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Obama Supporters: Are you ever...?

... tempted to sink to the level of the other side? After seeing all the questions about the fraudulant Maureen Dowd (or Doud)column "exposing" Obama's fundraising, I was half tempted to counter it with some absurd story about someone "exposing" McCain's brainwashing in Vietnam and how he would be controlled from Hanoi (from Robert Novick). Then I came to my senses, and realized I support Obama in part because he rejects that kind of sleazy politics. But am I the only one who occasionally finds it hard to take the high road against opponents in the gutter?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really don't think there is a need. I think America is tired of that kind of sleaze. I know I am. McCain himself has actually done a pretty good job of keeping things civil. I respect both the candidates greatly, but I think Obama will be a better president.

    I can't believe someone would drop support because Obama didn't visit troops in Germany. What a lame reason! What about the wounded troops he visited in the US? Do you think he just decided to start hating wounded troops?

    I can hear it now!

    Obamas advisor: What time to you want to see the wounded troops?

    Obama: Those chumps? You see one wounded soldier you've seen 'em all! Plus they look all stupid with the bandages and tubes and stuff. GET A LIFE WOULD YOU?


    Better not vote for Obama! HE HATES AMERICAN HEROES AND PUPPIES!

    (I'm an Iraq War/combat veteran if that gives me a little credibility.)

  • 1 decade ago

    This does not happen to me because I remain focused in the change I want and strongly expect.

    Retired...Did not you hear that Obama's visit to the military base was prohibited by the dept. of defense/ the government?

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean the way Obama took the high road while sitting in Rev Wrights church for 20 years listening to him trash America and white people.

    Obama will not win. It's impossible. Too liberal, too phoney, too inexperienced, and too black. Sorry

  • 1 decade ago

    No one has to vote for a lesser of any evil. There are other Presidential Candidates to choose from that you might actually agree with 100%.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with you. I have to bite my tongue, metaphorically, every day. I try to ignore the ignorant, but slander ticks me off. I do get a kick out of the HYPOCRISY of the Right wing, Good Christians that they claim to be,ignoring the teachings of their Lord to spout hateful lies in the name of MORALITY.Just report them and move on!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He rejects sleazy politics? lol Son, put the kool aid down and turn on the light. He is sleazy politics just like McCain and all the others. There is NOTHING special about Sen. Obama. Same old, same old.

  • 1 decade ago

    As an Afro American and loyal supporter of Senator Obama until yesterday, when he opted to not visit my fellow soldiers in German.

    Worse, his spin docs tried to say it was he should not go due to it might be construed as conflict of interests. That is baloney, any politican can visit troops anytime anywhere, as long as NO PRESS comes along.

    He lost a damn good vote and strong supporter with that move.

    Shame on him.

  • 1 decade ago

    One world order, one world religion, surrendering to our enemies, negotiating with terrorists?? This is what Barrack Hussein Obama represents amoung other radical themes. Wake up and love your country again, if you ever did.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are truly funny... apparently you haven't been reading all the post.. there are many sleazy remarks made by Obama supporters.. especially the joke we know as the American Press.. Open your eyes and take off your blinders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can you support Obama?

    Unless you are an ultra-liberal??

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