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Emily Answers

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I really like answering questions and I like to make videos and take pictures. -Emily

  • Do you think I have syphilis?

    About a month ago. a girl at my school started a rumor that I have syphilis. ironically, about a week after the rumor started I started to get strange symptoms. my period didn't come, I had terrible pelvic cramps and heavy discharge and also I became terribly itchy! I went to the doctor and she diagnosed me with bacterial vagininosis but should I go back and get tested for syphilis?

    2 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • How to tell my ex bf that he gave me a STD?

    This summer, me and my long-time crush started hooking up. We weren't exactly dating, but thats not the point. The point is, I've been experiencing symptoms of an STD. Gonorrhea. I'm almost 100% sure that I got this from him. The whole summer, I was having sex with him (unprotected). I did have sex with one other guy but he was a virgin at the time and we used a condom. Me and my ex are no longer talking, but I really need to tell him. He will probably end up blaming me (he has trust issues) but how do I go about this?! Advise? Please...?!

    5 AnswersSTDs10 years ago
  • Strange period this month?

    I went to the doctor on Monday because I thought I had strep throat, but it turned out to be a viral infection. But anyways, I mostly stayed in bed until Friday. Didn't eat much during those days and then yesterday I noticed a brown discharge. Its very light. It carried into today, and now its a bit heavier. I usually don't get my period at this time of the month (I usually expect around next week?) Could this be my period? Is this my period or what is this? This has never happened before. Its really light and brownish colored. Usually my periods are really heavy and bright red colored. Help!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • How to handle rude friends?

    Lately I broke up with a bf type guy. I was kind of in a slump and pretty sad. I was really upset and made some mistakes that I regret. I have 2 best friends but recently they have started acting rude. They constantly bring up the mistakes I made and dwell on them. One of them constantly comments negatively about everything. No matter what it is she has to say something bad even if I tell her it upsets me. How am I supposed to handle these friends? I still love them but I don't want them to be so negative!

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is up with my hair?

    For some reason my hair has been getting really oily. I'm not sure what it is! Sometimes I was it in the morning and by night it will be oily! I don't know what it is! And also after I shower my hair is really tangled. It takes a long time to brush and sometimes the tangles keep coming back. I use shampoo and conditioner. Anyone know why my hair is doing this?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • What if you had a religion all about cheese?

    Ok, I don't care if you say this is totally stupid, I am curious.

    So, say you made a religion all about cheese. You wrote a bible about cheese called the "Cheese-le" and made churches out of cheese. It would be against your religion to kill a cow because they are the holy givers of cheese and you had to eat cheese everyday. Then some Christians, Muslims, and a small number of Buddhists come to your church made of cheese and burn it down. They melt the cheese and eat it with their giant soft pretzels and nachos. You are outraged. Would you sue them or start a war like many other religions have started?


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are school lunches really that healthy?

    Our school is all for "healthy eating". I find that really hard to believe, because the school lunches really don't seem that healthy. We always have three choices: Pizza, Taco, or main meal which is random things every day. You can only get fruit or vegetable not both unless you want to pay the extra 80 cents per day. How healthy is that?

    They hand out cookies and rice crisp bars to the kids and even let kids take up to 2 extra pieces of pizza, chicken, or whatever the meals are that day. Which is too much in my opinion. The lunches aren't organic or healthy. The nachos are greasy and so are the burgers. Should I complain or just keep it to myself. Do you think the lunches will improve? I'm not slamming the lunch ladies or even the school. I'm just questioning why they are telling us we are eating "healthy".

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • **Ladies only please**?

    Okay, so. My breast has a little scab on the nipple. I was wearing a loose bra today and I scratched it this morning could that be? I'm a teenage girl. It doesn't hurt that bad it's just scratchy against my shirt. It's kind of embarrassing...

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Samsung Juke: Love it or hate it?

    I love my Juke. It's teal and great. The cases are really cute and it's easy to open. Also it's small. Most people think it's hard to open and too small, I don't. I can't handle huge phones they bug me! What's your opinion? Do you have one? What color?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Beijing Welcomes You?

