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What do you think of Obama?

not "having time" to visit wounded troops?


Cherry D: Your link didn't work.

Update 2:

killer on the road: No kidding!

Update 3:

Leslie C: Stupid? Our tax dollars?

Don't think so!

These guys deserve better then that!

Update 4:

Bernie G: He had time to go to the gym, though.

Update 5:

Kukoc: Thank you for that.

Update 6:

Janny: That's what I thought.

Update 7:

JP: I quite agree with you.

Update 8:


POODLES: No, dear, I wish I was!

Update 9:

Bruno: Thumbs up on that one, & I have said so before!

God bless! <><

Update 10:

V: Please, if he really wanted to, he could have raised a 'stink' about it & found a way to get it done.

Is this the type of 'knuckle under' man you want for Pres.?

Update 11:

Joe B: What happens to the people teetering on edge? One little thing, & "oops" we're on Food Stamps, etc.!

Update 12:

Am. Pres. for Am.

I haven't trusted Am. Press much for some time.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    i think that should have been the number 1 goal of this trip, not just a vacation. it really sucks that in his candidacy he wont visit the troop how is he suppose to visit the troops if he is prez, then he wont have time. people would have understood he was late because he was visiting the troops. no excuses

  • 1 decade ago

    I think his proposed tax structure is gonna break the country!!! and why do we have to pay that much in taxes, Do all think its fair, that the rest of us should foot the bill so everyone can have a house!!!!!! all need to get out and get a job, more that one of needed!! I think his administration will surly ruin the nation!! look what pilosi is doing, the demo congress, has no sympathy, for the rest of us and the high gas prices, this will break most of the USA!!! Nancy pelposi needs to go, along with the rest of them!! how dare they!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was widely reported in the US that 200,000 “Germans” attended a speech by Obama in Berlin. A number that is probably at least double the number of people actually there. What was not reported that most of the people were there to see a huge rock concert not Obama. They also neglected to report that one of the core groups who actually came to see Obama were Muslim Turks. Berlin is 6% Muslim Turks, who are resident aliens.

    The German rock band Reamon is extremely popular all over Europe. Their hit single “Supergirl” was the most played song on German radio in 2000. The concert was organized by a group of European Socialists. Obama was made an “honorary member of Reammon” for the night. Obama came out on stage and gave his speech immediately after Reammon stopped playing.

    The US media intentionally misrepresented the entire days event to make Obama look good. Will you ever trust the US media again?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a shame he, or his handlers, made the choice not to go. Whether it was justified or not it was a stupid thing to do. The Republicans will make hay out of it for the whole election. And the troops will, rightly or wrongly,see it as a slight to them.

    This is one of the things I think the electorate should judge him on - it was a bad choice, despite his reasons.

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  • J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "The Pentagon said on Friday that it did not prevent an Obama visit.

    "Nobody denied Senator Obama the opportunity to visit our wounded being cared for at Landstuhl. Obviously, as a sitting senator, he has an interest in that and can certainly visit in an official capacity," said Bryan Whitman, a spokesman for the Pentagon, who added that there are "restrictions on what you can do as a candidate for political office, that stems from trying to maintain political neutrality and not have the military involved in politics."

    "The senator's staff was informed of the limits on what the military can do with respect to a political campaign and how we could support a senator's visit to Landstuhl and, quite frankly, I expected them to have the visit," Whitman said."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't like him when I voted for Hillary now I like him even less now. That being said, I am not a McCain supporter either. But I am more likely to vote form him than BO but will probably stay home or vote for Nader. I have also found out that Gravel will be on the ballot in my state and he may be the one that gets my vote in the end.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He has done more for the veterans and helping the troops then McCain or Bush so a visit that would require a bunch of addional security for him would not be great for the troops right now. Media coverage needs addional protection from our troops and keeps them from doing what they need to do, I think they would rather finish up leave sooner. Its just low talk nonsense from McCain who has nothing to give -just take and blame, notice when McCain went he did not want coverage, but then the one time he said how safe it was wearing helmets riding tanks around etc well okayyyyy,

  • GWB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think he is a nice guy.

    May mean well.

    But, he really never says anything. Just talks in general and never gets corned to give a straight reply.

    His wife scares the "hell" out of me.

    Just once, state an issue and stick with it.

    Tell me about you.

    I think the town hall meetings would be good for all parties.

    What do we really know?


  • 1 decade ago

    Narcicistic Marxist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahh, how i also wish Bush could have another term! Wow. Great question. To bad Obama will not be in the White House. He's horrible. An idiot. He has the political expierience of a grape. His main mission will be to increase welfare and food stamps for the low income. Nobody wants that and nobody cares about the people who receive it. Obama is for the minority, McCain is for the wealthy, the people who make at least 70,000 a year. I'm a big politician and met with several members of congress, both democrat and republican. They equally agreed on the fact that Obama will not be in office. They said the electoral college would never allow such a man in office, and that McCain has the election won already. Sorry folks, OBAMA SUCKS! Nobody in the political world likes him, he has no chance at winning. GO MCCAIN! Stupid democrats, all alike. Uneducated, and just plain retarded.

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