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Who has brought out the best in your character?

I grew up in an abusive family, one so bad I won't describe them.

By age 18, I nearly killed myself. I ended up becoming a Christian and that turned my life 180 degree's opposite to my family. I made my first real friends among Christians and all my biggest influences were Christians.

Do you have one, special person who influenced you for good? Who was it and how did they influence you?


Please rein it in folks, I am asking this because I want to know. I can't help it if I met Christians and they helped and you met psuedo-christians and they messed up! ALTHOUGH - I'm really sorry that happened to some of you, that stinks!!!

Update 2:

MIGUEL and OTHERS - Let me challenge you to edit your answer and tell me WHO DID influence you in a good way!? Are you saying NO ONE ever helped you become more??? (if that's so, I feel very sorry for you)!

Update 3:

THANKS, Ryan, Mac and Maars, I love to hear the awesome things God has done to heal/help you in life!!! =)

Update 4:

Eva B and LifeonLoan, Thank you for sharing your stories - I LOVE to hear about how someone can make such a difference. I'm so glad God kept me around and gave me a chance to have my two daughters. They mean everything to me. I hope to be one of their mentors!

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thank God for you! You are here for a reason. Please know that.

    My Grandmother taught me how to love. I did not know what is love. And to cry. Crying is not a weakness.

    Walk in others shoes & never criticize.

    She never had a meal until all of he family had eaten. She ate what was let over. That is on the small scale, but in all things, she serves her self last.

    She gave of her self without annonimously. Never looking for reward.

    She prayed without stopping.

    She was a warrior.

    I was blessed to have her as my mentor.And my Gramm. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    What a great post :)

    Jesus is the One that keeps pressing onwards with me.

    Prior to Him entering my life, He was still present although veiled in the person of my mother as we were very close. She understood forgiveness and reconciliation like no other person I have known.

    My parents are both deceased - one 9 years, the other 28 years. Many times, all these years later, I am blown away by the mercy shown me throughout my life

    There were things that I encountered outside the family, that for reasons you'll understand, don't need to be divulged here.

    Praise God for His deep and abiding love for you

  • Mac
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Thanks, LeslieAnn for a great question in this trashheap.

    Like you, I was raised with a lot of pain. I nearly died twice in my 30's. In all these years, the people I've been moved by, the people I've admired the most, the people I've learned from the most. . .have been Christians.

    As for one person. . . I would have to say someone I spent a lot of time with while young. . . a sort of substitute parent, when I was living far from home. This person was strong as steel mentally, and kind, softspoken, humble, confident in themselves, laughed a lot. Prayed openly - but never ever pushed it on you. This person just was, and you could join them or not. They taught by example. Not by preaching. This had an enormous effect on me.

    As for who has brought out the best in my character. . . it has honestly been God, through my prayers.

    ANGAFAEBETA: My dogs have made me better too. There is a bumper sticker that says: God, lplease help me be the person my dog thinks I am.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Praise God that you found Christ!!! yes, I had two mentors who were both very helpful at different times in different ways. I needed them so much and God brought them into my life. They were Janice and Pat and were both filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. They had a lot of love and good advice. Janice introduced me to the Charismatic movement. I later joined a Pentecostal church which preaches the whole counsel of God. I was brought up in a church that had no answers and this church has answers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus as reflected in the love, spiritual beauty, kindness, grace, and peace of so many wonderful Christians.

    "The Sisters of Mercy,

    They are not departed or gone,

    They were waiting for me,

    When I thought that I just could not go on."

    Leonard Cohen

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sue Watkins. She was wise. She was cynical. She was beautiful. And she was witty.

    She was real. In every aspect that she approached life. Even when she gave birth to a child that ended up with severe health problems.

    She's still beautiful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My grandson, whom I call "the Hammer".

    While rearing his mother, I was concerned with making a living, teaching, and providing. When she pulled the pots and pans from the cupboards, I was worried about the mess.

    He was my reward. He was my chance to slow down, relax and see the creativity of playing with pots and pans.

    By the time Hammer was born, I had learned how to be a mother! My children made me a mother, but it took my grandson to make me a........grand.....mother, when he has a child, I will be a 'great' and 'grand' mother!

  • 1 decade ago

    For me, it's been every horse I've ever come into contact with. They've been true mirrors of my emotions and have shown me how to be a better human because of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My script writer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    He saved me when I lost all hope.Now I have

    a real relationship with Jesus

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