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My ex is still in love with me..............?

I know that my ex husband is still in love with me even though we are divorced and he is living with his girlfriend.

I am to be married in June next year and my daughter will be bridesmaid, she is so excited and wants her dad to come and watch.

I dont have a problem with this as we are still friends and neither does my fiance (although i think he would prefer him not to be there for obvious reasons).

Do you think it would be appropriate for my ex and his girlfriend to be there for my daughters sake ? It would make things easier for us as we are spending the weekend at the hotel where the reception will be held before going on honeymoon. My daughter will be staying with her dad whilst we are away.

He wont come because he is jealous, but my daughter is stressing out about this.

What would you do ?


By the way, my husband has told me he is still in love with me, its not my imagination and I do feel awkward about that because his gf is lovely. This is purely for a practical reason that it would help if he was there as sure I would be aware that he would be looking at me but my daughter is important to me too, its not just about me. My daughter is 11.

Update 2:

It was me that divorced him, he didn't want it and this question is not about him still having feelings for me, its a genuine question, I am not a kid.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi as a father from a divorced marriage all the time you have children you will have con flick with the other half , my advice is get married and start a new life , START AFRESH .david

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you know he feels that way about you then it may be best for him not to be there. I think your fiance is wonderful for saying it would be ok. And I understand you daughter wants him there. But you are marrying someone else. Your x can come after and maybe take your daughter out or see her before the wedding but you two need to keep distance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a pickle! I know your daughter really wants him to be there, but sometimes you as a parent can't do everything to make your child happy as there are other things to consider. If he has told you he still loves you, then it's probably best you ask him not to come to the wedding and ask him to get your daughter at the end.

    talk to your daughter and just explain that it would be awkward for both of you if he was at your wedding. hopefully she will understand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK. My opinion is I would tell my child that unfortunately her father will be unable to attend the actual wedding but he can watch the video with her later and make her,her own video copy to show her dad how she looked and did but personally Id say the kid is looking for one last hope that daddy will stop you from marring the new guy all children want there parents together but sometimes its a little deeper. Analyze the situation from all angels and tell the kid the dad coming is not going to happen but give her the video and photos of herself to show him that should be sufficient if she only wants him to see how she looked and did her duties.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    does youe daughter wont her father there to see her in her dress? if so ask another family member if they would film it for her to show her father when she sees him, dont do it to please your daughter.... by all mines do invite him if you think it would be ok but no1 on yahoo answers can give you an answer your looking for.... maybe sit down with daughter ask her why she would like her father there and if it is the reason i said above then do explain that she can show her father her dress on the video..... why not invite him to the reception? i take it your having a honeymoon so your ex husband will have to look after your daughter?

    remember no one on here can help you prop as they dont no you, you know your own mind!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Let him just send the daughter but dont allow him to be there hence he's still in love with you cos it might create some sort of confusion/jealousy between the two guys and consequently one thing or the other...

  • 1 decade ago

    ohhhhh...I would avoid this at all costs!!! My ex has also never gotten over me. We are friendly but there is no way I would have him come to our wedding- far too awkward. I think your heart is in the right place, but explain to your daughter that this day is about your new life (something to that effect).

    My son also asked if his dad would come to the wedding, and I had to tell him no- he took it surprisingly well! (he is 9)

    good luck- go with your gut. My wedding is only 4 days away and I have learned anything about weddings- you will NOT please everyone :)

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Ex Back Definitive eBook
  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't think he should go, he should pick his daughter up at the end of the night.

    Do you secretly want him there? you sound so sure he's still in love with you, how do you know?

    If he doesn't want to go, I don't blame him. Your daughter needs to be told he can't go, but he will see her later.

  • 1 decade ago

    ewww, not sure how I would feel about my ex coming to my wedding. Honestly, beyond your DD wanting him there, what other reason could there be? He has no part in this new union with your new future husband. It's a little awkward at best...

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