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Lv 618,767 points

Jersey Guy

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I am a 76 YO retired Analyst. I have worked in many capacities including Ranch Hand, Farming, Teaching, Radar, Space craft & launch & Guidance systems, Computer hardware/Software. As an Analyst, in software & Web design, data/Performance analysis & Forensics to uncover & prosecute computer assisted crime. Worked In Management. Retired at 71. Enlisted in the Army, 3 YRS, spent another 1 1/2 yrs. as an in country Civilian computer specialist for the Army in Vietnam 1968-69. Attended U of Utah. Employed same company for 47 1/2 yrs. live in NJ, Native of Wyo. Father, Brother & 2 kids are enlisted Vets. Married, 4 kids,10 grands &12 Greats. Consider myself a good Citizen of the country that has given my family & I so much. God Bless America! I don't choose my Friends by Politics, Religion or Race! We have a right in this country to our own opinions. Please be open minded enough to debate them logicaly/Civilly and not be closed to new ideas. I will respect you & I expect the s

  • Would it be a good move the House of Representatives to Choose a New Speaker?

    Would it be wise to have a "Non Elected" Person to fill this position? Someone Like Mitt Romney to use his negotiating skills to help move the country forward in face of all of its Economic woes?

    The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (or Speaker of the House) is the presiding officer of the chamber. The office was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, which states in part, "The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker..." The Constitution does not require that the Speaker be an elected Member of Congress, but no non-member has ever been elected to the office.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Would it be a good move the House of Representatives to Choose a New Speaker?

    Would it be wise to have a "Non Elected" Person to fill this position? Someone Like Mitt Romney to use his negotiating skills to help move the country forward in face of all of its Economic woes?

    The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (or Speaker of the House) is the presiding officer of the chamber. The office was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, which states in part, "The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker..." The Constitution does not require that the Speaker be an elected Member of Congress, but no non-member has ever been elected to the office.

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Should all journalist be required to have background Checks and be licensed by the Federal, state and local?

    Governments? so they can be published on searchable web sites? It has been said many times that the "Pen is mightier than the sword", so, are Journalist armed thugs? Is their right to publish under the 1st amendment greater than our rights under the 2nd amendment?

    Amendment II

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    Have They infringed upon that right?

    Proud Vet

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Should all journalist be required to have background Checks and be licensed by the Federal, state and local?

    Governments so they can be published on searchable web sites? It has been said many times that the "Pen is mightier than the sword", so, are Journalist armed thugs? Is their right to publish under the 1st amendment greater than our rights under the 2nd amendment?

    Amendment II

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    Have They infringed upon that right?

    Proud Vet

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Does Alma Shealey Adams, chair of the Legislative Black Caucus in North Carolina, A Democrat, really believe?

    in this day and age What she said about Romney concerning the Election? I quote:

    "Adams, the Legislative Black Caucus leader, said Romney's Mormon faith might be a drag among among the social conservatives who showed up in large numbers last week to vote for a constitutional amendment defining marriage solely as between a man and a woman."

    "If they look at that awful ballot amendment, and they compare that with his faith, I don't think people will be OK with it," Adams said. "From what I understand about the Mormon faith you can have multiple wives. That's sort of a contradiction. There are questions about who Romney is and what he believes in terms of that particular issue."

    It those words: "From what I understand about the Mormon faith you can have multiple wives" Is this Person still living in 1900 America? Is this Legislator really this un informed? OR, Is this Democratic Leader just spreading outright lies for obama's political Gain? Do The Democrats have no level to which they will not go to win an election. This is outright Blasphemy and she knows it.

    Will someone in North Carolina Please inform Her that LDS Mormons, the Faith of Mitt Romney has not Practiced Polygamy for over 120 years. Mit has not, nor his Father or Grand Father. Tell at the same time that Obam's Father had two wives at the same time. he Married 4 Women and divorced 3 but never divorced the First one. Does Ms Adams have a problem With this? BTW Obama's Mother was number two!

    Mitt Romney delivered a commencement speech Saturday at Liberty University in which he focused largely on a message of faith, family, hard work and service, but he also addressed the emerging same-sex marriage issue by saying "marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman."

    Read more:,_Sr.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Should CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Fox News register as "Super Pacs"?

    The Organizations are very biased and exercise more control over the election than the political parties themselves or any other Registered Super Pac.

    The spend huge amounts of money on the campaign, allocating News time to whomever they want. This News time is basically free advertising for or against any candidate they choose;

    They control the Debates, the questions asked and can, in so doing, lift or badly hurt a candidate.

    In the Debates they control how much time each candidate gets as well as which topics they want to limit him to.

    Lets face it, the MSM in this country is a major mover and shaker in who's who in politics. Therefore, I ask, "Should they be registered as "super pacs" and make financial disclosures like the ones they demand of candidates? Should they also be subject to the same scrutiny as the other Super Pacs?

    Another note: We supposedly do not allow Foreign money in our elections, right? Then why is Piers Morgan nightly talking US Politics/Elections on US TV. Isn't this the same guy that headed up "The Sun" in the UK, you know the very corrupt news organization? He is constantly interviewing the candidates or their surgates and controling the message.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Should CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS register as "Super Pacs"?

    The Organizations are very biased and exercise more control over the election than the political parties themselves or any other Registered Super Pac.

    The spend huge amounts of money on the campaign, allocating News time to whomever they want. This News time is basically free advertising for or against any candidate they choose;

    They control the Debates, the questions asked and can, in so doing, lift or badly hurt a candidate.

    In the Debates they control how much time each candidate gets as well as which topics they want to limit him to.

    Lets face it, the MSM in this country is a major mover and shaker in who's who in politics. Therefore, I ask, "Should they be registered as "super pacs" and make financial disclosures like the ones they demand of candidates? Should they also be subject to the same scrutiny as the other Super Pacs?

