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Please help me is this Tacky?

I am 26 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. My children ages are 13, 4 and 14 months old. I want a baby shower. I never got one for my first two and for my last child I was given a baby shower by my co workers at lunch.

Well I have told several people I want to do my own baby shower in about 8 weeks at my house and invite my close friends and several close co workers over and have nice brunch and some shower games. Well I was told that is tacky I already have kids and it is just being greedy. Well my registry is very simple because I have alot of things from my last baby so its not like I am saying buy me this or gimmy gimmy gimmy. I just want my pregnancy celebrated and it is my last I will not be having anymore babies so why not celebrate with people I love. Do you guys my Yahoo friends think I should do this shower for myself or should I just let it go.



36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go for it. Let the 'tacky' thinkers stay home. We are having one for our third and unexpected child. Its been 6 years since our last. All the baby stuff is either outdated (seats you shouldn't reusue), wore out, thrown out or donated. We saved a few things. But not a whole lot. She didn't get a shower with the first 2 and her new sister in law is throwing her one and everyone is behind it. They realize things wear out, get donated or you just don't want to use a nasty slobbered on 6 years ago baby toy. Have fun enjoy.

    Source(s): Living it currently
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    wow. you didnt have any with your first two...and your third child was given a shower by your co workers? what kind of friend would begrudge you the right to celebrate your babys impending birth with a shower! your family and REAL friends should have no problem with it. and etiquette has changed on baby showers a great deal- my cousin too has 4 children, had showers for ALL 4 and i went and brought a fabulous gift for all 4. why? because shes my cousin and shes my buddy and i love all of her kids equally. I dont care if she had a shower before, and whoever told you it was tacky i wouldnt invite. call it a final baby shower "the last baby bru-ha-ha" if you have to. I would go to your 4th baby shower. and the people who love and care about you will too. every new mom needs something special, even if this isnt your first time down the baby road. HAVE A GREAT SHOWER and dont let people down you! good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask your mom to do a small, simple shower for you. I've got several ideas

    A) You could have a diaper party. You throw a BBQ and invite friends and family. They in turn bring diapers. You can have an RSVP and ask for certain sizes.

    B) You could have a charity party. Pick a charity and instead of receiving gifts ask that a small donation be made. You can set up an account with the charity to make it easy for your guests. They can do it or not.

    I think that expecting gifts or having a registry at this point will come off as tacky. Instead make it a celebration of the new member of your family.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't understand why having a baby shower would be tacky. Look at it this way, it's basically a gathering of some of your best friends, eating great food and having a fun time. Yes, the presents are a plus, but make sure your friends know ahead of time that, "Hey, this isn't about the presents, it's about celebrating the birth of a new being into the world!!" Showers are SO much fun and you can never have too many socks and shirts and blankets for a baby, so shower on!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My sister in law just had a baby shower for number three and it was not tacky at all and noone thought so? She wrote a poem for the invites that stated it was her third baby and she wanted to celebrate it with close friends and family - good food and good company. It was a great idea to use the poem, it also included a line about gifts being welcomed but for people to come anyway even if they didnt have one. She was definitely showered with gifts, everyone loves buying baby things, and it was a great day.

    So I say - go for it!!! Especially as you havent had a proper one yet, you deserve it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whomever said that it was tacky must be of an older generation. In the past when more things were handed down and cloth diapers were used and such, it was considered tacky as there really wouldn't be anything you would need. Now days it is not considered tacky. Kind of the same mind set as wearing white on your wedding. The older generation didn't think you should wear white if you weren't a virgin. It doesn't apply in todays world and neither does the rule about baby showers. Have a million if you want! LOL

  • People are outrageous...ignore the haters honey It is 2008!!! You do it how you want to do it I have a few friends that are throwing their own showers, not because they dont have friends or family that can do it, but because they want to do it their way & you know what? More power to them! You celebrate your babies life however you want to! Dont let people make you feel like you are doing something wrong When the music is going, the food is getting munched on, and everyone is mingling no one is going to give a rats tail who threw the shower, every1 will just be there to have a good time & celebrate life with you! There is no reason not to celebrate because no one has gotten on the ball, do your thing honey

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Times are changing, but many people do think that it is tacky. A baby shower is meant to not only celebrate the birth of a baby, but to help out a first time mother. If the purpose is to celebrate your pregnancy, then have a spa party with the girls and get a tummy massage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not have a friend celebration and just have a chance to tell all your friends how much they mean to you, pass out small gifts and tell them how much you want them to be in your child's life, how you want to celebrate this happy occasion with all of them but make it about your friendship and your love for them not presents for your baby, but i would not call it an out and out baby shower that is REAL tacky. I am from the south and as a southern women we follow those rules, but in the same way we throw Great parties....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's a WONDERFUL idea! And I think the fact that one of your friends, or a family member, hasn't stood up and took the reigns, so to speak, and put together a shower FOR YOU is tacky! It doesn't matter what you have left over from the past, as far as gifts go, it's a new baby and it should be honored just like the others should've been! Don't get me wrong.. I totally understand people don't ALWAYS have the money, but it won't cost that much as long as you keep it simple! Good luck and best of wishes to you and your new addition!

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