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Kerrie G asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Why are people with schizophrenia put down so much?

The people I know that have schizophrenia are generally great people that just have a problem.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they probably just have no idea what it's like to have it.

    i have it but it has lessened over the years.

    most people are just shallow and dont think about the possibilities.

    so we see things, hear things, and feel things that "aren't there"

    but maybe they just can't see, hear, and feel things that ARE there. and it is only limited to schizophrenic people to have this (advantage)

    this makes me feel good that you understand that schizophrenic people can be good people.

    anyone can be evil, just people with mental disorders are subjected to it more often.

    a lot of people also think that it is their fault for being "crazy" but it is not at all their choice, they are born with that and they deal with it.

    they were given that disorder because they are able to get through it.


    ps..after reading some of the other answers i see that people think that schizophrenia is having multiple personalities.

    that's a huge misconception.

    people with multiple personalities may have borderline personality disorder, or a different kind of personality disorder.

    schizophrenia is mainly limited to hallucinations and delusions

    they can have crazy ideas and thoughts. they usually don't know that their thoughts are actual delusions. most of the time these hallucinations and delusions are very insightful.

    people need to listen instead of judge.

    bless your kind caring heart.

  • James
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    People often fear what they don't understand. And even medical science has limited understanding of the workings of the brain (as opposed to our understanding of other bodily workings such as the heart).

    Schizophrenia has also been given bad press in Hollywood over the years, as an excuse for deranged and hard to understand killers (Psycho anyone?)

    According the the US National Institute of Mental Health, individuals with schizophrenia are not inherently violent, and are more likely to be a danger to themselves than to others.

    With proper treatment, many individuals with schizophrenia can lead fairly normal lives.

    Source(s): National Institute of mental Health:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the disease or any disorder for that matter, is just misunderstood. Some of the answers u have received are really insulting, naive, serve no compassion and just plain ignorant. My cousin, who has passed at a very young age due to this disorder... u know what I dont have much more to say - people need to be educated on mental illness and stop being the insensitive people that they are. Karma's a ***** - dont be a hater to what u dont or cant possibly understand.


  • 1 decade ago

    Who puts them down? I agree with you, people with schizophrenia are usually pretty decent (like everybody else) but they just have some thought disorders that cause problems.

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    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No one should ever put down someone who has a mental illness some people are just plain ignorant and this illness has come so far with meds it wonderful to see how much better they feel your a very caring person bless you

  • 1 decade ago

    fear of the unknown and general mis information about it. the word alone sounds scary doesnt it? look how people on tv are portrayed. people think people with this disorder go around talking to people who arent really there. or they hear voices demonic voices telling them to kill kill kill or telling them that they are GOD. i have whats called schizoid affective disorder. i have some symthoms of bi polar but not all and some symthoms of schizophreia but not all. i dont have the manic side of bi polar so it rules me out as bi polar, and i dont hear the voices or hallucinate so it elimates me from having that. im some where in the middle. however, for those of you who fear schizophrenics, have no fear. as long as they (we) take our meds you couldnt pick us out in a crowd.

  • 1 decade ago

    There seems to be a lot of stigma with mental illness. I agree, I think its terrible, you are still a human being and should be treated as so. people are always afraid of what they don't know,understand, or what is different from them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know. My boyfriend has schozophrenia, but he is a great guy and i really just think it kind of freaks people out.

  • Wendy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think that people are scared of mental illness more than physical. They don't understand it as well, I suppose.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not so much "put down" as "scared".

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