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Why don't people understand the Liberal Bias of the Media? Example:?

Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure"

Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago:

"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops die in unarmored Humvees"

"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"

"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, ordinary Americans get the shaft"

------------ -----

Headlines Today:

"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"

"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"

"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"

"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

Why can't they see it? It is "Plain as day"

Proud Vet


For those that want sources or citations:

If you are not old enough to remember or intelligent enough to read and listen to the news, then a "Citation will Not help you!

The cost per person is based on the 15 million given by the Govt. to the DC police et al for security! Just spin to justify the un justifiable! This not for all the big parties etc that comes to the 120+ Million. We will never know the true amount.

Update 2:

Well for those that want more proof, read the answer below from Sean B. I think he makes the point far far better than I! Thanks Sean!

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've seen a few replies and at least one asking for sources. Well, Jersey Guy, you may use me for a source because I worked in the media as a Professional Television & Radio Broadcaster for 15-years. I can tell you firsthand that there IS a liberal bias in the media, simply because most people working in the media are liberals. I remember one station where I had a dual-role for a NBC affiliate station as a Weather Anchor and I was also the Producer of the News Programs. One of the news anchors graduated from Pepperdine and he was a staunch liberal. When he wasn't on the air he spent his time working feverishly to "dig-up dirt" on the Bush Administration. He would regularly "distort" stories to portray republicans negatively, while "conveniently ignoring" stories that would've reflected negatively on the democrats. Once I was promoted to Producer it gave me the authority to decide which stories would and would not air. I made it the rule that stories had to be balanced; good or bad. I made it clear that if any reporter or anchor dug-up a bad story on a Republican then it would be followed by a bad story on a Democrat, and vice-versa. Otherwise, their story would be canned, or would have to be re-written. That anchor quickly grew to literally hate my guts, and he took it very personal and was a very bitter guy who seldom smiled, even on camera. I can also say that the liberal bias is not always in the stories that are told, but mainly in the stories that are NOT told. For example, if a girl prevents herself from being raped because she is carrying a firearm, you'll never hear those stories because it places gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment in a favorable light. Anyway, people don't get the truth when they don't get the full story.

    Source(s): Broadcaster with 15-years on-air experience and a journalism degree.
  • 1 decade ago

    To most liberals, the more bias, the better – as long as it’s in their favor. They probably don’t even recognize the bias.

    In comparing the cost of Bush’s inauguration in 2004 to the cost of Obama’s inauguration this year, we do need to recognize that the attendance this year was much higher than it was in 2004. Also, security this year was more extensive and expensive. We had some 5,000 security people in Washington this year. Some of them came from distant locations that required travel, lodging and food costs. Those expenses add up quickly.

    There was just no way the Secret Service was going to allow President Obama to be assassinated, or even permit a close call.

    Bias in the MSM has gotten way out of line. Now the Democrats are trying to revive the so-called “Fairness Doctrine,” which, IMO, is a blatant violation of the First Amendment. They want to limit it to conservative-dominated talk radio. They aren’t looking at the New York Times or the major television stations, which are in the tank for liberal Democrats.

    The fact is that radio stations, except for subscription-based ones like Sirius, make money by selling advertising. The rates they charge are based on the number of listeners they attract. As we saw with the now defunct Air America, people just don’t want to listen to liberals. We already have public (and publicly-funded) radio and television networks. They lean heavily to the left and don’t get very good ratings.

    The problem with many liberals is that their political ideologies are hate-based. They talk a lot about racism, but their bias is equally offensive. They think that if you don’t agree with the, you’re w-r-o-n-g.

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Normal people don't care as much about politics or liberal versus conservative ideology as they care about sports, hobbies, their jobs, family activities, etc. They are not interested in taking the time to understand issues on a deep level. They want sound bites and headlines. They want to glean information efficiently, form quick opinions and move onto something else more enjoyable.

    The target audience - people who swing elections and influence policy because of their answers to public opinion polls - is reached through the mainstream media. These people spend a few minutes with the newspaper and catch their local news on television. The claim that media bias is not a problem because conservatives now have a voice in the media misses the big picture perspective.

    The new media led by Limbaugh has been a wonderful development for conservatives. None of us would want to go back to the dark ages of the 1980's. But, just because conservatives have a voice, it doesn't mean the media is balanced. Liberal bias in the mainstream media is a huge problem in this country. Like other topics, those of us who take the time, understand the ramifications of media bias. Those who stay at the surface level of thinking, dismiss media bias as a non-issue.

  • 5 years ago

    Ha ha! additionally the headliner with reference to the subpoena of archives it shows a photograph of Bush and Cheney like they have been asked in my view by employing Yahoo! whilst it replaced into Bush's legal professional that made the fact!

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  • ATJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You left out the tax evader that will be our secretary of Treasury and Daschel

    who owes taxes on 221,000 dollars. Yet that is ok see the democrats have no ethics so it is all right for them to behave this way can you just imagine what will happen if Republicans vetted men like this to office we would never her the end of it. The Dem's throw the race card if you question these insane decisions of the Messiah! People need to wake up and smell the corruption and useless spending! Obama will sink the U.S. and that just maybe his agenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember when Regan has his inauguration, and his Wife wore a dress given to her by a friend, I believe it was Betsy someone, they were good people, not insecure, and didn't have to show off, he was becoming the president. and that's all, no big show had to be given. I do not know how much they spent, but no doubt as much as the Clinton's and the rest, those were the days the country died, along with the music!!! after the Regan administration, its never been the same!!

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    And your figures lie too . . . President Obama's inauguration cost when figured at $120 million includes ALL the security costs, whereas the $42 million figure for Bush's inauguration doesn't.

    My next guess is the headlines are cherry picked. Were there headlines celebrating the Bush inauguration? I am sure there were many. Were there headlines questioning the spending large sums on Obama's inauguration? Absolutely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. And the other day a CNN anchorwoman made a big deal about Obama stating he was "ashamed" at Wall Street for taking those millions in bonuses (And they should be), but never said a word about how ashamed Obama should be for wasting trillion of dollars on this stupid stimulus package and all the unnecessary spending in it. Double Standards.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't people understand the Liberal Bias of the Media?

    The only way that would happen is if the Liberal Media TOLD THEM SO!

    There is no independent thought among the Liberal hoi-polloi.

  • Wow that makes me sick. It's true though, the liberal media is in control. People do recognized it. Only Fox 13 and Rush are able to say something and it won't be long until the new admin tries to shut them up.

    Source(s): We live in Communist China now.
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