    though i tend to disagree - i am seriously considering the validity of his answer.

    so...asking the forum:

    * do you believe we have "souls?"

    * how would you define soul? what is it?

    * and lastly: what purpose would soul serve, if indeed, it is within us?

    thank you.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • what do you think by having made this statement of painful revelation?

    c.s.lewis, after having lost his wife; joy; american poetess - (prematurely) - to cancer - wrote in his journal: "i never knew that grief, could feel so much like fear."

    c.s.lewis, throughout his life had tried his best to avoid what emotionally would make him experience suffering. such pain he did not want to have to deal with - however, joy; a poetess of much enthusiasm - who wore her raw, courageous heart on her sleeve - taught him, despite his fierce resistance to allow himself to feel...otherwise, why live at all.

    after her unexpected death - he discovered that through her help, which was untiringly challenged to him - and always!!! - that feeling had caught to infiltrate him, nevertheless.

    it was a while, after her death, that he was not as numb as he had been while in mourning - therefore making the entry: "i never knew that grief - could feel so much like fear."

    what revelation at which he'd arrived - compelled him to write this?

    what is he saying?

    thank you.

    p.s. - no, i am not imitating e.e.lewis - by writing in small case - my computer continuously jams and freezes if capitals are used. sorry!

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • What would you consider is the "nightmare of reason?"?

    a clue to be mindful of: No! It is not I, as my parents sometimes believe.

    so...what would you deduce it would be???

    clue: something which for the most part we never exercise.

    clue: has been evident in some of Goya's most provocative drawings.

    any guesses?


    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • what point was Feodor Dostoevsky making in "The Grand Inquisitor?"?

    my confusion is based upon the moment of pensiveness, which is held - as if doubt, and yet a moment of unacceptable compassion, or question passes through the Grand Inquisitor's mind as he kisses the prisoner before him, who is representative of Jesus Christ.

    i thought but only for a moment of strictly visceral intuition - that he had understood -> ( the inquisitor); was a figure of the unchanging view of the church which thought for itself it had come to exist for the sake of God against heresy - and yet at that moment of kissing the prisoner representing God, as the church claimed IT did - he knew he was greatly symbolic for its' hypocrisy and surprisingly his own.

    anyone else interested in putting their proverbial 2 cents in?

    highly curious about your opinions - since i am rereading the book. something about the seemingly pivotal "KISS" - i had totally overlooked before.


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • so what are your gut feelings about mr. canary in his cat's mouth; mitt romney. now?

    election time is near.

    what about you women?

    ready to have babies from incest and rapes - or do you have the necessary courage to be thinking for yourselves a lot, lot more?????

    3 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • what does it say about romney carying on such a dirty-filthy campaign against obama?

    don't people see that what he does now, he'll continue later, if he becomes president? or is there a percentage of people in the states who are so ignorant that they can not tell that mud -flinging is mud-flinging no matter what it is believed to nobly represent???

    i think that ignorance and deaf ears to what is dirty fighting will return to this coubtry what it may really deserve!

    what are your thoughts out-there.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • what do you hear in Mitt Romney's voice when he speaks?

    i can not help it - but i hear every time he speaks - the proverbial voice of the cat with the canary in his mouth! - until he can spit it out, once, he MAY become el presidente???

    i do not trust his spirit so running over the presidential cup - prematurely frothing with danger which waits - until he is finally in .

    what about you?


    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • This question is for Yahoo to answer primarily! Yahoo, are U aware of the predators & Abusers within YOU?

    I know of 3. One answered one of my questions yesterday. I deleted that question, because I recognized, that again these 2 disturbed, cowardly individuals seem to enjoy harassing me. these are 2 men. The 3rd is a woman; gullible to the measure of being used - yet not being aware that ABUSE is being meted to her.She, however, plays the game, so desperate is this fool to win the affections of her abuser.

    Yahoo answers was once a place I truly admired! Eventually when these 3 guttersnipes began their harassment of me, I made the decision, which went back and forth - to leave Answers forever. However, my foolhardiness became wanting to return, if I felt I had a valid w question to ask.


    Now - I believe that the majority of your forum' members are decent people who would like come across helpful and friendly AND RESPECTFUL, RESPECTED Communication with others.

    However, these 3 predators - one of them who changes his account to pretend being someone else is within your fold. You should be aware of this! You owe it to the people who trust and depend upon your graces!

    I have no desire to return to answers, for the predators and the one who is mainly a 2-named harasser will always spring out of the gutter, to make his presence known, would he not?

    Very well...if I receive any more abuse, and psychological offense from these characters I'll be ONE to recognize them, since I know who they are, more than well by this time!

    And if these so truly disturbed characters appear to offer response to this question of mine, I will report them, not, only to you, but to any service above your jurisdiction.

    As well, will be the occasional email they've sent me.

    I believe your webmaster is aware of who, and what is said by everyone!

    So, allow me to say, that one of this misbegotten fools, answered me only today - to my last question.

    His answer was only " "PU TA" which means whore!

    Finally having tired of this type of cyberspace cowardly abuse, I will now Direct you to these people!

    And that, I absolutely am finally devoted to you?

    Therefore, are you ready Yahoo, to know WHO these miserable of spirit fools are within your favour?

    Dead Serious, am I about this,

    and sincerely do I promise to expose them!

    Security9 years ago
  • What would be the procedure of re-asking a question about a nightmare: mine from psychology?

    To dream interpretation!

    This particular nightmare has reoccurred 3 times within a weeks' time...however it seems to be of intuited (by me) significance.

    If anyone happens to know how to transfer my question to a Better place - a place where it may have the result of coming across a serious answer, I'd appreciate it much!

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • This man, responsible for the shootings in Colorado at the premiere of the latest Bat-Man Flick-Do U Believe?

    He may be indeed faking psychosis, as now is being considered may be the case?

    Was there not a well known case dealing with a man (Tony Bianco or Bianchi - I cannot remember detaiils) who pretended to have multiple personalities in a long string of committed rapes and murders?

    Therefore, this new man, the latest of such disturbed cases, is he - possibly pretending as well?

    What are your thoughts as to this, people?

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • I strongly believe I may need dire help for this...CAN ANYONE HELP ME?

    There happens to be an obsessive freak, member of youtube, who has taken a very persitent interest in me. This interest has reached a point of both harassment and implied threat. Who would anyone suggest, I'd immediately become in touch with, in order to make the webmaster or whomever I should reach, in order to report this mad-man?

    I have warned him, now a number of times, but he will not take heed to my requests, (at first) to what IS Now - a serious pursuit of me - whether I'd want it or not...AND I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND from this truly mentally disturbed person.

    I have made some searches of my own, and this person, has gone through several monikers. One of them, I presume was the first, has had him dismissed from youtube...but he is back again, as another person.

    He will not leave me alone, and no matter what I say I'll insist on doing so that he is caught at this...does not seem to alarm him.


    Please, if you know how I can find some help for this...would you offer such advice to me???

    Thank you.

    This person sounds as if he is quite crazy!!!

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago