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for those who believe in a Heaven: do you believe people who commit suicide are forgiven?


to ziggy! i only wanted answers from people who believe in heaven so before you get all nasty in your comments like I have the answer, it is a question for believers!! idiot!

Update 2:

people! thanks for answering.....!

God Is GOOD all the Time!!!!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. Nothing happens by accident so when someone dies by suicide, that is how they are meant to die.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone assumes you are talking about the Christian heaven, who'd want to be there with those creeps anyway. Self righteous bigots mostly. Depends on why and who. What if you committed suicide by performing an act of great courage, doing something you knew would cost your life? Who's forgiving you, and for what, you didn't ask to be born, it's your life to do with what you will. It's going to be over soon enough anyway, so why not make the most of an exceedingly rare situation, that is having a life to live, and enjoy as much of it as you are able.? Surely a God of love would understand anything, if he she it made you the way you are.

    Basically you have asked a question with no answer, but issued an open invitation to the Bible thumping zealots who always pounce on this sort of topic, thinking they know best. They don't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a question that really hits home. My dad which was my buddy and best friend, committed suicide when I was pregnant with my baby son. He had accepted God into his life about 2 years before that so he was guaranteed a spot in heaven. God forgives all sins. There are no small and big sins just different levels of rewards. My dad was a wonderful man but had a horrific child hood that only his biological mother could have made better and she was the abuser.But until the day he died she would not admit that anything she done was wrong. She admitted to doing it but not that it was wrong. He will be there waiting for me in heaven. He was one of God's children and none of God's children will ever be cast into hell. I hope it helps. It helped me just to talk about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is rejecting Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. So yes, as long as you have been saved by accepting Jesus, you will go to heaven. Although if a person commited suicide, they may not have been saved to begin with because why would a person who is following God, even if they are not strong with their walk with Him, do something like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. The mental state that forced suicide is known to God and He knows the anguish that the person had when they committed suicide.

    If we can understand why a person commits suicide based on the fact that we're mere humans, how much more can God understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that's between the person and God. If the person was truly saved, then even suicide could be forgiven by the Lord... but again, that's between that person and the Lord. I also believe, however, that suicide is never God's desire for our lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope friend commit suicide...I am Christian and so was he....I never understood how he could take his own life when he knew Jesus in his life....he had a troubled life and it was hard for him to overcome this....

    I don't the end of my days...I do hope to see him in heaven...I don't know the answer but I trust in a God that is a wise and fair judge

  • Tigger
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That is one thing I don't know. I do know it is considered murder in God's eyes, but whether or not the person will go to Heaven (if he is a believer) is something only God knows.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is the Connection between Heaven & Suicide? I fail to see it.

  • KathyC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    sure, god forgives anything except blaspheming the H. S. but i have an uneducated theory about this because it runs high in my family...i think we must be forgiven, because survival is our number one instinct...we will steal candy from a baby if we are hungry enough, hell, we'll eat the i don't think a suicidal person could be in their right mind at that moment...that's how i get by anyway...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I do. The only sin that will send you to Hell is rejecting Jesus. I believe God knows that people who kill themselves are not in their right state of mind.

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