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Applying at a place I used to work?

I left my job with a local govt about 2 and a half years ago because they were changing the scope of the program I worked with and I didn't feel super safe (I had to do inspections of clients homes). So I looked and found a private group that paid much better. But, it also meant weekends and a little longer hours and fewer holidays. Plus, the kicker-the person I was supposed to replace in 6 months decided not to leave and he is realy negative person who makes the whole office miserable. So I saw an add today for a position with my former place that is something I would like and have had training for and could do. Plus back to a M-F 9 to 5 hour for lunch, all holidays off and great benefits. So, should I apply and how do I do that short of saying "I made a mistake and want to work for the government again". I did leave on good terms and the person who replaced me was someone they re-hired after leaving 7 years prior.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you left on good terms there shouldn't be an issue. Sounds like you were doing well and were respected. If they re-hired a former employee before, there should be no issue with you coming back. Sometimes you find that making more money doesn't mean a better job. I too, have discovered the same thing recently. I am about to re-join my old team. I am actually applying for my father's old job at Sharpe Army Depot.

  • Modest
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you should apply. If they ask why you want to come back, tell them you're time working for the private company helped you to realize that the govt organization was a better fit for you and you know you'd be happy working for them again.

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