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I have observed the word 'silence', discussed in great detail, but may ask just what is noise...?

The "absence of silence" will not be accepted as an answer!

"Thanks" in advance for your time and cooperation.


a small insignificant sufi student....


"If a human can think, and the ears are removed, will the noise still remain?

Update 2:

The silence can indeed be deafening, when it is filled with constant, unnecessary noise.

Update 3:

I prefer the "Sun-Son", my friend M.

Update 4:

"I feel the warmth, already."

Update 5:

Even the "Sun" hides behind a cloud occasionally. Illusion and all.

Thank you!

Update 6:

"It has often been said that "Noise", teaches one patience." Could be!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Noise is a place to hide. Outer noise in the world is so all present half the time we don't even consciously hear it anymore. The inner chatter serves the same purpose. The great liar tries at all cost to keep our minds occupied , it fears the silence. "Be still & know I am"

    Some people even sleep with their TV's going. The noise serves as a distraction, insuring that they will not be tempted to start the journey within. Watching TV is one of the worst. We sit in a passive mode with empty heads taking in large amounts of input that amounts to little more than programing. (Schick, the best a man can get, for just one example).

    For the most part, most will start to experience restlessness & boredom if confronted with more silence than they can tolerate. This restlessness & boredom is the Ego demand for "more input".

    Blessings Brother!

  • 1 decade ago

    Silence is usually termed as an absence of sound or noise. Noise is obtained when you place a book heavily on the table, your busy mother washing lots of dishes, your little playful brother shouting and laughing. Noise can be so bad, that the listener gets a pain in the ears, and soon becomes agitated.

    In music, the silence between each sound or key is still considered a component of music. The best music has rhythm and a variety of silent spaces, tones and pitches. But a piece of rough and noisy music is considered more 'noise' than music, having too much grating sounds.

    We in the modern society are constantly being bombarded by the noise from speakers, traffic, blaring horns, children, cell-phones and radios in public, etc that it is wise to 'go into silence'--through meditation in a sound-proof room--to maintain our well-being and sanity.

    Too much noise pollution like air and waste pollution, just amount to a low quality of unhealthy living and we must do something about that.

  • 5 years ago

    A truth or "Truth" can be called a shared experience by many people that can be consistantly checked and rechecked. Science is good at this. You mix vinager with baking soda and it will react. Everyone can do this, same reaction. So its true that this will happen. Lies and falsehood are easily shaked out because their math doesn't add up for everyone. They are inconsistant. For instance, if I say I'm the holiest person in the world, and your friend sees me do something evil, then what I do contradicts what I said and there's your clue that somethings wrong because I just acted in an inconsistant way. Granted some people are VERY good at this for profit or some other consideration, but I believe it is to their own detriment.

  • 1 decade ago

    My view is that noise is supported by silence as physical things are supported by space. Noise is only the creative impulse of the infinite Being that is that silence. Without ears we would only be unable to find meaning in noise as we are unable to find meaning in a television signal without a television. I needed to remember to listen for the silence because for the last couple of weeks I had forgotten and was wondering why I was in turmoil. Thank you. When I still myself and listen for the silence beyond the noise I connect with a soft peace and noise becomes splashes on the surface of the lake. The deeper I go the more surreal noise becomes, and silence becomes the real. Thanks again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think anything coming accross a disturbed mind is noise.. When the mind is disturbed, either the person screams/ fights and makes noise or gets iritated with everything and complains of noise.. Even silence seems to be loud for a disturbed mind.. I dont necessarily define noise as a sound made my any object or action.. It is all about the game played by mind..

    Sound made by an instrument might be pleasant to ears when a person is happy, and the same shall seem to be noisy, loud and iritating when the mind is disturbed..

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    silence is the medium...sound is the media which conveys information...noise is meaningless sound...

    but is there such a thing as 'meaningless'?

    "If a human can think, and the ears are removed, will the noise still remain?

    Only if a human cannot make sense of the 'sound'...

    Is it not said that the silence is deafening?

    -----this also applies to inner sound...

    -----I will do this for a few minutes, my sufi brother...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, according to a book I just read, there is no such thing as noise! Hear me out.

    If sound were to be only vibration, then deafness wouldn't exsist. Instead, "sound" or "noise," if you prefer, is the interpretation of the brain of the nerves in the eardrum vibrating.

    So, really one could say that noise is nothing, or perhaps just a stimulus!

    Source(s): This is Your Brain on Music
  • 1 decade ago

    Technically, yes , noise is the sort of media-borne vibration as the above answers stated. But if you want something from philosophical view: actually noise and silence are the same, they are different (that is, when they have meaning) only when there is comparison. relativity.

  • The presence and transference of vibration

    Detection is not the same as presence. Failure to detect vibration (for example, hearing it) for any reason does not mean it doesn't exist. Any dog will tell you that if a person fails to hear a dog whistle, they are not experiencing silence, just failing to detect the noise.

  • 1 decade ago

    If not the absence - the disruption of silence by a discernible trespassing presence... The silence is not absent in noise - just masked.

    I hope I have the right to speak on such matters. I'm just a small, insignificant student, myself... Please forgive this act of hybris, my committing such violence against the kingdom of silence...


    Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.

    * Translated: Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

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