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Ripped off on a camcorder from Best Buy!!?

I've been ripped off by Best Buy!

I went to Best Buy with my dad to buy a camcorder. I've been waiting for months to get a camcorder. That day we find one that's good for the whole family. We ask the guy if it's Macintosh compatible and he says yes. I also ask him if I can put YouTube videos on it, he again says yes. About a week later we go back (today). We buy the camcorder and supplies. I'm really excited. I get it home and my dad looks at the manual. Turns out it's only Macintosh capable for photos! Just photos no videos. We were ripped off. I'm sure we can return it but do you think we should report this guy? Do you know and Macintosh converters for Panasonic?

I don't know what to do! It has made me so mad! I'm about to burst!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You just inform the people at the return desk that the guy was misleading you. Then you write a letter to the company and tell them which store that happened at. If you can remember the guys name that would help. So they KNOW that you are disapointed in their company not making sure the employee know what they are talking about. Don't say anything irrational. If you write a good letter they'll respect it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have heard that Panasonic might not be compatible with Vista. I haven't heard about mac. That doesn't make since, it might say that because if it's a minidv camcorder you will need a firewire connection and not all computers/laptop computers are firewire ready, so the camcorders don't come with a firewire cord.

    By all means take it back and complain, but I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

    Make sure when you are buying a camcorder, that if it's a minidv camcorder that your computer has a firewire port and that you have the firewire cord as it doesn't come with the camera, also if you are buying a minidvd camcorder that you know that you have to finalize the disc first and then convert it with a video converter program.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You never said WHICH camcorder (model number). You never said which Macintosh. That makes it difficult to help you. Once the video is in your Mac, and you are done editing, it is up to iMovieHD to export the format for upload to YouTube. The camcorder has little to do with the format it captures and what gets to YouTube.

    MiniDV tape based camcorders provide the best available video for ANY computer based editing. In addition to the camcorder, you will need a 4-pin to 6-pin firewire cable to connect the DV port on the camcorder (4-pin) to the firewire port on your Mac (6-pin).

    Entry: Canon ZR800, ZR900, ZR930. They have a mic-in jack many camcorder do not have - but they do not have manual audio control (important for REALLY LOUD audio or really soft audio). The least expensive camcorders with a mic jack and manual audio control are the Canon HV20, HV30, Sony HDR-HC7 and HDR-HC9. Connect the firewire cable to the Mac and the camcorder, camcorder is also plugged into AC power, camcorder is in "Play" or "VCR" mode, launch iMovie and Import the video. If you end up with HDV, you will need to manually install the "Apple Intermediate codec" from the system discs.

    Most hard drive and flash memory camcorders will work with your Mac - files are copied over USB, but they are very highly compressed and need to be converted. Download and install StreamClip

    to get the files into a format iMovie likes (.mov, .mp4, .DV, among others). When StreamClip is done converting, launch iMovie and drag/drop the converted files to the clips pane or timeline of iMovie.

    If you get an AVCHD camcorder - this is for hard drive and flash memory camcorders that record high definition - iMovieHD08 is required (as well, an Intel chip based Mac is required).

    No one should EVER waste their money on a DVD based camcorder, but if you have money to waste... you need a drawer loading DVD drive connected to your Mac. Never put the small 8cm DVDs from the camcorder in a slot loader. Put the finalized DVD in the drawer loader and you will also need to download and install HandBrake

    to rip the DVD video. Once the video is ripped, launch iMovie and drag/drop the converted files to the clips pane or timeline of iMovie. Warning: DVD camcorders record the worst possible video quality for editing. This is not a Mac issue - but a camcorder technology issue.

    Just because the camcorder manufacturer did not include software for your computer does not mean it is not Mac compatible. It just means you have to find the tools to get the job done.

  • 1 decade ago

    You haven't been ripped off - someone made a mistake and you've been sold the wrong camcorder. Just go back to the shop and calmly ask for the mistake to be sorted out. Before you go back, decide what you want - do you want your money back or another camcorder?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I would report guy. Also I would go with a Sonya or RCA cam cord, I had a mackintosh & so much trouble with It. Take It back and talk to mangment, half their enployees Do not what their doing I have been there @ Best Buy, question the person helping you also ask them to show you What you want to know with the camcord you want . Right there Good Luck !

  • 1 decade ago

    there should be like a 14 day policy that best buy has that means u can return the product within 14 days, so i think returning wont problem

    but also, theres no need to get mad at this guy or get him in trouble

    maybe you should do a little homework on the net for yourself before you go to the store, or take a printout to the store and see if they have what your looking for

  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't say what type of camcorder you got. For Mac you should get a miniDV camcorder and you need to use firewire to connect to your computer, for video. If your camera does not have a firewire port, you will need to get a different camera that does. This is the only way to connect to iMovieHD.

    Source(s): Been doing camcorder research for a while, and own an iBook.
  • 5 years ago

    Silly Robert, these offers abroad that look 'too good to be true' normally are just that. Hope you had an enjoyable holiday at least

  • 1 decade ago

    i doubt the guy was trying to rip you off, he likely was just misinformed. it was probably an honest mistake.

    take the camera back and tell them it is not compatible with your mac. if they give you a hard time, tell them one of their employees told you it was compatible and that's why you bought it.

    for compatiblity, look for a camera that has a firewire port.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok take it back and report the guy cause he said it did so maybe you could get a new one and a refund and he would prolly get fired and he has probly screwed a lot of other people to and i dont really know to the panasonic

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