    Does anyone know where I can get this song:

    It's a song that was sung 100 days prior to the Olympic games in Beijing and it's so peaceful. I looked all over i Tunes and I couldn't find it at all! I love it so much. I want it so bad. Do you know where I can buy it or download it?

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Ripped off on a camcorder from Best Buy!!?

    I've been ripped off by Best Buy!

    I went to Best Buy with my dad to buy a camcorder. I've been waiting for months to get a camcorder. That day we find one that's good for the whole family. We ask the guy if it's Macintosh compatible and he says yes. I also ask him if I can put YouTube videos on it, he again says yes. About a week later we go back (today). We buy the camcorder and supplies. I'm really excited. I get it home and my dad looks at the manual. Turns out it's only Macintosh capable for photos! Just photos no videos. We were ripped off. I'm sure we can return it but do you think we should report this guy? Do you know and Macintosh converters for Panasonic?

    I don't know what to do! It has made me so mad! I'm about to burst!

    12 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • This song... {best answers gets 10 pts.}?

    It's a really peaceful voice of a woman. The first part talks about "your curly-Qs and blue eyes" and growing up. Then the chorus talks about "waves will crash down, storms will go through" or something like that. It's really pretty.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Summer a wasting...?

    Hey. This summer has been miserable. There as only been about 2 nice days. I have been off for about 3-4 weeks now. I have done nothing. I have gone to one week of drama camp and that's it.

    Most summers at this time I would be riding my bike, enjoying long days at the pool, and hanging with my friends. But this summer there is no good weather. Thunder storms, rain, and tornado warnings. I have no ride until 6:00 pm and all my friends lazy bums. They can't come over or give me a ride. My friend lives down the street but she is always "busy". This is my worst summer so far. I really want to play softball but are games are getting rained out! Last night we played but it was so rainy it was hard to see the ball.

    Ugg. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • My friend...?

    Is afraid of a lot of things. Like water slides, the deep end, diving boards. She doesn't like bugs and she only likes ankle biter dogs. She is afraid of a lot of things. That's all I'm saying.

    How do I convince her to face her fears sometimes. I do things she likes that don't interest me so I feel bad when she doesn't do things I like because she doesn't like them or she is too "afraid". How to I help her and remind her that I do things that she likes the don't interest me and that she should do things that I like once and awhile.

    I'm not bossy it just gets annoying sometimes.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Friend's new hair?

    My friend is getting a new hair-do! It's exciting because my mom is doing it. (She's a hair stylist) And I just wanted to get an opinion. My mom said it will look cute...

    She is getting a hair cut:

    Long strips of hair that are very long ("bangs") in the front and the rest of her hair is short in the back.

    She is getting it colored:

    She is getting her hair dyed black with electric blue or red streaks. Maybe highlights we're not totally sure.

    PS: this is japanese harajuku inspired so don't saw she's goth!! her fave color is pink!!!

    lol... be nice. :] peace out! <3

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • My braces are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I just got bottom braces. Yesterday they didn't hurt and I ate some pizza. Last night I almost cried my eyes out trying to eat dinner. I took pain releiver and asprin and it didn't help. Today it hurt to brush my teeth. I pushed down on a tooth screamed and started crying is this normal? And I need something to eat! I am going to the gas station in a minute and need something to eat! HELP!

    18 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • My braces are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I just got bottom braces yesterday. I got them at nine o clock they sorta hurt like a hour later and at school no problem I even ate pizza. Then last night I almost cried eating rice! They are so sore. I have tooken asprin and pain releiver but that didn't help at all. And now I am going to the gas station near my house to cathch lunch and well what am I supposed to eat. And right now while I'm typing my jaw is getting sore!

    11 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • I just got The Simpson's Road Rage...?

    For Gameboy Advance and how do you unlock all the people and places you can drive at?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ok so I just got a BRAND NEW Mac Computer...?

    And it has a web cam built in like most new ones. I really want to post a video of me singing a song and I don't know how too. But the guy who set it up said that I could make a video. So... could some one PLEASE!!! tell me how to work this webcam thingy!

    Thanks, Emily L


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that these people are being mean?

    I asked this question...

    And people started being rude to me! I was just asking a QUESTION!

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago