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Should I browse Answers or write an essay on psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and creating sigils?

or should I actually find some work to do at work right now?


I actually ended up managing to do all 3. But I'm glad I asked the Q for the great feedback on the whether I should do the essay. It will probably be on my 360 blog and Web site by late Wednesday (with pictures at least on the Web site or my Multiply blog).

Update 2:

And thanks everyone for the intelligent , friendly, and encouraging answers. Big kiss to dartagnon despite all . . .

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As to the this 'or' that, let us consider the following: once upon a time out on plains of the desert, a student toiled diligently at fulfilling certain errands of great import while abiding the equal concern for the safekeeping of his camel.

    And so while in reflection he paused to ask of his teacher before proceeding another step further, to procure what the apt insight is on this and like things, asking, "Huzur, do I lock my camel or pray?" His teacher feigns thought for just a moment and then imparts to the student, 'Do both.'

    And so I say -- intend to do all these three: it is in the middle of commencing with any one of these that you come to the most synchronous and well-appointed moments and placements -- a group shot with all life it is, which union covers all points, takes nothing for granted nor stretches and strains you or your prime objective needlessly.

  • 1 decade ago

    WRITE THE ESSAY! I can't Believe that NO ONE has addressed that topic yet! It makes SO much sense when you think about it! Are you gonna concentrate on magickal sigils or computerized ones? The magick ones are fun!

    Work is boring. Plus you want to save ACTUAL work for when the Boss is watching. No reason to do it any other time. I'm surprised he's not reading this right now though. HE said last week that he was going to have the program in place today and that all the slackers were in "for a surprise on Monday"! Hmmmm.


    Peace ... Sigils Rock!

  • You know that I do adore you my dear friend, but i do believe that when one is at work one should do work. Unless of course taking a bit of a break will prove more helpful. Peace&love be with you...~M~

    Source(s): Folklorist/Good Witch
  • 1 decade ago

    Stick with Answers; after all, you should find plenty of source material on mental/physiological disorders here ;-)

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  • 1 decade ago


    R&S is far more important than actually accomplishing things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your beating around the bush, what would you really like to be doing? ; )

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I echo Tamara's sentiments! Write the essays then post them on your 360 please!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oooh, I want to know all about psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and creating sigils!

    Pretty please?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When in doubt, ask questions... keep on asking :-P

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL I have no idea. Do as you will and enjoy it.

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