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Anonymous asked in TravelEurope (Continental)Turkey · 1 decade ago

If Cyprus never achieves the reunification, so why Greece and Turkey don't unify with their respective part ?

Why doesn't Greece decide to officially integrate South Cyprus in its territory ?

Why doesn't Turkey decide to officially integrate North Cyprus in its territory.

Everyone can give his opinion, but I will report anyone who insults or doesn't respect the other part ...

PS : I think it's wise to mention that I am not Turkish, but Assyro-Chaldean born in Mardin,Turkey...I was naturalized Belgian, and I share my living between Belgium,France and Luxembourg.

PS : I have friends in both nations, I am Christian like Greeks, and I can understand some Turkish language...Therefore I suppose I may be considered as relatively neutral..

13 Answers

  • anlarm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Allow me to say that most of the problem/conflict arose just because of this: outsiders interfering and/or offering opinions.

    Cyprus, can and will re-unify, taking into consideration all those tragic events that had taken place. A lot of Cypriots (Turkish and Greek) are willing for such a re-unification. However, a few (and loud for that matter) fanatics are Cyprus. Most Greek Cypriots, although they still consider Greece as their motherland, consider enosis a long gone romantic dream; not feasible, not rational.

    The same goes for most Turkish Cypriots. Joining 'motherland' Turkey will not be so beneficial for either north Cyprus, or Turkey. Although there is a unilaterally declared TRNC in the north, no one recognizes it (not even Turkey, officially. Can anyone give me the date and number of the TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly) resolution that Turkey recognizes TRNC?), and no one ever will. If you know just a little bit of international law, you know why.

    Cyprus is not Kosovo, nor Palestine. It's a different situation. Anyway Kosovo will never be a member of UN.

    The best solution to the problem is a bi-zonal, bi-communal federally unified Cyprus. We Cypriots are capable to work that out, provided outsiders do not try to mpose ideas or provoke either side.

    Some day, after the re-unification of Cyprus, Turkey will integrate with the whole island when she joins EU as well. "And all shall be well, and all matter of things shall be well. We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive at where we started. And to know the place for the first time" (T.S.Elliot)

    edit: I see many people did not like what I said. I wish they could say if they are Cypriots or not. I am sure those thumbsdowns came from non-Cypriots.

    Source(s): I am a Turkish Cypriot who has been living with the Cyprus problem for 53 years. A prisoner of war during the summer of 1974, a refugee, a sufferer of the conflict, and a peace activist.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I will answer your question with numbers: 1. Greekcypriots are the 80% of the population in Cyprus and the TurkishCypriots are the 18%. (the other 2% are Latins, Maronites etc) 2. When Turkey invased in Cyprus took the 38% of the island. The occupation has been declared as illegal by the UN, USA, EU and by the International Court. 3. According to official countings the properties that the Greeks left in the North are 6 times more than those the Turks left in the South. Imagine something like this happening in Belgium, France or Luxembourg where you share your living ...

  • 1 decade ago

    today the free part of cyprus is one indepented part of greece. cyprus plan her strategy after greeks directions. also cyprus is something like crete! there are living people who have same history,language and religion with greeks. for many years cypriots want to become a part of greece. the majority was greeks and they were feeling greeks but today had borned one new civilaziation the cypriot which consist of turks and greeks. i think that if they achieve the reunification it will be very difficult for cypriot economy because the free part is very rich and the other part is very poor. also i can not imagine TODAY one country with turks and greeks. i can not imagine the situation in the island if greece and turkey have one warm episode. which place take the island? the greek part or turk part. we must understant that the reunification of cyprus have many promblems and it is very difficult the two sides to agree. but i think that cyprus must be two indepented countries the greek part and the turkish part. it is the better solution. i know that it is painfull for greeks but we must to accept it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many reasons:

    1. Cyprus was an independent state, with both Greek and Turkish population. The target of all negotiations is to return to that.

    2. The problem would be even greater for both countries, if the green line was in fact a border of Greece and Turkey.

    3. The integrations you propose are a casus belli for Greece and Turkey. If Turkey or Greece integrated part of Cyprus, this would mean war between the two countries.

    4. Cyprus is an autonomus state, a EU member, and being integrated by other countries is not necessary or wanted.

    5. What would anyone gain with this solution anyway? Apart from finalising an illegal occupation? Only the pseudo-state of Northern Cyprus would gain an official status.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm Turkish and I've never understood why Turkey and Greece want to claim Cyprus so much.

    I think the Turks and Greeks should unify and procreate! haha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is not a bad question at all and is actually pretty relevant to me as there is a conference coming up soon in the Republic of Cyprus (not Northern), and it looks like it would be wiser for me to enter with my American passport than my Turkish passport. I would not be nearly as hesitant with my Turkish passport were I to enter Greece itself. My Greek colleagues have told me that they welcome future neighborly collaborations and opportunities to work with Turkish colleagues, but my Turkish colleagues to whom I have mentioned the conference immediately note to me that they have only Turkish passports. :/

    To top things off, I already may have offended the Cypriot organizers when I responded to my Greek colleague, "You mean Greek Cyprus?" when he first gave me the news of the upcoming conference location. He said, "No, just Cyprus." Then I said, "Oh, so, I won't have any passport difficulties?" Then he said, "Hmm.. You have an American passport, don't you?" Yeah, "just" Cyprus, indeed.

    Maurice: Vasiliki and anlarm have said it best. For many people it would really un-complicate matters if Cyprus was really *just* Cyprus, not so obviously divided along ethnic/religious/linguistic lines.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let them carry on as independent states. The smaller the easier to micromanage. Citizens of smaller countries are almost always better off if the country is not particularly badly governed.

    Since, as u say, u often visit Luxembourg I guess u must be seeing it first hand

    EDIT: BESIKTAS, trolling has never been that obvious

  • Çetin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    all the peoples in South and North Cyprus had not to forget what happened in Czechoslovakia - Yugoslavia and nowadays in Belgium (Valons and Flamans)

  • 1 decade ago

    Greeks think Cyprus has already united with Greece through the EU. Also, Turkey have never sought to annex North Cyprus, but want it to be recognized by the world as an independent country. More importantly, it is up to Cypriots, not Turkey or Greece, to decide what to do. So, everybody has to wait and see the results of the upcoming peace talks.

  • adv.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    why not?

    but i would like to mention that it would be stupid to unify from the Turkish perspective, coz Greek side will eventually need the Turkish coz their water supplies are getting used up so quickly and it is unuseful and expensive transporting water from Greece or using seawater... So, Turks should wait more.

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