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Will the rising cost of gasoline affect how you vote in November?

All of the House and part of the Senate is up for reelection as well as the Presidentcy.

If they stand against American Oil and American Jobs,vote them out.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The price-----NO-----Who has Viable, sincere plans to deal with it will affect how I vote! Congress is the one in the greatest jeapordy for my vote as I see most of them as being in a "Do Nothing Mode" Except of course for Pork, Earmarks and personal gain! On these three they work overtime!

    I wish I were a California voter so I could help rid ourselves of Nancy Pelosi, The Worst "Speaker of the House" in the History of the US Congress!

    Proud Vet

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it will for most, not ME.

    Most feel that the oil and gas can be fixed by a change in president. However you need a change or shift back to American ways of the 50s. As our Government has allowed NAFTA and free trade to smaller and more economically challanged countries you have moved our wealth to them and removed it and growth from the United Stated. Yes you have larger companies that remain here but there products are produced in other places and shipped here therefore we have lost jobs and growth within our own country. As China, Mexico, Japan, Inda grow you will see a gain in there nations wealth and a loss in ours. But what they didn't foresee was as they have grown they are consuming more OIL and increasing the work force there and increasing there cost of living and it will be the same thing it was in the United States. So if you have been watching the labor issues in the US we are doing the same jobs here for less money because companies are moving to places for cheaper labor. Therefore, over the last 10 years our job market has reduced our Government has GROWN 60% in 8 years. Company profits are up but payroll for labor in the US is down. So what we our Government and large Corporations are doing is getting rich. and we are lossing the American way of life. We now import more the we export, and alot of people are not looking at we export alot of thing to countries that we don't produce. What happens is a company will produce in Mexico, bring it to the US and then Sell and ship it to say Japan. Therefore no money really went to American workers, It went to the Company and the Mexican workers.

    I could go on but it would take forever

  • 1 decade ago

    No, Because they cannot control how much the major oil producers(OPEC) are charging for the oil.

    However, I see that the democrats are still using the same arguement that they have used for over 30 years now and that is (Why should we drill for oil when it wont help for 5-10 years?)--- well had we been drilling for oil for those 30 years we would not be concerned with what (THEY) are charging for oil. We would not need (THEIR) oil.

    So I will vote based on our future more than what can happen right now

  • 1 decade ago

    Most likely not because I highly doubt the government can lower and to be honest with you, if prices don't remain "high" (because high to us is half the price of Europe's), then there will be no motivation for Americans' individualism to help solve the problem.

    Drilling for more oil will only have a short term moderate reduction (say $0.25 for 6 weeks) in prices or a moderate term small reduction in prices ($0.09 for 2 years). Energy alternatives do work and can solve the problem, however, the majority of them are MORE expensive than petrol powered machines. Nuclear would work but either politicians dislike the waste or they don't want to fund an extended power grid. Punishing speculators will raise prices because there would be a shortage in supply and they don't set prices anyways, they chase them. Taxing oil companies and establishing price caps will short supply and we would repeat the oil crisis of the 70s.

    It all goes back to individualism, which, if you've studied your nation's political history well enough, you would already know that the American philosophy was based off of this (liberty). No government policy is going to solve the problem when you combine all windows and all time frames.

    It is up to us as Americans to decide what is a luxury and what is a necessity. There are ways for anybody to cut back on oil spending (here's a way the gov can help: such as bicycling, carpooling, buying a cheap old used car from the 80s (great mileage). If we all did this, we would end up saving enough money to invest in companies that develop alternative energies- it's like killing two birds with one stone.

    But instead we completely abandoned our logic of how middle-eastern conflict raises prices, as well as demand-pull inflation coupled with fears of a future shortage in supply, the fact that our dollar has weakened to the point where it won't buy us as much as it used to and did we completely forget about the oil crisis in the 1970's? Nope, we just bought bigger houses to spend more oil on heating and at higher temperatures, nearly all of which are located far away from our daily commutes with loads of poorly planned roads building up traffic and we do it all in gas guzzling SUVs and/or high performance engines that are all no more reliable and likely to get us to work any faster than a 42mpg honda civic or geo metro.

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  • CD
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The Dems are the reason for the rising cost of gas. I planned on voting against them anyway. Its nice to see that somebody understands that the problem is in the house and senate not in the White House. THEY make the laws not the president.

  • 1 decade ago

    The price of gas won't affect how I vote. I will never vote for Democrats however. My payroll taxes are to high now. All they ever want to do is provide more money to bums that don't work. They seem to want me to pay for it. Even generations of bums that don't work. Before long EVERYBODY will be on an entitlement and no one will be left working.

  • 1 decade ago

    uh huh

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    no because i cant drive lool but it will be a factor fopr millions i am sure

  • 1 decade ago

    I like your way of thinking.

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