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I've missed 2 nights of sleep and I can't seem to let go and sleep, will you pray for me?

I spent two weeks in Italy and then came back to Texas. It was a very nice trip; I've never been abroad before. Physically it was a challenge for me because of pain issues and because I'm not physically fit. I am feeling like I can't relax and rest and sleep. I don't know if what I'm experiencing is just normal or a bit much. I feel very tense and like I'm going to fly apart emotionally.

Besides prayer does anyone know what I should do to get back to my normal life?

I would appreciate any advice from those who have traveled overseas/across several time zones. For those of you who pray, thanks a lot!


I do not use or abuse drugs. Please spare me any more mean-spirited insults that suggest I'm abusing drugs like methamphetamines.

Update 2:

Thanks for all the suggestions folks, from the practical to the political. I appreciate the kindness and the humor! I need all the sense of humor I can get. When I lose my sleep my sense of humor is not far behind it!

Update 3:

Maupa, the miracles that prayer brings can be anything from a quick resolution to the problem to thte comfort that comes to me when someone is willing to ask God to help me. I hope someday you get to experience an awareness of God's kindness and power. Until then, prayer will seem like a meaningless religious exercise to you. Thank you for your answer and your honest expression of your doubts.

Update 4:

Sad Panda, I struggle with insomnia, too. Nightime wasn't safe in my house as a child and I still have trouble relaxing to sleep. I'm sorry for your struggles. Insomnia is so tiring and frustrating. That's why I wrote, I'm not used to missing two full nights in a row. I do appreciate you sharing so many good suggestions. Thanks for your kindness. God is the one who helped me survive and begin to heal from my childhood. Prayer is just talking to God and listening for His responses. It helps me to pray and it comforts me when someone else will pray for me. I'd like to pray you find some answers for your sleep hassles too, if that's ok with you?

Update 5:

Z, is your response really prayer or veiled criticism? I have the sense to pray and also go to the doctor at times. God gives me grace and freedom to use many approaches to life's problems. But, I don't believe in making critical remarks to people who are already feeling down and out and just want some help and kindness.

Update 6:

I can't chose a best answer out of so many helpful/kind answers. ALL of you together have encouraged me and increased my peace. I lost my perspective in the fatigue. Thank you all for your kindness and compassion and insight!!!

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    That kind of thing happens to me all the time. My body has a lot of problems breaking down synthetic chemicals, so they hang around in my system and cause all sorts of problems. A lot of them, especially those related to petroleum, act as stimulants.

    They also cause pain and inflammation. Because they get into the brain as well, they often cause emotional reactions very similar to what you're describing.

    Plane trips are especially toxic because of all the jet fuel fumes and breathing people's recirculated perfumes and laundry products (more petro-chems) for so long.

    Jet lag has been shown to be caused in part by these sorts of exposures. Some of us have it much worse than others. Because of your other issues, esp pain, you might want to look into the possibility that you're reacting to synthetic chemicals. Drink lots of water to help flush it through your system. Limit your exposure to other chems as much as possible (cleaning products, personal care products, those bloody plug-in perfume things etc.) Supplementing magnesium is safe for most people and can help with anxiety. (Detoxing depletes magnesium levels.)

    Obviously I can't say that this is definitely happening to you, but I could post this description to a list of over 500 people and they'd all be able to reply with similar experiences.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's perfectly normal. it's probably just jetlag. Emotional and physical stress/excitement cause anxiety and sleep disorders all the time. If you don't usually have problems with sleep you'll get back to your normal sleep schedule soon enough, I wouldn't worry to much about that. Just rest. Do something that relaxes you - hot bath, quiet music, fresh air, whatever. I suggest you try to avoid anything that will keep your eyes overactive (TVs, computer screens, books) for an extended period of time. Even if you're not sleeping, designate a time to lay down and do nothing. This will help your body get back on track, so to speak.

    If it doesn't get better or if you start getting sick due to lack of sleep go to a doctor and get some sleep meds. Other than that, night time decongestant pills, muscle relaxants, cough syrup, etc will make you sleep. Not that I'm suggesting you take them of course. ;)

    I don't believe in prayer, but I wish you the very best!

    [EDIT] I'm very sorry for your past struggles; mine were much the same. I'm gald, however, that you've found some peace in God and prayer. I have a friend over at the moment and she says she will pray for you, just thought I'd let you know. You may certainly pray for me; I appreciate the kindness. :)

    Source(s): Insomniac
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi LeslieAnn, Sorry to hear about your plight. This can be a bit rough, reestablishing the normal sleep pattern after being overseas.

