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What do you do when it's 6 weeks before the wedding & your financee has been taking Viagra behind your back?

I'm upset that he lied. He can talk to me about anything. I've only known him 3 months. I think I'm in shock.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK so you are marring a guy that you've known 3 months? Granted I have know it to work for meany couples but why are you surprised you didn't know the whole truth. you havent known eachother long enough for him to feel that comfortable to tell you. And maybe he was hoping to fix the problem before it was a problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regardless of the viagra, only knowing each other 3 months is good enough reason to push back the wedding a good year. You REALLY have to know someone and know all the intimate details about someone before you can make an informed decision on whether or not to marry them. He probably didn't want to tell you because he's not at that comfort level with you yet, which is a huge indicator you two are not ready to get married. What's the rush?

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah, he's probably just embarrassed, that's all. I mean, it's not like he cheated on you or anything- he's just a little embarrassed about having to take medication for a very personal, private problem. I mean, I'm sure you don't talk to him in detail about every little feminine problem you have (at least I hope you don't- nothing like yeast infection talk to turn a guy off!!) Think of all the embarrassing "down-there" problems you've ever had- are they something you'd discuss with anyone, even the man you're spending your life with? For a man, erectile dysfunction is an extremely sensitive topic, and he probably just figured that what you didn't know about the Viagra wouldn't hurt you. You see it as a breach of trust, but I guarantee that he sees it as something that really isn't your business. Maybe he thought that if he told you about it, you'd feel like it was something you were doing wrong, or that he didn't find you attractive or something. I think he was just trying to protect you, and it was a little misguided. Give the guy a break!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you have only known him for this amount of time, these things are going to happen, before and after the wedding.

    You may want to postpone the wedding for now. Tell him that you want to be engaged for longer so that the stress isn't so high. Live with him for a couple months, plan the wedding for next year.

    Slow down take some time. If he's lying to you about this, there could be more. I don't want to sound negative but these things need to be worked out before you say i do.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you've only known him for 3 months, at what point did he propose to you? weddings take a long time to plan, so I'm guessing after 2 months, maximum. You really can't expect anyone to know everything about someone in that kind of time. Also in terms of the viagra, he is doing it for your benefit, so don't complain. Also, how did you find out? were you snooping in his things or did he admit it to you? Either you shouldn't have been snooping in his things or he felt alright to go and talk to you about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe the fact that you met and are getting married within 6 months is part of the reason he doesn't share actually share with you. You are about to commit the rest of your life to this person and a little viagra is upsetting you?

    I think it's obvious to everyone reading this that you rushed into something way too fast.

  • VCL
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is the kind of thing that happens when you rush into a marriage. You don't know your partner very well at all. I would suspect that there are probably a lot of other things you don't know about him. I would hold off several more months on the wedding and get to know each other a lot better.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're having second thoughts over a little thing like this, it's probably best if you postpone the wedding until things feel a little more solid. It may be that your hesitating for reasons beyond the viagra.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand you being upset that he lied, so it makes you wonder if he's lying about anything else. But you have to think about it this way--taking viagra could be a way to 'suprise' you on the honeymoon! Don't make a drama session about it, just politely ask him why he kept it from you.

    It's nothing to worry about if he has never lied to you before. But if he does it quite often, you should look into it!

    Hope I helped, good luck!!!

  • oy vey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So he's been taking viagra and you don't even know him-why are you in a relationship?

    Honestly you have no business getting married.

    Good luck.

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