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What should Americans be proud of?

All this Michelle Obama buzz got me thinking...what makes me proud to be American? Should I be proud? Are you proud of your country?

Would love to hear your thoughts!!!

17 Answers

  • Kat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pride is one of the seven deadly sins

  • 1 decade ago

    Proud we can speak our minds (in forums like this, for instance), proud we can go to any church, mosque, synagogue we want to without interference, proud we have a variety of news sources, from Rush and FOX on the right to NPR on the left, proud our leaders are elected by the people and not appointed or in power by force or intimidation.

    Sure we have problems, sure we disagree but we live in a free country of incredible beauty with incredible people.

  • 1 decade ago

    That we are the most generous nation on the planet.

    That we are a free nation.

    That ANYONE...yes ANYONE who chooses to and can succeed in America.

    That no matter how crazy we think those who disagree with us politically are, in a catastrophe like 9/11, we ARE united.

    That after thousands of years of the world having slavery, that in our relative infancy we led the world in abolishing slavery.

    There is a long list of reasons, but this is a sample of why I am ABSOLUTELY proud to be an American.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    intent of US is to provide a place where people can pursue their own dreams,

    where they are not the property of the state,

    in all of the world the US is intended to be different,

    a place for individualism;

    make it or break on your own with the rest of the world benefiting not because they mutually own the successful,

    but because they can learn from the successful

    i will not give that up to michelle so that she can be proud of what will become just one more mediocre collectivist state

    i have a small understanding of black americans having gotton the shaft,

    and the feeble attempt to fix that in the 60's was ultimately another shafting.

    but if leaders like BHO would lead black americans to the american dream,

    instead of the american handout,

    he could, in fact become great, he has the leadership ability

    as it is, he is a slick politician who is planning change that will destroy the american dream

    and he and i will be on opposing sides

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We were pretty much singularily responsible for winning WWI and WWII, had we not saved europe well you know what it would look like today. We fought back the communist takeover of south korea and attempted to do the same in vietnam. We put a man on the moon....we have been a beacon of hope for people all over the world; just look at the people who want to immigrate here, it's never ending line. We helped kept the peace during the cold war years after WWII so europe and the rest of the world could prosper, which has resulted in this great world economy that has brought teh std of living up all over the world....i could go on and on but I have to work for a's hell being a software engineer...been up all nite and we are just finishing up...late

  • The fact that you're asking this question speaks volumes.

    Absolutely. Despite a couple of rust spots, America is still the shining light on the hill, protecting and sometimes bringing freedom through out the world. Remember, people don't 'choose' to live in tyranny and oppression, they're forced to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am very proud on my country and the military that protects us.

    I am embarrassed at the liberal views that we seem to have embraced recently.

    the CUT AND RUN policy

    the NO MORALS policy,

    and the GODLESS policy

    these are not what made America great in the first place but, will be the ruin of America

  • 1 decade ago

    Proud we have homes to live in,electric and water 24 hours a day. Cable t.v for the spoiled brats to watch,schools for kids to go to. I can sit on a toliet and take a crap,I can go to a store and buy food and clothing. See things like this allot of people in the world don't have and why is this you ask? Maybe because they are lazy and weren't as productive as we proud Americans were back in the days!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am proud to live in the most free, best country on the face of the Earth. The good old United States of America. God bless her.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don’t know...Should I be proud of a government elected by the people but does not give a &*^% about the people. or should I be proud of a county where only 6% of the world population live yet produce 50% of world pollution I can go on and on…

  • 1 decade ago

    America should be proud to have you as a citizen.

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