    I treat my sleeplessness as though it were a chance to just be closer to God - and I try to let go of the concern that I don't get sleep the way I want when I want or as much as I want. So I read a bit of Scripture, make some chamomile tea, do my breathing exercises, and put on an old black and white movie, and sure enough I'll doze off for a bit. Even if I waken, I've had a nap. I don't know if this helps or not. But it's what helps me stay calm, which de-stresses my body. I take naps and don't worry so much about the amount of sleep I do or don't get any more. Course, I'm a little older now, so that may make a difference.

    And now for the prayer:

    LordGod, Thank You for this opportunity to come together in prayer as we acknowledge Your power and love that covers every situation, including this sleep need of Your daughter LeslieAnn - Thank You for filling her with a closer connection with You through this situation so that her heart overflows with the joy of knowing You more intimately, for Your peace that passes understanding flowing through her now, so that the rest she requires is provided by You and her body temple is renewed, refreshed and ready to do all that is needed by You, so that others may come to know You more LordGod and we claim this is so and cannot be otherwise in and through the name nature and power of JesusChrist our Savior and WayShower, Master, brother, friend and Your Only Begotton amen and amen.

    Sleep well, dear Beloved.

    Thanks for the Q :)

    Source(s): Grasshopper Prayer Warrior
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi LeslieAnn,

    I'm glad you had a good trip, but I'm sorry you're having trouble sleepimg. Anyway, I'll pause briefly with my eyes shut and pray for you right now-praying. I just asked God to heal you of this sleep disorder.

    Anyway, Leslie, you are probably suffering from jet lag. This is a common, but not serious, disorder that occurs when one travels through many different time zones. I have been to Europe 5 times. I always had trouble sleepimg when I got to Europe, but I think it was due to being excited about being in Europe! I never sleep well when I'm away from home, whether I spend the night an hour from home or 5,000 miles. I love to travel(hence my name traveler) so I think excitement about traveling, plus not being used to a different bed, are the factors that have caused insomnia for me.

    Anyway, I don't know much about sleep disorders. However, I do know what it's like to suffer from insomnia. Try to curtail caffeine use, especially avoid caffeine drinks after dinner time. Try to go to bed the same time each night and wake up the same time each day. Avoid exercise within a few hours before bed. If you have trouble sleepimg while in bed, read or watch tv or do something like that until you fall asleep. If this problem lasts for another week, I'd go to a dr. and mention you're having insomnia due to recent travel. Also, go on www, It's an excellent health site from the world-famous clinic that provides info. on every type of health issue and what to do about it.

    Take care, and I'll keep you in my prayers. Love, John

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes... I will pray for you.

    Dear Father,

    We come together, in agreement for this sister in Christ.

    Bring rest to her weary tired bones, and keep her mind at rest, and in peace. In Jesus' precious Name I pray, Amen.


    Besides prayer....

    I've got a couple copies of CD's that play no music...

    rather just the sound of waves at the ocean.

    There is one I have which plays a thunderstorm... with rain...

    When I put that type of "sound" on...

    my mind quits wandering and I find it easier to fall asleep.

    I sometimes get out a book that's not too interesting...

    and read on that, as well. Usually one or both of them,

    lull me to sleep.

    Good luck, and GOD BLESS YOU!

    † Comforting Prayer Warrior †

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Essentially, you really need to 'rest.' It does not matter if you do not sleep, just rest, that means, do nothing! Your body will begin to adjust and come back to normal.

    Time is the best healer.

    However, if it persists, either visit your doctor or check out a local herbal shop, and ask for help.

    And yes, I will pray for you.

  • I'm sorry. Yes, we will. And welcome home. Glad you made it back safe.

    I've found SleepMD to be very helpful with shiftwork. One of its ingredients is melatonin which I've also used and found helpful. I buy it a Walmart.

    Try meditating on Eze 34:20-31

    Psa 4:8 -- I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

    We'll be praying for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    For me when i even go from new york to california I miss a nigh of sleep. i am the only one in my family who has this happen. When all they want to do is sleep I will be wide awake. What I do is just watch some TV or listen to music and I am out right away. Hope that works for you

  • 1 decade ago

    If this continues then seek a doctor. He may want to prescribe something for a short time to help.

    I will pray for you, that you have a normal sleep pattern again, and that it is a good uninterrupted high quality sleep.

    †Prayer Warrior At Your Request†

  • 1 decade ago

    Pray this proverb over yourself before you lay down.

    Proverbs 3:24

    when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

    Any health food store should carry 5-htp, a form of tryptophan, which will help your seratonin and help you get a good nights sleep.

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