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Utopia asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Change Hope *****Hope Change***Change Hope- Dems we hope you lift the ban on offshore drilling 4.19 is enough

Is this an incantation that Obama chants?

What is he hoping for and what change other than we need lower Gas prises and he says NO



correcting Gas prices is really the only Change we need right now, not more welfare Obama funded programs

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES! gas was under $2 a gallon and we had the BEST economy ever before the Dems. took over Congress two years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Riiiight!? Because the ban is not causing the unnecessary price in gas. The ban is prevent our ecosystem from being ruined. The oil industries that bid on the price of oil before it hits the market based on what they "feel" the price should be based on world events, are the reason gas is so expensive. But instead of sking assinine questions that don't really "solve" the problem of us being dependant on a NON-RENEWBLE resource. Why don't you ask one of importnce, like when GM released the electric vehicle EV1 why did they take them nd crush them after REFUSING to sell them? They actually told people "NO, It's not for sale". I know why do you? Because when you own GM AND EXXON oil when you make cars, you want them to lso use the nonrenewable resource YOU ALSO SELL THROUGH ANOTHER COMPANY!

    Why not ask why they are not proposing legislation to FORCE CAR COMPANIES TO SELL ELECTRIC VEHICLES. or even water powered vehicles, look up Sam Meyer on the internet. It has been replicated 3 times. Why not ask those questions. Those are good questions. Your question is like....."I m bleeding why aren't the dems giving me a bandaid." Rather than can someone get rid of that thing that keeps cutting me, so I don't need another bandaid. BTW i see through the whole VOTE FOR MCCAIN bull you re spewing too. I am voting Ron Paul. Cuse neither Dem or Rep have the answers, it's not in the profit margin. Thank you.

    So I say yes NO DRILLING. I say YES alternative energy. It's already there, they just don't want us to have it. Google Tesla Motors, or Electric car or vehicle.

    BTW where the hell did the "it's the dems fault come from?" 3 weeks ago it was republican this and that because of the bull Bush was doing. Now all of the sudden it's the DEM's fault that Bush started an undeclared war that cost us billions a day, it's the DEM's fault that Bush appointed the board at the federal reserve who dandled low interest rate mortgages for homes (adjustable) nd then allowed people to purchase 2-300 hundred thousand dollar homes when they can afford it at 3 and 4% interest but not at 6% since that almost DOUBLES your payment. It's probably them dems fault 9-11 happened. Did the Dems cause katrina? I mean since we are obviously blming the Dems for things they didn't do, I say they shot JFK.

    Bush got us into an illegal war that is the reason gas prices are so high in the first place. So it's now the Dems fault for not allowing us to drill? Is everyone here retarded or something? Where did you get from point A to point D, because I don't see the connection.

    The people voted Dems into Congress because the Rep were SCREWING UP. But I am not saying the Dems didn't play any role. I am saying that the Republicans cause the problem, blame the Dems for not allowing them to fix it. You people running with this should be shamed of yourselves for your ignorance on the situation while still having an opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont understand the Democrats, what is there solution if not offshore drilling. There kinda change is the stand still and hope things get better that we cant afford to do.

    If life was perfect then our gas would cost $1 and OPEC wouldnt be cutting supply. But times are ruff and Obamas lets tax the Gas company will only result in "us" paying an additional tax.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course, you're ignoring the fact that the oil companies currently have millions of acres of land (including around the continental shelf), where they have the access and the rights to start drilling tomorrow, if they wanted to.

    Why should we give them rights for MORE public land when they're not utilizing what they already have?

    And why are they selling oil from Alaska to China and other Asian countries? Shouldn't ALL of that Alaskan crude go to help us here at home first?

    And you're ignoring that Bush could simply issue an executive order to overturn the moratorium on drilling off of Florida that HIS DAD signed, but he's "waiting for Congress" much for being a "leader", huh?

    All of Washington is to be faulted, not just Dems.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush ask Congress to allow the drilling to begin, yesterday.

    Congress doesn't want the oil companies drilling on the lower 48 because they are scared that someone might drive their truck over a blade of grass and hurt it.

    Up Date:

    Matthew F, how are you going to prove that with out allowing them to drill for it?

    "We can not drill our way to energy independence."

    During the first Gulf War, an oil rep stated then that we are more than able to make up for any lost oil from Iraq here in America. It was on CNN.

    Don't Hate Me Bro, if Bush has everything to do with it, then why did Bush as Congress to allow the drilling when it's a commonly known fact that Congress is ran by the democrats? It's the democrats that are forcing to keep the prices up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even if we got to full capacity within the next 5 yrs the energy dept (WHICH IS RUN BY BUSH) has said that it would only drop the barrel by about a dollar. And offshore drilling by maybe two dollars.

    It's time for alternative energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    the amount of offshore oil we "have" is nowhere near enough to support our economy. If anything it'll drop the price a couple of cents, tops.

    also, "Oil companies are sitting on 68 million acres they have already leased from the American people for the purpose of oil and natural gas production," said Sen. Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Matthew F--News Flash same thing they say in the 90s,,,oh a million barrels of oil a day would not help,,you think

    immutabl... why not drill where we know they are oil.

    so it better to keep buying oil from countrys that does not even like us .

  • 1 decade ago

    I suppose the Liberal Democrats would rather save the spotted owl than to save the American Economy.

    If they are not careful, they will destroy both the Spotted Owl and America.

    We have more than enough technology to drill and help the environment. The Liberals simply want the power so bad that they are willing to destroy the very existance of this once great nation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem is not about "less gas," the problem is the suspicious gas price.

    I bet Cheney and Bush had something to do with this. All those Saudia Arabia trips Cheney took back then -- I knew something was up.

    I got a grave feeling that Bush and Cheney both knew this was going happen. They knew gas price was going to rise as it did as a way force the Democrats to drill in ANWR.

    It sounds like something straight from the Republican Playbooy: to literally destroy America in an effort to force them to give them what they want.

    Is this a conspiracy theory? No, but then again, Cheney and Bush knew feeble-minds Republicans like YOU would probably call it as such thus using it as a smokescreen to cover their destructive and dishonest tactics to strong-arm the Democrats.

    Obama 08!!

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