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why does the us govt cover up rapes and murders of women in the army by us soldiers or contractors in iraq?


there was a black girl..severely beaten acid poured in her vagina shot in the left side of the head. she was found dead in a haliburton tent. this was deemed a suicide by the us army. she was right handed. the acid in her vagina was to destroy dna evidence by the murderer.. she didnt commit suicide.. the govt is lying to us.. the us army is covering for murderers.. also there is a website by female vets and contractors who have been drugged and raped in iraq.. and the us govt does nothing.

Update 2:

oh and the body was set on fire to hide the crime ..

suicide? .. arent you tired of the lies?

i'm sick and tired of the lies....

Update 3:

this young woman joined the US army to serve her country.. and she got tortured raped and killed and worst of all that very army is now calling it a sucide.. who do we fire.. how do we change this evil that exists in the us army and us govt?

how do we stop the lies....

Update 4:

it is on the news.. the family came on the news.. they were featured on democracy now.

this happend it's a fact.. if it's not in the mainstream news.. that's another outrage you might put up against your preconceived notions that our govt and media is not corrupt.

Update 6:

gem how do you justify the govts lies and coverups. you blame women? few bad apples justify the lies and corruption and protections the govt gives a rapist and a murderer?

i guess we're not talking about the same thing here.. i'm talking about a rotten corrupt govt/military. rapes in civilian life are investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.. no one gets away with rape and murder if we can possibly help it.. we'll spend millions to convict.. but in the military they lie.. and cover it up.. they protect rapists and murderers of our children we entrusted to them to serve our country... the worst crime here is not the rape and murder.. it's the betrayal by the us govt to it's best citizens that came to risk their life to serve it. that's the true horror here.

Update 7:

and i assure y ou.. this rape and murder.. was "not" false .. so quoting me statistics about other things are meaningless.. this girl was tortured .. raped.. murdered.. then they tried to hide the evidence with acide and starting a fire.. then the govt says it was suicide .. hahahhahahahahha...

oh my god... that is MY govt?:???? holy moly.. things are worse than i thought..

Update 8:

and no.. no no.. this NEVER has happend in civilian life.. in civilian life.. people are arrested.. crimes are investigated.. and a murder is called a murder.. not covered up by the prosecution and govt.

Update 9:

women should be able to.. and have the right to.. and the security to .go safely anywhere a man can go...

saying women dont belong in iraq is sexist, they are as equally capable as a man if they meet the militarys requirements to fufill the positions they serve in. so i reject all your blame you put on women.. blaming the victim does not justify what our govt has done here.. lied to the people.. lied to the family to protect a murdering rapist.. i'm tired of the govt lies.. govt lying shoudl be a capital crime.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because this is the type of morally bankrupt scum bucket that you can get to run a war of this sort.

    Decent people don't do things like you have described but decent people don't invade other people's countries to steal treasure and oil and justify it by making up outright lies about weapons of mass destruction. Decent people don't sponsor the murder of tens of thousands of civilians. Decent people don't torture and rape and kill a civilian population in a country they are meant to be liberating. So I guess that means that there are no decent people at the top of the US military because this is exactly what they are doing.

    Bush and co are the lowest group of cowardly murdering scum balls since Hitler and Co.. They are as bad as the Nazis. They might even be worse than the Nazis because they have been getting away with it for a lot longer. The world sees them for what they are now. It has lowered America's status in the eyes of the world and will take many decades to recover from.

    The people of the US need to realise that your faltering economy and crumbling social structure has left your society very vulnerable to the displeasure of the rest of us. When we decide to stop dealing with you economically your society will collapse. It is on the brink now. Last days of the Roman Empire, remember? (Republicans excused from answering this question as we realise you don't read, especially not world history)

  • 1 decade ago

    Listen, stop with the rant. If you will believe a weblog, excuse me a blog, then you can believe anything....

    I work in JAG paralegal and was the senior brigade NCO

    I worked in Criminal Law

    I investigated over 60 'rapes', sexual assaults and improper conducts for all branches and to include civilians and local national and the Iraqi Army and Police.

    I worked with the Army and Air Force CID and the Navy NCIS.

    Out of all my cases and all the ones for neighboring bases, we had only 2 rapes in all of Anbar Province during the 14 months we were there. And they were suspect and lack hard evidence. Most of the other stuff were folks who got caught and 'changed' their mind in mid-stroke or were married or other factors. Not to say things don't happen....but don't come here saying the WHOLE military and government is to blame unless you have the whole case here in front of you.

    I hope what happen didn't happen to her and if it did, they have caught the criminal(s) and max their punishment out.

    So stop with the we cover up crap....

    Source(s): US Army JAG NCO
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have the full facts of this case but I am going to state my opinion. I believe that any of these people working for the Govt Contractors that have been hired ought to be subject to any rules and laws as they're military counterparts. I believe they are operating without much oversight and I have read about many stories of abuses. Commit a crime while employed overseas? Get ready for prison.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a shame that this kind of thing happens but are you not aware that it happens in civilian life also?

    I think it also hurts that for every 10 rapes investigated by CID that about 7 of them are false. These women that cry rape because they don't want to get caught cheating by their husbands are the ones that are hurting the women that are really in this situation.

    When things like this happen there are punishments in the military just like civilian life. We have prisons here too.

    Source(s): CID
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Launcher Dawg or Duck Hunter for Air Defense Artillerymen ADA

  • 6 years ago

    lol at the jag.. a woman has even been kidnapped.. (to be killed) and called from a shipping container she was locked in to a congressman to liberate her. adn this young lady murdred and covered up by the army was made into an hour long tv show describing it. i dont know what world if illusion you belong to .. but your fos.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For the same reason the democrats running Maryland and the City of Baltimore have decided to HIDE the rate of crime from Illegal Aliens....

    When an illegal alien is arrested in Baltimore, it is recorded as a crime done by a CAUCASIAN.... not a Hispanic.

    This is how the boy-governor O'Malley continues to promote Maryland and Baltimore as "sanctuary" cities. His "evidence" is that all the illegals are "law abiding" because they aren't having their crimes tracked.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have a credible reference to support your allegations?

    Or are you just repeating rumors and BS?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women shouldn't be in the military.

    well at least they shouldn't be out in the field.

    Your bad by the way.

    oh yeah.

    how about you organize your rant and learn proper grammar then we'll talk.

    In the mean time, go back to your kitchen to cook and clean.

  • 1 decade ago

    do you really think a family is going to let this happen to their loved one and not be all over the news? you must be smoking crack. many sexual assualts are not reported. if this event really happen, her family would of been all over the news talking about it. if they send soldiers to jail for mistreating iraqi prisoners what makes you really tihnk they are going to let some folks go that rape and murder a service member?

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