    Another note: We supposedly do not allow Foreign money in our elections, right? Then why is Piers Morgan nightly talking US Politics/Elections on US TV. Isn't this the same guy that headed up "The Sun" in the UK, you know the very corrupt news organization? He is constantly interviewing the candidates or their surgates and controling the message.


    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is Mitt too rich to be President?

    The American dream is to have the opportunity to be successful. The dream is to raise your standard of living and to live the good life. The dream is to be able to make sure your Kids get a good education so they can exceed your own success. The Dream is to be able to help others in need. The dream is to do this completely within the Laws of the land. The the Dream is to Help our Country do even better.

    Now Mitt's Parents grew up poor and raised themselves up, made sure their Kids got a good Education. His father George rose to be President of American Motors and to be Governor of Michigan. Yes they made sure their son Mitt got a good Education, but did not send him into the world with a silver spoon. He inherited little form his parents other than a great work ethic and compassion for others. Yes they Helped Mitt and Ann buy their first home like all successful and even those not so successful try to do.

    Mitt then went out on his own, started a Business, worked for others and rose to the top. Yes he made a lot of money along the way. He tithed to his church and donated to other charity, he served as a Missionary for his Church, He Served in other Non Paid Church positions (None were ever paid as the LDS Church has an unpaid Lay Ministry). When he was ask to come help pull the Winter Olympics from death throes, he went and served very successfully and took no pay for it. As Governor of Mass. he took only a symbolic $1.00 per year as salary. He pays his Taxes according to the law and does not cheat on his taxes unlike some others in Government.

    Now the the People in Northern Florida are saying "He is too Rich to be President". Does this mean that the people who want to live the American Dream are jealous of those that succeed? Perhaps prefer to be lead and taught by those that either failed or were not nearly as successful as Mitt. I know that Liberal feel the way to achieve the American dream is to take from the working rich and redistribute to the slacker poor. Take from those that stayed in School and give to the Drop outs. What do you want? What qualities do you want in a President?

    Proud Vet

    17 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How well do you read. In the Declaration of Independence:?

    Does it Declare that: All Men are Created equal? If so where?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Should the Terrorist held in Cuba be tried in Cuba? or the USA?

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is urging Congress not to pass pending legislation that would ban the transfer of terrorism suspects from the Guantanamo prison camp in Cuba to the United States for any reason. The Obama administration plans to try some of those suspects in U.S. courts.

    But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that a plurality (46%) of Likely U.S. Voters favor a ban on transferring the suspected terrorists to this country. Thirty-two percent (32%) oppose such a ban, while 23% more are not sure about it. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    Voters remain strongly opposed to trying those suspects in U.S. courts. Sixty-three percent (63%) say instead that they should be tried before military tribunals. Only 23% prefer civilian courts, and 13% are undecided.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do so many Liberals on YA "Ask" questions for the sole purpose of making a political statement?

    THEN: They award best "Answer" to the person who agrees most with them! Do they not know what a question is or what the reason is for asking one?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is the "Official" position of the LDS, Mormon Church concerning the TV Series Big Love?

    Please provide a Documented source! I am not looking for personal opinions or best guess or rants but rather the Official position of the Church!

    Thank You

    Proud Vet

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What did you think of Pelosi Aka the "Court Jester"?

    Did you notice, she even "Bowed" to him when he handed her his speech! What a dunce!

    Proud Vet

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Did anyone really watch or read the transcript of the Obama "Press Conference" tonight?

    It appeared to me to be very "scripted" with mostly if not all "planted" questions! Why do I say that? 1: Because he had a speech prepared for each question! 2: In many cases he called on people by name and news organization and then ask where they were! How did he call on them if he did not see them raise their hand?

    Here is the transcript of the "News Conference" AKA "Infomercial" and "propaganda"!

    Proud vet

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are the American people to blame for the decline of the US Auto industry?

    GM as an example has sales up and is the leader in sales in China, Latin America! Sales are up in Europe but down so bad in th USA that the whole company is at risk! Why don't Americans, worried about the Economy, buy USA products instead of imports. This would create far more jobs and actualy help our economy. Please Look at this SEC filing from GM!

    Proud vet

    30 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you aware that that in Iraq the terrorists use rape to recruit female suicide bombers?

    Now, this is a twist on the face of this war or of any war, especially one that the Muslims claim is a "Holy War"!

    "A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organizing their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame."

    Here is the complete link on the subject:,10117,25006101-401,...

    Your comments appreciated!

    Proud vet

    22 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why don't people understand the Liberal Bias of the Media? Example:?

    Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure"

    Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago:

    "Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops die in unarmored Humvees"

    "Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"

    "Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, ordinary Americans get the shaft"

    ------------ -----

    Headlines Today:

    "Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"

    "Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"

    "Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"

    "Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

    Why can't they see it? It is "Plain as day"

    Proud Vet

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now that Harry Reid is Negotiating with Burris over the Obama Senate seat and Obama is also putting in his ?

    two cents, are either of them any better than Blago? Why are the People of Illinois not able to determine who can hold the seat.? Blago wants quid pro quo to make the appointment and Reid wants Quid pro quo to seat Burris! In my mind they are all crooks including Burris! What has happened to elections in the USA? Obama has not even been sworn in and he has taken us to new political lows.

    God Bless America/In God We Trust---Not in politicians

    Proud Vet

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Obama's appointment of Leon Panetta as head of the CIA His first step to dismantle the USA defense systems?

    This will surely make way for the terrorists to work with impunity. Obama is locking up the "cat" so the "mice/rats" will have a field day!

    Talk about "Unqualified" this ranks right along with Obama himself!

    18 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago