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Mad at RELIGION? I don't blame you....?

Are you aware that God never called anyone to a "religion?" Thats right. He calls us to BELIEVE what He says about His solving the REAL problem that mankind has...sin.

What do you think causes people to reject this wonderful offer of forgiveness and restoration? Is anger at God a proof that we all need what God has to offer?

What say you?

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you here, for people get confused between religion and Christianity.

    Religion is about man trying to be good enough for God.

    However, no one can be good enough or reach God's standard by their own merits.

    It is when we recognise that we need forgiveness through the death of Jesus on the Cross, so that we can have that burden of sin taken off of us, are we in a place to put faith and trust in the living God who created us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is an institution created by man. It has been twisted and manipulated in an attempt to control society. Many people have been burned by religion by not being able to conform to 2000 year old laws that may not apply in todays world. They take that anger and the feeling of betrayal out on God. I think most people equate God=religion. It is really two seperate things, God is God and religion is something man made to try to explain God while controlling the masses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know where you're coming from with this but the word religion gets beat up on too much, and there are good AND bad definitions to it........definition number 3 (below) is the bad definition. It's okay to say "I'm of the Christian religion" but if you reduce it down to a bunch or braindead ceremonies, rituals, etc.....then you have a problem. But the word "religion" is not automatically bad.

    1 a: the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

    2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

    3archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness

    4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i can't get mad at a god that would not exist and, as to the 2d element of your question, faith is blamed for wars through fact faith has, in the time of history, been the direct clarification for almost all of all of the wars ever fought, and it relatively is nevertheless taking place immediately.

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  • Pazuzu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not mad at religion, I just don't see any need for it. Why do people like you assume that just because someone rejects your religion they must be mad at it? Or better yet, they must be mad at god? Clue in, I don't believe in your god, therefore I can't be mad at him. There isn't one shred of credible evidence to support your "wonderful offer of forgiveness and restoration."

  • 1 decade ago

    Sin, defined as offending the imaginary sensitivities of an imaginary deity, is as unreal as God Himself. I don't need to be forgiven because I am not responsible for the imaginary sins of humanity's ancient ancestors. Neither is it possible for me to actually sin today. When Christians can provide some valid evidence for the meaningful existence of their imaginary God, I will reconsider whether I require forgiveness for being a human being.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do what I want, how I want, when I want, worship me or burn for all eternity. Now that's a loving god.

    Sending bears to kill children for making fun of a bald man, killing the first born children of Egypt, Lot's wife for turning her head (which she probably did on purpose to get away from Lot), forcing Midianite soldiers to kill each other...forgiveness and restoration from a god that killed over 2 million thanks.

    It's a good thing it's fiction.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your right ,religion is man made,,Christ offer,s

    Salvation to all who will recieve it,,

    it,s what God and Jesus say,,thats why we should worry

    about not what man say,s,,

    man has put a lot of thing,s into the word that

    God did not say,thats why we need to read his word,

  • 1 decade ago

    religion is just one of mans creations. it is funny they refuse to admit the blame. nice thing refusal doesn't change reality.

    Yes i am aware of what religion is.

    i think it's because it has been tangled to religion- which again is human thinking! i believe all humans need is to identify this.

    anger at God is proving we are limited. Therefore,there exists higher limits that humans cannot attain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no such thing as sin.

    There is right and wrong, of course, but why would God give a damn if you sleep with another consenting adult?

    Religion is man made asinine dogma.

    Why would God need to be worshiped? Is your god that insecure that he has to resort to threats to control the masses?

    No one needs salvation. Most souls cross over and there is not even one idiotic religion that makes a bit of difference.

    In fact, any religion that claims to be the only way to God, IS A LIE!!!!!!!

    The buy-bull is 100% man made crap!!!!!

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